The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 275: 275

"Just wait and see!"

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Chen Ge said with a smile.

And now the group is downstairs.

Several cars stopped.

Li Wenyang's father, Li Dahai, as well as Yang Dong, vice minister at the moment, and Li Nian, deputy manager of the investment company, etc.

They all got down from a trailer.

And Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing arrived naturally.

At the moment, both faces are not good-looking.

If it wasn't for Chen Shao who texted yesterday about some of the company's current problems, they still don't know the specific situation.

The interests of these people, together with several other departments of the company, are involved in them.

Last night, Li Zhenguo called all of these people after receiving the phone call.

All night.

Today, I listened to Chen Shao's order and took them all to the company.

And at the door of the company.

There are still two people waiting, one male and one female.

"Li Wenyang, what do you want me to do? I don't know where your father is, and I don't know what happened to the company!"

The woman is not tired of saying.

"Qing Qing, why do you help me I'll go. Isn't that my father? He's here

Naturally, this man is Li Wenyang.

No, dad didn't come back all night after he was taken away.

I was urged by his mother to ask the group early this morning.

He can't find a way.

I heard that Jiang Xueqing had been to the group headquarters several times, so she called to accompany her.

Just at the time of discussion, I saw my father's figure.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

After running past, seeing dad's face was extremely ugly, he immediately asked.

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"Son, you go home first. It's none of your business. It's Chen Shao who wants to see us. Go back first."

Li said with a bitter face.

"Ah? Chen Shao? Has Chen Shao come to our Pingan County

Li Wenyang and Jiang Xueqing were all shocked.


Li Dahai nodded.

"Let's go. Don't let Chen Shao wait for a few people!"

Li Zhenguo said lightly.

"Yes, it is Mr. Li." A group of people were pale.

Then he went up.

"My father must be in trouble. I've never seen him like this! No, I have to go up and have a look! "

Li Wenyang said.

And Jiang Xueqing, since the last time Xu Xin's mother invited her to dinner, she didn't want to talk to Li Wenyang. But now, she wants to see what Chen Shao looks like.

So I agreed to go up with Li Wenyang.

Let's talk about the investment and marketing department.

It's already very busy now.

Almost all the staff stood up.

Just looking at the whole corridor.

And they're all the big names in the group, and all the executives, they're all standing in the gallery right now.

No one knows what happened?

No one dares to ask what's going on?

All in all, they were looking in surprise.

At this moment, the elevator door opened.

Li Zhenguo, they took several people to the printing room.

"Look, look, he is general manager Li Zhenguo, the second leader of the group. Next to him is Zhao Zixing, who is also the second leader of the group. They are all here!"

"Yes, isn't vice president Yang and vice manager Li behind them? What's going on? That seems to be Li Dahai in the home town

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"No, what happened to the company? With so many executives gathered, even the boss is here! "

"Something must have happened, but I don't know what happened!"

There was a lot of discussion.

Wang Meina stood watching as she drank her tea.

At this time, I saw an acquaintance coming up from the elevator.

"Snow clear, this side, this side!" he said

"Sister na!"

Jiang Xueqing comes with Li Wenyang.

"Why are you here? Do you know what happened? Yeah? Xueqing, is this your boyfriend

Wang Meina smiles when she sees Li Wenyang.

"He's not my boyfriend. As for the matter, I'd like to ask you. All the senior managers in the headquarters have called together. I don't know what to do!"

"Well, I have to wait and see!"

Wang Meina also shook her head.

Dong Dong Dong Dong!

Let's talk about Chen Ge.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Chen Ge cocked his legs and called out to come in.

When the door opened, Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing came in with Li Dahai."Well? What? " Wang Junsheng was stunned.

At present, these people are not others, they are all involved in this incident.

Li Dahai has been called.

And the leader is not general manager Li and general manager Zhao?

"This..." Wang Junsheng, Wang Kang, Liu Yanan, they were stunned.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Li!"

They were busy.

"Less people, Chen!"

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Li Zhenguo said.

"Chen Shao?"

"If I go, he is Chen Shao?"

This time, the audience was shocked.

Wang Junsheng and Liu Yanan are also mentioned at the moment.

"Chen Shao?" Liu Yanan's breath suddenly became short.

"O'ao, now that all the people are here, please tell me how to sign this contract, leader Wang?"

Chen GE has a faint smile.


Wang Junsheng swallowed his saliva.

At the moment, the brain is blank.

Originally, today's affairs were calculated well, but what he never dreamed of was that Chen Shao, who was calculated by himself, was Chen Shao.

Maybe it was all right, this calculation, calculation of things.

Damn, who could have thought that this man was Chen Shao?

Wang Junsheng looks at Liu Yanan in amazement.

And Liu Yanan's eyes at the moment, where can he care about Wang Junsheng.

Surprised: "Mr. Li, what do you call him? You call Chen Ge Chen Shao? "

"Hum, nonsense! Stand on your side

Li Zhenguo snorted coldly.

"Chen Shao, what to do next? The printing room is a little small for meetings

Zhao Zixing also came to say.

"It's a little small. Take them to the meeting room and check this matter carefully."

Chen Ge finished.

Li Zhenguo left with all of them.

Until she reached the door, Liu Yanan still looked at Chen Ge with a complicated look. Obviously, she felt incredible.

But Chen Ge is no longer looking at her.

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He also got up and walked outside.

"Come out, come out!"

The people outside also immediately quieted down.

When I saw Chen Ge come out last.

Wang Meina, they were all surprised.

"Chen Ge, come here!"

Wang Meina waved to Chen Ge softly. After all, there is a ticket friendship. Wang Meina and Chen Ge are already good.

Chen Ge came over.

At the same time, let Chen Ge did not expect that Jiang Xueqing and Li Wenyang actually came to the company.

"Chen Ge? Why are you here? "

Jiang Xueqing was surprised.

"Ah? You know, Chen Ge is our colleague. He just came to work here! "

Wang Meina said with a smile.

"Chen Ge, so you work here!"

Jiang Xueqing saw Chen Ge, in addition to surprise, there is a different kind of small mood.

As for Li Wenyang, his face is full of hate.

"Hum, sister Na, you'll have to let Chen Ge take care of you in the future. Chen Ge is our high school classmate and has great ability."

Li Wenyang said sour.

"It turns out that your classmates, ah, good, Chen Ge really has a great ability, ha ha!"

"Chen Ge Chen Ge, please tell me what happened inside. What's wrong with Wang Junsheng?"

A group of girls are all around Chen Ge.

"Also, Xueqing said that Chen Shao is here today, but we don't see Chen Shao. Which is Chen Shao?" Wang Meina said.

People are puzzled.

"Chen Shao, everyone has gone to the meeting room? Are you going now? "

Li Zhenguo's voice rings from behind Chen ge , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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