The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 263: 263

Because after Chen Ge came up.

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I just saw that there were a lot of people coming for an interview today.

A handsome man and a pretty girl are thirty or forty at least.

Passing the interview hall, there is an office area.

There are more girls working.

Every time a handsome man comes out of the elevator, they seem to have never seen a boy before.

Say "Wow!" It's a sound.

I didn't expect that when Chen Ge came out, the voice was much lower.

I don't know if I have no charm.

Damn it!

Chen Ge secretly hates a sentence.

"The 38th one. Today we need two people. Why are so many people here?"

Some girls are still counting their competitors.

At the moment, he said bitterly.

"Well, look at this man. He came by himself. Can he still think that he can succeed in the interview?"

"In addition to being pretty, it's really not distinctive. Compared with the handsome guy just now, it's just too poor!"

"That's right. I think it's better to go back earlier than to waste time here!"

Some boys also said.

There is no way, most of us come together in groups. In addition, there is a competitive relationship, and some people are not polite to make sarcasm.

Chen Ge took a deep breath and listened to the sarcasm.

There was no attack.

After all, Chen Ge knows what he is doing here.

Fortunately, at this time.

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The door of the elevator opened again, and out came a tall girl with long legs, at least one meter or seven.

She has long hair with a wine red shawl.

The figure is concave and convex, the appearance is exquisite, and the skin is bright and white.

In short, the image and temperament is particularly good.

At first glance, it is that kind of goddess!

She is coming this way, holding the interview materials in her arms. Obviously, she is here for an interview.

And with her appearance, many girls are pale shut up.

Many boys are staring at her with hot eyes.

Chen Ge also can't avoid vulgarity, with other people's eyes, from the bottom to see up, and from the top to see the next.

I thought it was really beautiful.

Compared with Qin ya, it's almost the same.

"Beauty, you also come to interview ah, ha ha, so clever, convenient to add a wechat, my brother-in-law works in this company, when the recruitment deputy manager!"

One of the most handsome boy walked to the beautiful woman with a smile.

"Thank you, no more!"

The female physiology managed own hair silk, embarrassed shook head.

It's kind of declined.

"What are you afraid of? I think you have such a good temperament, which is the most suitable for this recruitment. If there is only one man and one woman this time, it must be the two of us who have joined the company and got to know each other through wechat!"

The boy continued to pester.

Chen Ge looks so confident.

Do you think it's hard to make your letter of introduction useless?

And girls, obviously not that kind of casual girls, but what can not, in front of the public, the boy has been entangled ah, so still gave the micro signal to the boy.

It makes other boys jealous.

"Everybody be quiet, now read the name of the interview, and come back after the name, and then come in with me, the first one, Chen Shao!"

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"Come on

"Come on

Chen Ge is also looking at the girl, at this moment, when I hear the name of Chen Shao, subconsciously, he answers.

As a result, the tall boy answered.

It's very embarrassing.

Chen Shao glanced at his eyes and swept Chen Song with some disdain.

"What's the matter? I didn't see the same name? "

At this time, the female assistant came to Chen Ge.

Obviously, this boy named Chen Shao knows all these recruitment assistants.

So I looked at Chen GE's interview materials.

"Chen Shao, what's your name

"I'm sorry, I heard you wrong!"

Chen Ge said with a wry smile.

"No, he thought that the beauty was Chen Shao and the young master was not. So he agreed! Ha ha

A boy sneered.

"I don't know. I thought Chen Shao had arrived in Jinling."

Everyone laughed.

Even the girl was smiling.

Chen Ge didn't say anything this time. After all, he made a fool of himself.

Chen Shao went in for an interview.

After a while, he walked out with pride on his face.

"Shaoge Shaoge, what is the interview content? Can you tell me something about it?"The crowd gathered around and asked.

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"No interview content, just chat with me, I make three interviewers giggle, and then ask me when I can come to work and so on, boring!"

Chen Shao said with his hands in his pockets.

A lot of boys are jealous. It seems that today we are going to have a boy, that's him.

Next, everyone took turns to go in for an interview.

Chen Ge handed in the materials and the letter of introduction.

Answer a few examiners questions, also let Chen Ge out.

And then it's waiting for the final result.

Some have gone straight away.

As for Chen Shao, she is pestering that beautiful girl to chat with her.

"The results come out!"

Soon, the assistant came out with two application forms.

"Who was selected?"

People speculated.

"Investment management department staff recruitment, interview success, Miss Yang Minxue!"

And Yang Minxue, of course, is that temperament girl.

"Successful interview, Mr. Chen Ge!"

The assistant said again.

"Minxue, let's go!" Chen Shao smiles subconsciously.

Soon his smile froze.

"Well? Wait, not yourself? "

Chen Shao looks confused.

All of them were confused.

They looked at Chen Ge one after another.

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Chen Ge, of course, knew what was going on. After saying sorry to these people, she went to take the employment form and went to the office with the girl named Yang Minxue to sign the employment application.

"Chen Ge, we are both in the same department. Where is your home?"

After signing the application, there are only two people left in the office.

So Yang Minxue chats with Chen Ge.

"I, Xiaogu Town, Ping'an County!" Chen gedao.

"Ah? What a coincidence! We are very close. I'm from Xiaoquan Town, Ping'an County! "

Yang Minxue said with a smile.

It can be seen that although she has a goddess temperament, she is also very fond of talking to people.

It's easy to communicate.

"You have a hot spring mountain there, isn't it? It's very famous. I'll have a chance to go to your town to have a hot spring in the future."

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Well, I'll treat you."

New people into the company is not like this, new people are the easiest to become friends.

"Are the new people in there today?" At this time, outside the door sounded a beautiful girl.

Ask the hiring assistant.

"Yes, director Liang!"

"OK, take me to see it!"

Chen Ge can hear the conversation clearly.

However, although the new director Liang's voice is quite young, Chen GE's head is buzzing after listening to it.

Why is this sound so familiar?

It won't be so coincidental, is it her? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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