The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 288: 288

"Chen Ge, I'm sorry..."

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Li Shihan and Jiang Xueqing have different voices.

Shame on his face.

"It's OK!" Chen Ge just smiles.

Although Chen GE's attitude to them is still good, but to tell the truth, where there were feelings before it.

Chen Ge just treats them as acquaintances.

And Li Shihan and Jiang Xueqing also understand the meaning of coldness in Chen GE's words. Yes, before, they can never go back! Two people in the heart, inexplicable pulling pain.

If you still have a relationship with Chen Ge, then the current situation, I don't know how much better than expected!

After that, Chen Ge did not talk to them more.

It's afternoon. It's time to go back and prepare.

This time back, Wu Qian that crazy girl did not know where to run, should have gone long ago.

Chen Ge can't walk home.

So I drove a company Audi A6 back.

Just got to the door.

Chen Ge met another acquaintance.

I'm holding my bag. I seem to be waiting for a taxi.

It's a girl.

And this girl is not Wang Min, who else can be.

Because Chen Ge left the window, Wang Min saw Chen Ge when she wanted to lift the window up and go straight.

"Chen Ge?"

And Wang Min called Chen GE's name directly.

Make Chen Ge want to go also can't go.

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To be honest, Chen GE has a bad impression on this girl.

I went on a blind date, because I disliked myself, so I asked her sister to come for her.

This is a great insult to myself.

So from the beginning to the end, today Chen Ge did not take the initiative to say a word to her.

"What do you want?"

Seeing Wang Min coming to his car, Chen Ge asked coldly.

"Thank you today. If it wasn't for you, we couldn't go in and play. Those are my colleagues. Some of them have already gone back!"

Wang Min is still standing beside a girl with her at the moment.

"O'ao, it doesn't matter. Don't thank me. If you follow my advice, you will not be allowed to go in. It's Yu Qiang who let you in!"


Chen Ge doesn't need to give this girl a face, so he is not polite when he talks.

Wang Min was embarrassed.

Of course, she knows, because the blind date is estranged from Chen Ge.

And I did go too far.

I just feel guilty.

Originally, he is not necessary to say hello to Chen Ge, self humiliation.

Isn't it good to be a stranger and not talk to anyone? Isn't that what you always want?

But after that, it was different.

Wang Min is not reconciled to this.

Like most girls.

You! It's just a boy I can't look up to. If you've been mediocre all your life, it's nothing. I'm still very happy.

However, should not, a eliminated boy, incredibly has a lot of energy.

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It's hard.

So when she saw Chen Ge driving out with her Audi, she didn't want to say hello to her at all. Wang Min was very upset.

"I apologize for what you said. It's my fault!"

Wang Min bit his lip.

"There's no need to apologize. To tell you the truth, we have nothing to do with it. If you're OK, I'll go first."

Chen Ge said lightly.

With one foot of gas, Chen Ge left directly.

Let Wang Min feel ashamed and angry. This kind of being ignored by boys is really the first time since childhood.

The eyes are almost red.

In particular, he became capable, especially capable, but he ignored himself

When I pass by Xiaoquan town and Xiaogu town where I am.

Chen Ge found some strange, that is, there are many luxury cars in the town.

Especially in front of the hotel, there are many stops.

Chen Ge didn't think much about it.

Just then.

Their mobile phone rings, a look, it is Wu Aung called.

"What's the matter with aunt Wu?" Chen Ge asked with a smile.

"Xiaoge, where are you? Just now I saw Wu Qian driving back by herself. It seems that she is very unhappy. Did you two not quarrel? Did she leave you alone

Aunt Wu asked.

"No, I drove back in my friend's car. I'm on my way." In order not to let aunt Wu think more, Chen Ge had to say.

"That's good. By the way, Xiaoge, on your way back, you can take a bag of rice from the town by the way, so as to save your uncle from going again!"Said Aunt Wu.

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"No problem!"

I went to the supermarket and bought two bags of peanut oil.

Speaking of it, after I came back, I gave money to Uncle Wu. I didn't buy some necessities for Uncle Wu's family.

So I ran several times and bought several cases of milk, good wine and eight treasure porridge.

Open the trunk and fill it up.

"Chen Ge?"

On the last trip, Chen Ge came out with a pressure cooker in his arms. Suddenly, at the door of the hotel next to him, a girl yelled unexpectedly.

Chen Ge looks around.

"Lying trough, Jiang Ranran, how did you come to our town?"

The girl in front of me is Jiang Ranran.

Chen Ge is really a bit of an accident, since the last thing happened to the Jiang family.

Chen Ge thought, will not see you again?

After all, Chen Ge was completely cold hearted. Even when Jiang Weidong had an accident, he didn't pay attention to his father's warning to help him.

Jiang Ran Ran called himself, but he didn't answer.

So it's embarrassing.

"Yes, we have just arrived. I was just going out to buy something. I didn't expect to see you!"

Jiang Ran Ran is still very kind to Chen Ge. Now he comes over and obviously wants to talk to Chen GE more.

"You? Who else? "

Chen Ge asked.

"My parents and my dad's colleagues are here too!"

Jiang Ran Ran said in a low voice.


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Chen Ge nods.

What's the fun in Xiaogu town? Why do so many people come to play?

But Chen Ge didn't want to talk to Jiang Ranran any more, so he didn't ask.

"By the way, Chen Ge, are you still living in your home?"

Jiang Ran Ran Ran said again.

"Well, where else do I live?"

"Well, I haven't been to your house yet, but you often come to our house when you were a child!"

Jiang Ran Ran said with a smile.

"OK, that's nothing else. I'll go first. I have to go home and cook!"

Chen Ge digs the subject of Jiang Ran Ran.

Jiang Ran Ran knows Chen Ge doesn't want to talk to himself.

However, the more you don't want to pay attention to yourself, you must chat with you!

Can't I get into your eyes like this?

"By the way, Chen Ge, there is only one line for your electronic pressure cooker. Don't you plan to buy one more for standby? In the village, the voltage is easy to be unstable, and there are often burnt wires! "

Jiang Ran Ran Ran said.

"I was really negligent about this! Thank you Chen Ge smiles, alas, if only you had been able to do this before.

Now, turn around and want to go back to buy the line.

"Hey, put the pot in the car. I'll buy it for you."

Jiang Ran Ran Ran said into the supermarket, and soon took a line out and handed it to Chen Ge.

"Well, what are you doing?"

All of a sudden, a middle-aged man's voice rang at the door of the hotel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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