The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 32: 32

Hearing the news, Chen Ge was not happy.

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Zhao Yifan's affairs are clearly resolved by themselves.

Indeed, Chen Ge doesn't want to have much intersection with Zhao Yifan. He intends to help just by looking at Ma Xiaonan's face.

But at the moment, Zhao Yifan obviously misunderstood, she thought it was Zhuang Qiang who helped her, Zhuang Qiang was very strong and so on.

Finally, he walked with Zhuang Qiang.

Zhao Yifan is very beautiful, has never been in love, absolute goddess fan.

It's a lie to say that she doesn't like this beautiful girl at all.

Do you want to find a chance to tell Zhao Yifan the truth? Even if she doesn't thank herself, it's better than being with others because of misunderstanding!

Chen Ge thought.

A group of people have been talking and laughing. They have got into a taxi and went to the Ming Huang restaurant in Jinling commercial street.

The opening ceremony of the Ming emperor restaurant, with the help of the relationship between the Zhuangzi and his son, was naturally lively.

The whole hall on the first floor alone is already overcrowded.

In and out are all valuable.

"How wonderful! Yifan, does it mean that the Ming Huang restaurant in Jinling commercial street will belong to the makers? Can we come here often

Said Lin Jiao.

"Of course, if you don't look at who Yifan is, you won't forget us because of brother Zhuang Qiang, is Yifan?"

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A group of girls came in and looked around. They were so excited.

"Well, we are all sisters. Of course we can." Zhao Yifan nodded slightly:

"in fact, you may not know that this Ming Huang restaurant is not completely owned by the banker!"

Zhao Yifan and their party at the same time, she said.

"What? Isn't it bought by the Zhuang family? "

"No, the zhuangqiang family just bought the agent right of Ming Huang restaurant. The real money maker is the big boss behind the scenes of Jinling commercial street! Because the whole business street belongs to the big boss

Zhao Yifan said, his face also changed.

"Is it all for one person? Is it not the Jinling chamber of Commerce

"My God, who doesn't know that the money of Jinling commercial street is a great flood. It's a continuous flood. The news doesn't say that the total water flow of the whole street every day has reached 100 million yuan, and it's more than 3 billion yuan a month."

"Of course, for a Ming Huang restaurant alone, tens of millions of yuan are recorded in a month, and hundreds of millions a year. Although the Chuang Shao family's industry is strong, it's a waste of money."

When they heard the news, they were about to explode.

It turns out that Jinling commercial street was not organized by Jinling chamber of Commerce, but opened by a big boss himself.

I'll go. What's the price?

"No, I'm going crazy. I don't know if this big boss has a son. If only I could marry him!"

Lin Jiao and other girls are almost obsessed.

Zhao Yifan wryly smiles and shakes his head: "I heard Zhuang Qiang tell me this afternoon that this big boss behind the scenes is a pair of brothers and sisters. Among them, the male boss of the whole street's famous industries occupies 70 percent! It was said that people called him Chen Shao! He seems to have come to Jinling at noon today! Very young, but very dandy! Unfortunately, it was only in the afternoon that the banker got the power of agency, so he didn't have the chance to see him! "

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She said in her heart.

Who is this God hao? How can he like ordinary girls.

Is it, Zhao Yifan also yearns for this God Hao heart, also wants to check, the result on the net about him has no news at all.


Chen Ge was listening, and she was embarrassed.

In particular, Zhao Yifan said that Chen Shao was very young and dandy.

Are you a dandy?

Is it difficult to beat Lin Yiyi, these girls, misunderstood?

At the same time, Chen Ge also felt a little funny.

I don't know Zhao Yifan and Lin Jiao, and they know that the God Hao is themselves. What will be their reaction? Ha ha

"Yifan, why don't you call me when you come?"

At the time of discussion and eagerness, Li Hao, dressed in formal clothes and dressed in polished hair, came to this side with Li Hao.

Today's Zhuang Qiang is just gorgeous.

At least in front of a group of girls!

"I don't see your busy social activities Tired or not? "

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Zhao Yifan gently smile, she has not been in love, so if like roommate Lin Jiao, with all kinds of boys all kinds of ambiguous, Zhao Yifan really can not do it.

She said shyly.

"Well! Today, several uncles came to join us in the business street. I went to arrange their seats just now! Yifan, now I'll arrange for you

Zhuang Qiang smiles in high spirits.

At this time, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of Chen Ge standing at the end.At this time, Chen Ge is using his hand to touch a small wooden horse on the shelf.

The Trojan horse is very exquisite. It is made of sandalwood. Chen Ge is attracted by it.

A moment of curiosity.

"Ha ha, this thing is very fragile, brother Chen Ge, you should be careful!"

With a strong sarcastic face.

Now on the face, where there is still a little bit of haze when Chen Ge hit the face in hot spring mountain.

To say yes, Chen Ge was able to save Li Zhenguo's daughter, feeling a trace of jealousy.

But now, my family is climbing up to Li Zhenguo.

And the friendship between Li Zhenguo and Chen GE has been wiped out. After all, people won't thank you for your whole life.

What's more, this Chen song is a vain fool!

"Hum! It's a bargain. Chen Ge, what do you touch at random? What if the Trojan horse is damaged by you again like the oil painting last time? What else does Zhuang Shao owe you? "

"That's it. Grandma Liu wants to see everything when she enters the Grand View Garden."

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"I really don't know why Yifan called Chen Ge to make everyone so uncomfortable today!"

For a moment, Lin Jiao and several girls directly expressed their dissatisfaction.

In fact, the reason why they ridicule Chen Ge openly now is not because they all know that Zhuang Shao and Chen Ge do not deal with each other.

If Chen Ge can make Zhuang Qiang look good, last time Chen Ge invited everyone to visit the villa. Lin Jiao and she still remember this friendship.

But now, I don't like you very much. I still pretend to be forced in front of others.

Now it's good. Where can you compare with others?

Therefore, in order to show their position, they all came to Chen Ge.

Zhao Yifan just shook his head.

At first, she did have some revenge on Chen Ge, but now, she feels so ridiculous.

How ridiculous it is to be so bitter about such a person!

"Ma Xiaonan, Chen Hui, why are you here? Damn it, Chen Ge, can you come too? "

Just then, a female voice sounded, which sounded very surprised and unexpected.

And hear this girl voice.

Chen Ge suddenly raised his head, a look at the person, unexpectedly is Yang Xue! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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