The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 264: 264

Sure enough, when the door opened and the girl came in with the assistant.

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Chen Ge finally saw her face clearly.

"Liu Yanan? It's really you

Liu Yanan, Chen GE's junior high school classmate, is also Chen GE's junior high school principal's daughter. At that time, they had a very good academic record with Chen Ge and Li Xiao.

I also participated in some activities and competitions outside the school.

At that time, the relationship was quite good.

However, later, both of them were admitted to the county No. 1 middle school, and they were not in the same class.

At the beginning, many new students didn't know each other. Liu Yanan also asked Chen Ge to go to the canteen for dinner. After class, she also came to find Chen Ge to have a chat and talk about their situation.

But after a few days, Liu Yanan went to eat with her roommate, and the number of times she came to chat with Chen Ge was also reduced.

Then I can meet once a week and say hello last semester.

After that, when I saw Chen Ge, I just saw a touch of air and ignored it directly.

As for the third year of senior high school, Liu Yanan has become a stranger to Chen Ge.

Liu Yanan went to the school of Yanjing, and Chen Ge was in Jinling.

It has not been seen in three years.

I didn't expect Liu Yanan's development is really good. He has already been in charge.

"Chen Ge? How is it you? "

Liu Yanan is stunned to see Chen Ge.

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Yes, I haven't seen each other for many years. In high school, Liu Yanan was clear about the subtle change in his relationship with Chen Ge from a friend to a stranger.

So suddenly, I felt embarrassed and surprised.

"I just got on the job and I'm ready to work here!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Oh, oh, I said!" Liu Yanan faintly smiles and looks at the information of Chen Ge and Yang Minxue.

"Yanan, you're so good, you're all in charge!" Looked at Liu Yanan chest label position, Chen Ge admire said.

"Mm-hmm, thank you. But if you come to work here in the future, don't be a Yanan. You can call me group leader Liu, all right!"

Liu Yanan some hedge like said.


Chen Ge nods.

"Assistant Li!" Liu Yanan closed the information and said: "originally, our group is a newly established group, and it is indeed lack of two employees. But now, our group is prepared to seek quality rather than quantity, so I can only take one of them!"

Liu Yanan said.

This time, Yang Minxue was nervous.

Since Chen Ge and Liu Yanan know each other, Liu Yanan will definitely choose Chen Ge instead of his own.

Oh, how can you recite that!

However, Liu Yanan just glanced at Chen Ge, and then he focused on Yang Minxue:

"Yang Minxue, I just need a girl in my group, so it's up to you!"

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"As for Chen Ge, you..."

Liu Yanan looked at Chen Ge and said, "I know that our logistics department is short of one person. You can go there and collect materials for the people of various groups."

Chen Ge hasn't spoken yet.

The assistant said, "but director Liu, Chen Ge, graduated from Jinling University..."

"I know, but I can't help it. Let's do it now. Do you agree, Chen Ge? If you agree, I'll transfer you first. When you do well in the future, I can apply with the leader and then transfer you to our department."

Liu Yanan some perfunctory smile way.

As for why.

I just don't pay attention to it. After all, in high school, as Liu Yanan matured step by step, she found that it was a bit humiliating to be with Chen Ge.

After all, he is famous for being very poor.

Vanity, most girls are in that period developed to a certain extent.

When we wait for the University, it will reach the peak.

"All right."

Chen Ge nods, where to go doesn't matter to him, but Liu Yanan's indifferent attitude towards his old classmates makes Chen Ge a little uncomfortable.

That's it. After finishing the entry procedures.

Chen Ge and Yang Minxue are both on duty.

Chen GE's office area is in a corner of the hall, managing files and distributing materials of some articles.

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In this way, it is just right that some data are in our own hands, which is also convenient for investigation.

Then, when Chen Ge washes his hands in the bathroom, he suddenly hears the voice of a phone call coming from the women's room.

"You two days to seize the time to come to the interview, to be quick, I have left the position for you, you dream to laugh at you!"

It's a girl's voice.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you say there was no job? Well, at the beginning, it was a brother-in-law of our leader who wanted to come, but he didn't know what happened. He didn't come up this time, but one of my junior high school classmates came up. Hum, he, what family background I know, just give him a job, so I thought of a way temporarily and transferred him to administrative logistics. He was happy Ha ha's promise, so you have to hurry up and wait for the expiration date! "And Chen Ge listened.

At the moment, his face was a little pale.

This voice is not Liu Yanan who can be.

It turns out that just now she was doing her own thing.

Chen Ge also thought, at that time, the little assistant was so surprised what happened.

It turns out that Liu Yanan is arranging his own people to come up.

And it's about leading my brother-in-law or something.

It seems that the newly established investment group is in a mess.

Chen Ge felt more and more that he had gained too much when he came in as an undercover.

Since Liu Yanan doesn't talk about affection at all, Chen Ge doesn't need to give her any face at all.

At present, Chen Ge took this incident in mind and went back to work.

A day's work is quite idle and boring.

Soon, it was time to get off work in the afternoon.

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Originally, during the day, Yang Minxue made an appointment with himself to have a meal in the next class.

It may be that Yang Minxue felt that she had entered the Department, but Chen Ge didn't, so I'm sorry.

Because Chen Ge knows that this girl can take care of other people's emotions.

Chen Ge thought, eat a meal, it doesn't matter to agree.

Their department seems to be in a meeting or something.

Chen Ge came downstairs to wait.

About ten minutes later, Yang Minxue came out.

But she didn't come out by herself, but with Liu Yanan.

"Chen Ge, I forgot to tell you that tonight, I can't treat you to dinner. Director Liu said that he would introduce a friend to me and let me go to dinner together!"

Yang Minxue some apologetic smile way.

"Of course, no problem. Go ahead." Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

But Liu Yanan just looked at Chen Ge, then said hello to Chen Ge, and then went to drive Yang Minxue away.

Chen Ge had to go back.

At this time, the mobile phone suddenly rings.

It was Li Zhenguo who called , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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