The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 248: 248

"What 100000 yuan passbook?"

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Chen Ge was stunned.

Immediately open the door, you can see that Su Ting is very anxious.

"Don't worry about it. I can use the money!"

Li laughs.

"What do you use? What do you have in your hand? I'll go. What are you doing with such a big check

Su Ting is in a hurry.

"This is money for Chen Ge! How can it be possible to buy a new car of two million yuan

Li Xiao said.

"Why not? What's wrong with making Chen GE's money? You Li Xiao, no one can pit, that is, you can pit him! Bring it to me! "

Su Ting snatched the check.

"Well, we sold the car for 1.8 million yuan, and gave Chen Ge 700000 yuan. We have to pay another 100000 yuan to introduce people."

Su Ting picked up the money again and saw the amount at the moment.

"1.1 million? Li Xiao, what do you mean? I see. You used it to collect it for Chen Ge. Then we lost 100000 yuan in this big business? You are out of your mind

With that, Su Ting anxiously picked up a bottle and smashed it directly at Li Xiaoxiao. However, she didn't hit the person and hit Chen GE's feet.

Li Xiao was also anxious, and they wanted to fight.

It's true that where the car sold for 1.85 million yuan, it's a matter of spending money to find out. It's because Li Xiao saw Chen GE's face unhappy last night. Is it hard to live without money.

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So I want to give Chen Ge money as soon as possible.

So Li Xiao would rather build some.

I have to help Chen Ge.

And Su Ting's bottle is obviously smashed to Chen Ge.

"You give me the check, I said, give Chen Ge 1.8 million, give it to me!"

"Why, I don't give it, we owe Chen Ge, and Li Xiao, in junior high school, if you hadn't been expelled from school because Chen Ge stabbed people, I could live with you like this. You were the first in our age at that time!"

Su Ting cried.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Li smile red face directly scold a way.

Chen Ge was stopped in the middle.

Yes, as soon as this matter is said, Chen GE's heart is a burst of pain.

He grew up with Li Xiao when he was young. Li Xiao's family was also poor. The so-called two people who are in love with each other are most likely to become confidants.

They are good friends. They study together.

And Li Xiao, who has excellent academic performance, likes to mix up.

Fighting is a common thing in grades.

Why did Chen Ge say his shadow was in high school instead of junior high school?

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Because Chen Ge was bullied less in junior high school, there was Li Xiao's reason.

And Chen Ge had a girl friend in junior high school.

At that time, they were not in love at that time. In short, they often wrote letters and other things.

On the whole, later, the girl was taken in by a very good student. Knowing that she had a good relationship with Chen Ge, she took someone to stop Chen Ge from school and wanted to beat Chen Ge.

Li Xiao and Chen Ge go together, Chen Ge was beaten that day, he helped Chen Ge fight together.

In a hurry, Li Xiao stabbed the boy with a knife.

No one died.

But Li Xiao was expelled from the school because of that.

After that, Chen Ge was beaten several times.

And then the girl became the one who got along well.

Chen Ge was afraid of girls in high school and university. She was shy when she met her. In fact, it had something to do with the shadow of the incident.

From then on, Chen Ge recorded Li Xiao's kindness in his heart.

After Li Xiao was expelled, he went out and didn't go home. In addition, after Chen Ge went out to study, Li Xiao changed his mobile phone number several times, and sometimes Chen Ge couldn't get in touch with him!

It can be said that Li Xiao's great future has been destroyed, and has a direct relationship with himself!

This is the reason why Su Ting is not satisfied with her eyes.

Su Ting is a very good girl. Her family runs a big supermarket in the town. She has money, but she never dislikes Li Xiao. She talks to Li Xiao from the first day of junior high school.

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Chen GE's impression of Su Ting is really good.

So no matter how Su Ting says about herself and how she treats herself badly, Chen Ge is not angry at all.

The main reason is that Li Xiao is doing well. Chen Ge is more happy in his heart!

After the two men were well advised.

Su Ting went to pick up breakfast.

While eating, she chatted with Li Xiao about all kinds of things before.

Chen Ge told Li Xiao that the Mercedes Benz big g was actually sent at the event.

But his identity, Chen Ge some tangled.

The main fear is that after telling Li Xiao, some of them are too sudden, for fear that the sincere brotherhood is gone.Of course, no matter what, Chen GE's coming back this time is bound to help Li smile. There's no problem!

"Well, Chen Ge, let me take all the money. How can I feel uncomfortable? My daughter-in-law is stable, but you haven't settled down there. It's different whether the girlfriend you talked about in Jinling City will marry you in the future. This money, you take the big head, I take the small head!"

Li Xiao still wants to give Chen Ge money.

But Chen Ge didn't want to say anything. He also said that Li Xiao would leave immediately.

Li Xiaocai did not entangle again.

"Hum, it's almost the same. With this money, you can grow up! It's also Chen GE's reward for you! "

Su Ting's face just had some joy.

After seeing that Li Xiaolian was not happy, she advised Li Xiao to say: "by the way, brother Xiaoxiao, a colleague who used to work with me, called me a few days ago and said that one of her best friends was in a hurry to get married. She asked me to introduce her to us. Otherwise, she would tell Chen Ge and let them have a kiss. If she really introduced me, she would like to introduce her Yes, Chen Ge won't have a family, so you can be regarded as a great help to Chen Ge! "

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Li Xiaoyi clapped his thigh and laughed: "well, Chen Ge, let's have a kiss. People are anxious to get married. As long as you get married, you can get married this year. Unlike the girl friend in the city you talked about, their vision is too high, and the family's vision is higher. It's really unrealistic!"

Li Xiao said with concern.

Chen Ge shook his head and said no.

"No, it's always good for you to have a look at a blind date. If you don't say you want to get married, you can talk about it if you think it's suitable, and don't talk about it if it's not suitable. That's right! Just make a friend

Li Xiao is really thinking about himself.

Because of this, Chen Ge can't refuse his brother.

Can't tell Li Xiao now, don't worry, I'm super rich second generation?

Then Chen Ge will die!

He nodded with a smile: "OK!"

See each other, just like Li Xiao said, the big deal is to make a friend.

"Ha ha, well, I'll do it now. The girl's home is from Ping'an County. Let's arrange a dinner party at noon!"

Su Ting is also very happy.

After breakfast, Su Ting asked Chen Ge to go back and change into nice clothes for preparation.

Chen Ge left.

Not long after leaving home, Li Zhenguo called again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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