The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 256: 256

"Deputy director Tang, you are also. Deputy director Lin is very happy. Don't beat her. Even the president may not be able to achieve such a large target, let alone Deputy Lin!"

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A woman who is close to Tang Lan said sarcastically.

Tang Lan complacently said: "yes, I said that deputy Lin can't have such a big ability!"

Lin Xiaofeng just smiles and doesn't speak.

And this time.



I saw a middle-aged man trotting all the way into the office, sweating.

A crowd of employees stood up and yelled.

"President Zhu, what's the matter? Look at the heat

Because of her husband's reason, Tang Lan has a good face here.

I didn't expect that president Zhu, who had always been polite to her, did not look at her at the moment and seemed to have not heard her speak.

She went straight to Lin Xiaofeng.

"Xiao Lin, you have made great contributions to our bank this time. I don't know how to thank you so much!"

President Zhu was obviously very excited.

"President Zhu, what's the matter?" Lin Xiaofeng thought of something, but still asked.

"Ha ha, in the past, Jinling commercial group, no, now it is dreamer business group. I dream of winning over their cooperation, but as a result, I can't even pull a small company under their direct control!"

"As a result, you have won more than 30 subsidiary companies and more than 60 enterprises financed by them. This data is still growing I don't know what to do? "

We can imagine the excitement of president Zhu.

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And don't say that Zhu Xinglong, Lin Xiaofeng is also scared at the moment.

She thinks that Chen GE's face can be attributed to one or two companies, but there are more than 30 directly affiliated companies and more than 60 financing companies?


This time, I'm afraid it's not as simple as being a director?

"Ha ha, I'm here to tell you that tomorrow we will formally sign a contract with them, so you have to go with me. However, the identity of your deputy is too inappropriate. I have already reported it to the superior. From now on, I propose you to be the preparatory vice president. It happens that Lao Liu will retire next month and you will fill the post! As for the position of the director, it will be vacant next month. In this way, you can take part-time jobs on both sides first, so you will be more tired! "

President Zhu said: "OK, you go to write the application, vice president and director of the application, I will give you approval later!"

"I I know president Zhu, thank you for your trust Lin Xiaofeng was so excited that she almost cried.

After president Zhu left, even Lin Xiaofeng didn't know what to do.


At this time, Tang Lan's Cup did not hold steady, fell directly on the ground, smashed.

She is dull.

"How could it be? How could that be possible? "

She whispered in disbelief.

You think, one of your deadly competitors, you have all kinds of advantages over her.

As a result, after fighting for a long time, people don't say that they have been promoted, but they have soared. In an instant, they are not at the same level with you. What's your taste in your heart!

"Congratulations to Lin Chu Oh no, congratulations to President Lin! "

All the people in the office burst into loud applause.

And Lin Xiaofeng, looking at Tang Lan's expression, smiles triumphantly.

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Then he found a number and dialed it at the first time:

"Chen Ge, thank you very much for this. Your friend Jinye is so proud! I'm now a vice president. Chen Ge, when you have time, Xu Xin and I will invite you to dinner again! You must come, Chen Ge

Lin Xiaofeng said so loud that someone would hear her.

"Good aunt Lin!"

Chen Ge nodded over the phone.

After a few words, Lin Xiaofeng hung up.

"You Who are you calling? Who did you say helped you

Tang Lan asked pale.

"Chen Ge, you are more familiar with me. Do you know who Chen Ge is? That's the guy who took 600000 cash that we discussed yesterday. He is now my daughter's good friend. He is very kind to my daughter! "

People in the office are familiar with it, so Lin Xiaofeng has no scruples about speaking.

"Wow! This is the son-in-law of the dragon! "

People envy the way.

"You You're talking nonsense. Chen Ge, how can he be so talented? You're talking nonsense

Tang Lan roared.

These words, like a sharp thorn in her heart.

"Ha ha, just think of me as nonsense. OK, OK, I'll talk nonsense!"

Lin Xiaofeng smiles happily.

And Tang Lan, a mouth of sultry blocked in the heart.

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She is also a 40 year old. She sees that fame and fortune are earned by her competitors, and Chen Ge, who is regarded as a dog who has lost her family, gives her.Regret, chagrin and jealousy add up to cry!

Let's talk about Chen Ge.

At the moment, Chen Ge is already in the hotel and has received a call.

It's Li Zhenguo.

"Chen Shao, I have two things to tell you!"

Li Zhenguo said.

"Mr. Li, tell me!"

"The master Xu's research on this jade pendant comes from Southwest China. I believe that the first one or two pieces of jade ornaments come from all over the country. I believe that the first one or two pieces of jade ornaments come from all over the country. I believe that the master has come to find some materials for the jade ornaments in Southwest China. I believe that he has made some progress in the field of jade ornaments

Li Zhenguo said.

"Southwest Well, let's wait for the final result. What about the second thing? "

Chen Ge is also very happy to hear that things have an eyebrow.

"The second thing is to ask if you are free tonight. Ha ha, the leaders attach great importance to our investment in Ping'an County and the large-scale development in Jinling City. We are going to inspect this afternoon. I held a reception in the evening. If you can come, we will show our respect for the leaders."

"Oh, who are the people here? I have time! "

Chen Ge asked.

"Director Huang Weimin, chief and deputy directors of Jinling City, as well as the major officials of Ping'an County, all come!"

"Well, I'll be there earlier that night."

Chen Ge said.

It's almost four o'clock now.

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I'm ready to go ahead.

At this time, Chen Ge remembered that he had made an appointment with Li Xiao to have dinner at night.

I can't go. I have to call him.

But how to call Li Xiao is not answered.

What's the situation?

Chen Ge gave Su Ting another call.

After calling twice this time, Su Ting got through.

But after answering, Chen Ge felt something was wrong.

Because Li Xiao is noisy there, as if someone is scolding.

Occasionally, Li Xiao's scolding and shouting came.

Su Ting speaks with a trace of anxiety.

"Chen Ge!"

"Su Ting, what's wrong? What's up there? "

Su Ting stopped and said, "it's Li Xiao. Someone came to smash our store. Li Xiao wants to fight with them. Now this group of people are still in the store!"

"Ah?" Chen Ge jumped up from the sofa with a wheel.

"Wait, I'll be right there!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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