The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 257: 257

When Chen Ge arrives, sure enough, Li Xiao's second-hand car shop has a lot of cars parked outside, and a group of people are making trouble here.

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As for the smash shop, Li Xiao's glass door was smashed.

In the distance, Chen Ge saw two familiar figures.

It's not the mother and daughter who are on a blind date.

As soon as he saw this, Chen Ge knew what was going on!

No wonder Su Ting doesn't let herself come.

Feelings, this is revenge.

"Damn it, it's him. This son of a bitch wants to run after hitting someone!"

And that shrew also saw Chen Ge at a glance, and then said with several people behind her.

Look at these people, they all seem to be mixed up.

The arms are full of dragon painting style, which is not easy to provoke.

They're probably twenty-six or seven years old.

They still have sticks in their hands.

And Li Xiao, holding two kitchen knives in his hand, although there are many people on the other side, Li Xiao doesn't mind at all.

The people over there, seeing that Li Xiao is a desperate man, dare not move first.

In a word, when the two sides confronted each other, no one dared to be the first to start.

"That's the son of a bitch who beat us! Kill him for me

The shrew cursed.

"I want to see who dares to move my brother!"

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Li Xiao shook the kitchen knife and roared. People there dare not move.

Among them, the leader of the group, big five and three thick, wearing sunglasses, carrying a small black bag, now raised the bag in his hand, and a vote of brothers after him all stepped back a step.

"I said Li Xiao, we have known each other for not a year or two. They are all used cars. I also know your temper. Ha ha, if it's someone else, I'll forget about it. But it's my cousin who was beaten this time. This is my cousin. It can't be said! I need a statement

The man crooked his neck and said with a sharp eyebrow.

"Yang Guoquan, this bitch, she's your bloody cousin. Why haven't I heard that you have a cousin?"

Li Xiao sneered.

Chen Ge in the side also can see, this girl is that kind of promiscuous female, do not know how many men!

"Ha ha, you don't have to worry about it. All right, Li Xiao, before, although you and I have a Business Festival, there are several big brothers who speak for you, and I can't say anything. But today, in this matter, you and I Yang Guoquan have a good relationship. Let's ride the donkey and read the libretto and watch it! Brothers, go

Yang Guoquan waved and left with a vote of people.

"Brother Guoquan, let them go like this!"

The girl didn't accept the airway.

"Let's go, I have plenty of ways to do it!"

Yang Guoquan sneered.

The group was withdrawn.

Chen Ge looked at Li Xiao's store glass was smashed, a stream of self blame in the heart.

Speaking of speaking, the disaster was caused by ourselves.

So my brother paid for it!

"Li Xiao, Su Ting, I'm sorry!"

Chen Ge said.

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"I don't blame you for telling me this! I have been fighting with Yang Guoquan for more than a day or two. If I don't find this excuse today, I will find that excuse tomorrow! "

Li Xiao throws the kitchen knife.

Took a cigarette from the side and lit it.

Su Ting went to clean the broken glass.

Listen to Li Xiao said, Chen Ge also understand the cause of the matter.

Originally, Li Xiao came back from the supermarket shopping with Su Ting, and bought a bag of meat dishes to prepare for dinner at night.

As soon as he came back, he saw Yang Guoquan and his mother and daughter at the door.

The mother and daughter apparently called for revenge on Chen Ge, but they couldn't find Chen Ge.

Ask Li Xiao, but Li Xiao doesn't say.

Add Li Xiao, temper and blunt, scold that mother and daughter shameless!

So I started. In the process of fighting, several people smashed the store.

Then Li Xiao ran to the back and touched two kitchen knives.

That's why Chen Ge calls Li Xiao, but Li Xiao doesn't answer it. He doesn't want Chen Ge to get involved.

"Who is that Yang Guoquan?"

Chen Ge asked.

Don't say it's a brother who gives himself thunder. If not, Chen GE has to clean up Yang Guoquan.

"He is a thug and a second-hand car driver. Last month, because of a business deal, he said that Li Xiao broke the rules and robbed his guests, so he wanted to find trouble. Some big brothers in this area said good things for Li Xiao. It was only when he was done that he relied on his brother-in-law. His brother-in-law is said to be from the city, which is very powerful!"

Su Ting said while cleaning.

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"Ooh, I know!"

Chen Ge nodded.

"Let Zhao Zixing deal with it secretly.

But now there are the most important things to tell Li Xiao.

"By the way, Li Xiao, now that dreamer group has come to Ping'an County, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to be a large-scale trade car company! I'll help you! "Chen Ge said.

Money, must be Chen Ge free.

After all, Li Xiao's relationship with himself is different from others.

"Oh, but where can people look up to us? How can we invest?" Su Ting pouted.

Li Xiaodao: "brother, you may not know, let alone to invest in them. For individuals like us, we don't even have the threshold qualification of others. Let's even tell you, even those enterprises that originally made products in Ping'an County are hard to attract the investment of dreamers, so you don't know much about these things!"

"Ah? Why can't the enterprise that does the product steadfastly get the investment? "

Chen Ge, I really don't know.

"Cough, if you want to get dreamer's investment, you have to flatter some employees in their company, and these are not included. After flattering the market inspection staff, you have to flatter the supervisor!

You have to fawn on it one layer at a time, and finally.

However, some small enterprises, which make excellent products themselves, have already made very low profits.

Then there is Qian Xiaojing, the grandfather at all levels.

Only those who are rich and powerful in our Pingan County will get financing.

So you can understand In short, our Pingan County is not as simple as you think! It's too complicated! "

Li Xiao finished smoking a cigarette and threw it on the ground to death.

And Chen Ge finally understood.

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Why do dandies like Li Wenyang and his father get financing.

That's why.

In order to invest, I wanted to support these excellent small enterprises.

It turned out to be contrary to our wishes.

It seems that there are serious problems in the company.

It is mainly the quality problems of the newly recruited senior executives.

I'm afraid Li Zhenguo has ignored this point.

You can see something from Jin Biao!

Chen GE has an idea in mind.

However, Li xiaotou was advised to submit a document.

Because of this information, Chen Ge will directly approve after taking it.

At this time, two or three * cars outside stopped directly at the door.

Then came down a line of people in * clothes.

"Are you?" Su Ting asked in surprise.

"Well, we've been called to the police that there's a fight here, aren't you? Your name is Li Xiao The first one looked at Li Xiao and snorted coldly.

"I am, but it's not only me who fights, but also Yang Guoquan!" Li Xiaodao.

"Don't talk nonsense. Take all three of them back to investigate!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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