The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 262: 262

But Jiang Weidong still can't stand people's advice. He can't help it. If Chen Ge is not asked for this matter, who else can he look for!

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So in the end, I went to the hotel to find Chen Ge.

As a result, I didn't find anyone.

Call Chen Ge. The line is busy this time.

Now Chen Ge is on the phone.

"Dad, I've heard about the jade pendant. It's made in Southwest China and has a long history. Moreover, this kind of jade is very precious. It seems that the dream she you asked me to look for is a lady from a big family?"

In a quiet cafe, Chen Ge is drinking coffee and talking on the phone.

My father called just now and asked how things were going for Chen geyupei.

"Yes, of course, it's a lady of the family!" Dad smiles.

"Dad, is the family of mengheng not in the southeast, but in the southwest? Didn't you say you saw her when you were a soldier in the southeast? "

Chen Ge doubts.

"I don't know where the mengheng family is, or even what her family name is. So you need to investigate it in detail. As soon as possible, when you have the result, let me know at the first time!"

Dad said with a smile.

Chen Ge is thinking, is not to talk about the rose with his father, because rose is likely to be the daughter of dream.

Even if the whole thing is not helpful.

Let's wait for more clues.


"By the way, Chen Ge, is your birthday coming soon? Well, since you were in high school, your parents and your sister have not been with you for your birthday. Originally, after the end of your poor education this year, our family can get together and have a good birthday for you! "

"But your sister has gone to North Africa. I have to go there in a few days. I can't help but have your birthday!"

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Dad apologized.

Chen Ge smiles, "it's OK, Dad. I'm in Ping'an County now. After dealing with these things, I'll go back to my hometown for a few days. There's Uncle Wu and aunt Wu. Don't worry. My birthday is not lonely every year."

"That's good. This birthday is the first birthday of your poor education. Try to make it more lively, but don't be like your sister. On that birthday, your sister bought an island in the Pacific Ocean and invited all the celebrities from the world. It's too high-profile! You have a good sense of propriety, as long as you don't have to be poor! "

Dad asked.

"I see. You don't have to worry about it!"

After chatting with my father about some recent business affairs, Chen Gecai hung up.

Read the text message, prompted Jiang Ran Ran Ran several missed calls.

Chen Ge is not going to call back.

What's the matter with Jiang Weidong? That's it. Chen Ge won't intervene any more. That's it!

Otherwise, I have to invite them to my birthday party.

At this time, a man came to the cafe.

It's a middle-aged man in a suit.

Holding an envelope, respectfully came to Chen Ge.

"Chen Shao, this is the employment recommendation letter you want. I have written it for you. Then, you can join dreamer investment management company directly!"

The middle-aged did not dare to sit down and stood beside them.

"Well, I'll trouble you. By the way, don't talk to anyone except you!"

Chen Ge took a sip of coffee and said.

"Small understand, small understand!"

Chen Ge asked an executive to help with this letter.

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The last time I talked with Li Xiao, Chen Ge knew that the internal of the investment management company might be very chaotic.

So Chen GE's plan is to mix in these days to see what's going on inside.

After all, Chen Ge knows that if you investigate directly with Chen Shao's identity, you can say that you can't find out the fart.

Anyway, it's hard.

Li Zhenguo is now running on both sides of Jinling and Ping'an County, and is also responsible for the jade pendant.

Chen Ge was embarrassed to trouble him.

Whether it's as black as his brother Li Xiao said, Chen Ge will know by himself.

That's why we have this one.

Originally, some personnel of Jinling commercial group stayed in the project development of Yunmeng Mountain, in line with the principle of investment in Ping'an County.

Therefore, some of the senior executives are from the original Jinling business group, and most of them are recruited into dreamer investment group through the merger and acquisition of the company.

But it ignores nepotism.

It's a lot more dark.

I found a place to have a meal at noon.

Chen Ge went back and changed into a serious suit, leather shoes and so on.

Also took an interview information and recommendation letter to the dreamer investment management company directly under the group for an interview.

"This beauty, is the interview place of investment department on the 26th floor?"As soon as he came in, Chen Ge saw a little girl holding a pile of documents and just came out of the elevator and asked.

"Mm-hmm, yes, you're here for an interview. It's on the 26th floor!"

The girl looks like she is about the same age. It seems that she has just come out of the university gate. Her face is still green and astringent when she leaves the campus.

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Thank you

Chen Ge smiles.

"You're welcome Ah

The girl also patronized to say hello, the file in the arms fell to the ground accidentally.

Chen Ge immediately squatted down to help her pick up a piece.

"Are you a new intern from university?"

The girl picked it up and said to Chen Ge with a smile.

"Yes, how long have you been here?"

Chen Ge asked.

"I've only been here for seven days, and I don't know anything. Hey, I'm also from the investment department. I wish you a smooth interview. We'll be colleagues in the future! My name is Fang Fei! "

Fang Fei smiles.

"My name is Chen Ge!"

"Thank you. Here comes your elevator. Come on, come on

Fang Fei smiles sweetly and makes a victory gesture to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge nodded and went into the elevator.

This little girl looks very beautiful, and it makes people feel sweeter when she smiles.

It's white.

Chen Ge also found it interesting.

After entering the elevator.

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Soon stopped on the fifth floor.

In came a beautiful girl in a black uniform.

It's about the same age as Chen Ge.

When you meet Chen, you should say hello to everyone.

He nodded to her with a smile.

However, the girl looked at Chen Ge very high and cold, but did not respond, and then she was playing with her mobile phone by the elevator.

After a while, the girl looked at the elevator button again.

Just looked at Chen Ge and asked, "are you new to our investment department?"

It's very quiet.

"No, I'm here for an interview!" Chen Ge said with a smile, "I haven't been employed yet."

"Ha ha, you are confident, but you will not be able to do so!"

The girl glanced at Chen Ge and said.

"Ah? Why? I haven't started yet? " Chen Ge is confused.

"When you go up, you will know. You are really unlucky. We only need two people in the investment department, one male and one female, so you must be out of action!"

The girl said again.

Chen Ge thought, I wear very good today, I feel very temperament, how can it be so useless?

Soon, the 26th floor will be there.

When she arrived at the interview hall, Chen Ge found out why the girl said that , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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