The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 31: 31

Depressed, they went to do the first round maintenance for Audi A6.

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Wang Yang is most proud of this car, but others Chen Ge friends drive the Ferrari, let Wang Yang a little ashamed.

Two people tacit understanding thought, must from the side, as soon as possible clear, Chen Ge in the end know where friends.

After that, in the 4S store.

While waiting for maintenance, Wang Yang chatted with the master here, hoping to find some honor for himself from the respect in the eyes of other masters.

At this time, the master who was responsible for the maintenance of Wang Yang's car said:

"Sir, it's very wise for you to choose our Audi series high-end cars. Unlike other high-end big brands, such as Ferrari, these sports cars just make people feel that they have face, and those are the real tycoons who will go to play."

"Now, most ordinary rich businessmen still focus on the Audi BMW Daben series."

"But if it's really good, it's Ferrari! Isn't it more face-to-face when you go out? "

One side of Jiang Weiwei not from sour said.

"Cough, beauty, that's not right. Some things are too good. It depends on who uses them. Let's just say Ferrari sports car. It's a good car. At least a few million dollars start Absolute luxury in the car, although not compared with phantom, is also the label of the rich! "

"Just a few days ago, Ferrari wanted to stimulate the development of the group market of the junior and middle-class rich, so it put forward a set of marketing plan. As long as you are willing to pay a deposit of 50000, there will be special personnel to take you to feel the atmosphere in the car. With a deposit of 100000, you can test drive yourself!"

"As a result, rich people like Mr. Wang are not stimulated by these expensive vehicles. On the contrary, there are many people who are greedy and vain. Their families are not big enterprises, and even people with very difficult family conditions spend money to test drive in order to satisfy their vanity!"

Hearing this, Wang Yang and Jiang Weiwei look at each other.

A big stone in my heart seems to be overturned.

"Master, do you mean that as long as you pay 50000 yuan, someone can drive for you and let you feel the right to ride in these sports cars?"

Jiang Weiwei asks in surprise.

"Yes, but this promotion activity will be cancelled in a few days after listening to the internal news, because it's useless at all, and it has been criticized by the news, such as blatant and so on."

"Ah! I understand at last

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Jiang Weiwei took a long breath.

Chen Ge, it turns out, is to satisfy vanity. Even if it costs 50000 yuan, he has to make himself a disgusting man with face.

Even, Jiang Weiwei is guessing that she did not happen to see Chen Ge just now, but Chen Ge deliberately let herself see.

This guy, it's disgusting!



But Chen Ge just came out of the driving test registration center on campus and sneezed.

This driving school is directly cooperated with the campus. The campus rents out part of the site to run the driving school.

And Chen GE has decided to buy a car, and this month, these days.

Because 20 million is spent.

But considering buying a car, you can't do without a driver's license.

In the past, Chen Ge didn't even have the money to sign up for a driver's license. Now he has this capital.

Chen Ge is still full of expectations. It's just

I don't know who scolds me. Why do I sneeze recently?


When Chen Ge is going to go back to the dormitory and lie down.

The mobile phone rang suddenly.

It's Yang Hui, the head of the house.

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"Huige, what's the matter?"

"Lao Chen, where are you? Go back to the dormitory. Zhao Yifan suggests that we go out and get together. I want to discuss with you whether to go or not. The main reason is that Xu Xia said, "let Zhao Yifan call on us, I'll..."

Chen Ge listened, always felt that since Huige fell in love with Xu Xia, he had become lack of the masculinity before.

We can't say that when Chen Ge falls in love, he is not a woman.

Think about this and that for Yang Xue, consider her feelings, even Yang Xue is happy, he is happy, Yang Xue is sad, there is no reason.

Maybe love someone, that's it.

"Ah! I won't go. Besides, Zhao Yifan doesn't want to see me! "

Chen Ge said.

"No, this is the reason why our brothers want to discuss with you, because Zhao Yifan will even take you to the party this time!"

Yang Hui said.

"Well?" Chen Ge was stunned.

No reason. Isn't Zhao Yifan bored to see himself?

How can you invite yourself to a party.

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge drank and ate a lot of food at noon.

I'm not hungry at all.

It's mainly because I've been socializing for a long time. I'm really tired.I don't want to go.

It's been a long time since I had a party. I'm ready to take my driving test.

Maybe it's God's will in the dark.

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Most of the life of the second generation of rich people begins with assembly.

Although he has never revealed his identity, all kinds of Party entertainment have been around him.

Although they have refused, Yang Hui and Chen Ge do not want to go.

Make Chen Ge Ting tangled.

Finally, I was helpless to agree.

I went back to my dormitory and changed my clothes.

Chen Ge and several of them went downstairs and gathered at the school gate.

"Yifan, why did you treat me suddenly? Where are we going to play?"

Ma Xiaonan naturally also in, can't help but curiously asked.

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, this evening is not my treat, but Zhuang Qiang! The restaurant of their family in Jinling commercial street is going to open. The examination and approval is finished this afternoon. From now on, the restaurant of Ming emperor has been in the charge of the banker! "

Zhao Yifan flashed a look of pride on his face and raised his eyes to see Chen GE's expression at this time.


You Chen Ge Niu, you Chen Ge powerful, can invite everyone to dinner in the most luxurious place of the villa.

Let Zhuang Qiang, and her Zhao Yifan are all ashamed.

But What can happen in the future?

You Chen Ge, still as poor.

Can I take you to the villa again?

Zhuang Qiang, on the other hand, has not only a factory at home, but also a site in Jinling commercial street.

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With Li Zhenguo, a tycoon in Jinling, the future development is very clear.

Zhao Yifan invited Chen Ge out.

I want to see Chen GE's embarrassed expression when he learns that he and Zhuang Qiang can't be compared.

However, Zhao Yifan was somewhat disappointed.

Because Chen Ge is like a stuffy fart, his face is expressionless, and he is very indifferent to this.

When you cry! wait and see.

Zhao Yifan thought.

"That Yifan, since it's zhuangqiang's restaurant opened, it's not good for you to take us there. After all, we don't know him well..."

At this time, Ma Xiaonan worried said.

Lin Jiao was mending her make-up. At this time, she announced to everyone in a mysterious and excited way:

"ha ha, how can it be bad? Today Yifan invited to have a meal, but also wanted to announce an important news to you. You should remember that we were in emperor KTV last week. In fact, last time zhuangqiang entrusted his father to help Yifan to rescue us all, this matter has been let Beautiful girl Yifan is moved

"So these days, Zhuang Shao has launched a fierce pursuit for Yifan beauty. Yifan beauty decides to go with Zhuang Qiang for a try. Now, Yifan beauty's first love has come!"


Did not expect to hear this, others have not come back.

Chen Ge first exclaimed

Damn it! Have you been cut off? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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