The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 276: 276

"Chen Shao?"

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Jiang Xueqing and Li Wenyang are in a daze.

The staff of the whole marketing department were all confused.

"Well, I'll be there now!"

Chen Ge answered.

"Chen Ge, you, you, you are Chen Shao?" Jiang Xueqing asked in surprise.

Although last time when Xu Xin's family invited her to dinner, her mother jokingly said that Chen Ge was Chen Shao in Jinling, right?

At that time, Jiang Xueqing was shocked.

But how can Chen Hao be so familiar with himself?

But now When Li Zhenguo called out the name himself.

Jiang Xueqing's brain is almost blank.

God, Chen Ge is Chen Shao?

"Mm-hmm!" Facing Jiang Xueqing, she nodded with a faint smile.

Then Chen Ge left directly in the eyes of a crowd of consternation.

Li Wenyang, who was brought in by Jiang Xueqing, wanted to see his father. At the moment, his eyes were blank and he sat down on the chair.

"I'll go and I'll go. Chen Ge is really the second generation rich, or our boss. It's no wonder that he has so many tickets. I'll tell you, Chen GE's identity is not simple. My God, but I didn't expect him to be our chairman of the board!"

After Chen Ge left, all the people in the marketing department were crazy.

"Fortunately, we didn't offend the chairman!" Some girls are afraid.

Anyway, the atmosphere was very weird.

Everyone was shocked beyond measure.

But Wang Junsheng and their matter, naturally, is not a big problem.

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At present, they not only recruit all the things they have done, but also provide some other department managers who have not been found out.

Most of them are from Pingan County of Jinling.

The result is very simple. It's all handed over to the police.

But when they were arrested, Liu Yanan's eyes moved to Chen Ge several times, and Chen Ge didn't pay attention to Chen GE's help.

The opportunity has been given.

Since you cheat yourself by playing emotional cards, don't blame yourself for not talking about friendship!

This is the end of the matter.

"Chen Shao, there are four days left for your birthday. How do you plan to arrange it? Mr. Chen Xiao also called me and said that this is your first birthday after the end of poor support. Let's have a good time for you!"

Downstairs, Li said.

"It's my birthday. I'm the only one who's going back to my home for the next 20 years

Chen Ge said with a smile.

Chen Ge bar, in addition to Li Xiao, a good brother who has played since childhood, to tell the truth, there are not many intimate friends.

After all, you have no money and no power. Who would like to play with you.

Therefore, Chen Ge did not invite many people to this birthday party.

Li Zhenguo, Zhao Zixing, Bai Xiaofei, Lin Yiyi, Li Xiaoxiao, Su Ting, etc.

These people who often play together are also very good.

It's too much publicity, and Chen Ge is not willing to.

After that, Chen Ge packed up some things and was ready to go back to town.

Zhao Zixing, however, did not look good.

Li Zhenguo had seen it for a long time, and now he asked, "is there something you didn't tell Chen Shao about, Lao Zhao?"

Zhao Zixing scratched his head anxiously: "I told Chen Shao about his birthday after four days! But Chen Shao said we should keep a low profile? "

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"What? You've informed them all? " Li Zhenguo was also stunned

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Ge took a taxi on his way back to the town.

Now Chen Ge, can really swagger back, the team is not a problem.

However, the fact that he is Chen Shao is not clear to Uncle Wu and his family.

If you go back in this way, first of all, it's a little too publicized. Chen Ge doesn't like this feeling very much.

Secondly, we should make it clear to Uncle Wu about the money he gave him last time and his identity. After all, there is nothing to hide from them now!

So now back home, Chen Ge or a little low-key good.

I saw stone paving all the way.

Chen Ge knows that his town is about to start developing.

"Young man, is your home in this town?"

The driver is a middle-aged man, chatting very hot, he said with a smile.

Chen Ge nodded.

"Congratulations, young man. Your whole town is going to develop and run factories. Almost all of you can occupy land. Not only do you give houses, but also demolition fees, but also how many employment opportunities are provided! You look like a college student. There are many opportunities for you to go back to your hometown. ""Yes, that's good!"

All the way to chat, soon, Chen GE's hometown.

In fact, Chen GE's home is in a small village in the town.

It belongs to the village in the town.

There are many mills in the village, and they do business like tofu skin and bean curd.

In the past, the most attractive thing about the village was the smell of beans in the air.

But this time I went back to the village, it was obvious that there was a lot less bean fragrance.

"Oh, the college students are back

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"Why didn't you bring your girlfriend back?"

"Chen Ge, have you found a job? Can you find a good job for a college student like you? "

As soon as we entered the village, some villagers came up and asked.

"Not yet!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Well, in my opinion, the university he went to is probably useless! It's not as good as those people who drop out of school early to work. "

Some women also said with some disdain.

Words are terrible.

Chen Ge didn't talk much.

Then he came to the door.

When I took out the key to open the door, I found that I couldn't open the lock because I didn't know when I was returned.

"What's the situation?"

Chen Ge was puzzled.

"Hehe, it's Chen Ge. He's back!"

At this time, a woman came out of Uncle Wu's house next door. It was Sun Hongxia, the second daughter-in-law of Uncle Wu.

At the moment, while eating melon seeds, he walked towards Chen Ge.

"Second sister-in-law, how has my lock been changed?"

Chen Ge asked with a bitter smile.

Sun Hongxia this person, some time ago in the hospital also made contact with.

Those who are greedy for money can only take advantage of it and not suffer losses.

"Ooh, I was asked to change it. What's the matter?"

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Sun Hongxia said.

"What about my keys?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Hehe, what's your home? Chen Ge, who owns this house? Don't you count it? Hum, I know what you're doing back here. I've heard that you're going to demolish the house, and then you want to pay back. I tell you, don't think about it. This house belongs to my family, and the house property certificate is clearly written! "

Sun Hongxia's face changed.

Chen Ge certainly knows what she said.

I heard from my father before.

When my parents moved here, Uncle Wu had two houses. One was their own and the other was this one.

My parents paid for it.

Because twenty years ago, to tell the truth, there was no real estate certificate in the countryside.

At that time, a simple contract was signed.

It was signed by dad when he was drinking with Uncle Wu.

For so many years, I don't know where my father put it.

At that time, no one thought that Uncle Wu's family would want to forcibly take back the house.

That's it.

Sun Hongxia also heard about the demolition, so she wanted to hold the house in her hands, hundreds of thousands of them.

"Xiaoge, you are back! Don't listen to your second sister-in-law. This house belongs to your family and nobody can take it away! "

At this time, Uncle Wu came out , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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