The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 287: 287

"Wocao, Wu Qian, are you upset? What are you doing?"

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Scared Chen Ge, can't help but say.

"Chen Ge, I just care about you. I know you won the lottery, but I don't know how much you won. I just want to tell you that you are very simple, just like a fool in society. Even if you win a lot of money, you should be careful, don't be fooled by others, and finally you will become a poor man!"

Wu Qian scolded.

Yes, in addition to Chen GE's a lot of money, may want to invest in the scenic spot, Wu Qianshi can't think of any other possibilities.

Plus now my heart is like breaking the bottle of Schisandra.

After scolding, Wu Qian left angrily.

"This girl, if you let her know her identity, that's good!"

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

Let Wang Biao go out busy, after squinting in the office for a while.

Chen Ge also plans to leave.

Certainly won't be with Wu Qian, and now Wu Qian doesn't want to be with herself.

And it was just then.

There was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Deputy manager Wang, I'm here to bring new people to report to you!"

It's a beautiful female voice.

And hear this female voice of the moment, Chen Ge slightly Zheng.

Then he said, "come in!"


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The door opened slowly, and a girl with long hair and a professional suit came in with a folder in her arms.

And behind her, there is also a very beautiful girl.

"Manager Wang, I am..."

The leading woman is about to introduce herself.

However, when she saw the person in front of her, the words that she was about to open her mouth were stuck in her throat.

When Chen Ge saw the two people standing in front of him, there was a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Chen Chen Shao, it's you! I I didn't know you were here! "

The woman's face suddenly rose red, and then she bowed her head full of shame. She did not dare to look at Chen GE's face.

"Snow clear, poem letter? How did you come to Koizumi? Aren't you in Ping'an County? "

The girl in front of her is not Jiang Xueqing and Li Shihan.

That's what makes Chen's song awkward.

Since the last time I checked some of the company's scum.

The identity will be made public to Jiang Xueqing.

And Li Shihan also knew his identity because of the sales office.

It's just that I know something happened with Jiang Xueqing and Li Shihan before. Although in high school, I was very good with Jiang Xueqing and Li Shihan.

Jiang Xueqing also quarreled with Li Wenyang, who bullies and beats him all day for his own sake.

To be honest, although my life in high school was dark.

But with Jiang Xueqing and Li Shihan, Chen Ge still thinks that high school life is quite good.

A lot of people look down on themselves, but some people are really good to themselves.

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This is why Chen Ge still has different feelings towards the two girls after so many things have happened.

Although the previous feelings and relationships are no longer there, Chen Ge is not too mean.

"Chen Shao, I'm going to the personnel department now. Shihan has just joined the company, but tomorrow is your birthday. The company has sent some girls with good appearance and temperament to receive them."

Yes, when is Chen GE's birthday? Jiang Xueqing and Li Shihan all know.

It's just the feeling now, obviously strange.

"So, o'ao, Wang Biao, he went to set up the scene!"

Chen Ge couldn't lie down any more, and stood talking to them.

The atmosphere was very awkward.

"By the way, Shihan, how did you come out to find a job, Ding Hao?"

Although Chen Ge had been bothered by Li Shihan for some time, but now he doesn't feel that way anymore, he asks.

"After Ding Hao knew that you were Chen Shao, he was so scared that he didn't go out for several days. Moreover, he knew the relationship between us before, so..."

Li Shihan did not go on.

It sounds like Li Shihan has something to do with himself when he comes to find a job!

Chen Ge smiles awkwardly.

"But I'm sorry to let you two celebrate my birthday like this! Ha ha, speaking of it, the best birthday I had in high school was in the canteen! "

Li Shihan and Jiang Xueqing listened, but they all remembered.

Yes, in high school, no one played with Chen Ge.

No one cares about his birthday.

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After the completion of the college entrance examination in the summer vacation, back to school to get high school diploma, that day is Chen GE's birthday.

So Li Shihan suggested with Jiang Xueqing that he go to the canteen to celebrate Chen GE's birthday.Because the military training period of senior one has already started.

Li Shihan and Jiang Xueqing, by the way, and Chen Lin are also there. Because Chen Lin and Li Shihan have a good relationship, they will give Chen Ge a half hearted birthday.

I also bought a birthday cake for Chen Ge. It's very big.

It was Chen GE's first time to eat cake.

My heart was moved.

The two friends of Li Xuejiang are also identified by Li Xuehan.

But then.

Everybody knows.

At the beginning of the University, Chen Ge always kept in touch with Li Shihan and Jiang Xueqing.

They didn't come back later.

When I see Li Shihan again in Jinling two years later.

Chen Ge is really very happy.

Li Shihan herself admits that she will never forget the time when she met Chen Ge some time ago.

He wanted to talk to himself.

However, I disliked him as a disgrace, so I avoided him.

Later, he was humiliated three times and four times.

There were several times when it was so serious that I did it myself.

But Chen Ge still helps himself, seeing that he still does not have the color of disgust.

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But later he did too much, and Chen Ge gradually became indifferent to himself.

And the river is snowy.

When I met Chen Ge again, actually to tell the truth, she also looked down on Chen Ge.

I was just embarrassed, so I just joked with him politely.

Then, Chen Ge took it seriously.

I really asked myself to go to a classmate party.

Actually, I made an appointment with Li Wenyang that day.

So that day, Jiang Xueqing felt a little uncomfortable.

Because Li Wenyang beat Chen Ge very hard when he was at school. Chen Ge didn't dare to fight back. The worst time was to smash Chen Ge from the platform to the back with a stool.

It's Chen GE's enemy.

But as a former friend of Chen Ge, he had a very good relationship with Li Wenyang.

How cool Chen Ge was at that time!

Until now, Chen Ge is the super God Jinling Chen Shao.

Li Shihan and Jiang Xueqing don't mention how miserable and ashamed they are.

Even the two of them still think that Chen GE has changed and is no longer the Chen Song.

But now, Chen Ge is still Chen Ge. He has never changed. It's them who really become , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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