The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 34: 34

"It's Chen Shao. I'll go!"

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Several other boys and girls present here recognized Chen Shao at a glance.

Suddenly, I was so nervous that I didn't know why.

"Ah? What Chen Shao? Feige, is that what you said... "


The young man in white is naturally Bai Xiaofei. Seeing that he called Chen Shao begging, he took out a mouth.

"Who the hell are you calling for? You don't want to live till tomorrow?"

The young man covered his face with a look of grievance.

"Chen Shao is here, Feige. Let's go and see you together?"

I'm in a hurry.

Chen Ge, one of the behind the scenes owners of the whole commercial street.

Family strength is even more unimaginable.

Who can get to know, who will be able to fly into the sky, life is endless.

Moreover, Chen Ge is the boss of Bai Xiaofei's Laozi boss.

It's tough.

"Wait a minute! It seems that the situation is not right! "

Bai Xiaofei is still calm. He looks over there carefully.

He saw Chen Ge standing alone, and was ridiculed by several girls on the table beside him.

Suddenly it became clear.

Because by sending Chen Shao back to school yesterday, Bai Xiaofei has learned something about Chen Shao.

Chen Shao's identity has not been revealed.

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Because once exposed, Chen Shao can not be so low-key, and in the school, there must be a large number of bodyguards to protect.

Even Chen Shao would not stay in a university like Jinling.

If I take renmao to break Chen Shao's identity.

Chen Shao will undoubtedly be pushed to the top of the storm.

It may even bring Chen Shao a lot of trouble.

At that time, I can't bear to go.

Bai Xiaofei's father is good at flattery, and he is not bad at all.

"What's the matter? Feige, damn it. Now Chen Shao has been ridiculed. It's our chance to perform! Chen Shao is a low-key person who is ridiculed by these dregs, but we can't just watch it? "

A rich second generation said anxiously.

"Of course not, but you must remember that Chen Shao's identity must not be exposed. As for the next, you should listen to my arrangement!"

Bai Xiaofei has already had a dispute in his mind, and he also tells a group of people about the reasons.

They knew it clearly. Obviously, they thought that if they had rushed to recognize Chen Shao just now, they would have been too aggressive.

And Chen GE's side, he really wants to go.

Being looked at like this, I feel hot on my face.

Just about to turn around.

"My friend, please stop!"

Bai Xiaofei and others stand up.

Everyone looks at Bai Xiaofei.

"Friend, if you don't mind, come and have a drink?"

"Yes, my friend, come and have a drink! We have a place here! "

The rich second generation with Bai Xiaofei also stood up.

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One of them was sweating on his head.

"Well? What's the situation? "

"Bai Shao, the young owner of Yubao Pavilion, would invite this beggar?"

"What's more, the table is white, and they represent the nine most prestigious shops in Jinling commercial street. They are very noble."

"And you see, the childe and Miss Lin of Bai family are all here, here and here..."

Everybody didn't know why.

The Bai family, Lin family, and even Ning family, once the Ming emperor restaurant, started off entirely on Jinling commercial street, thus making a fortune and creating a large industry.

He has a very close relationship with Li Zhenguo.

Their childe and miss are more distinguished.

Don't talk about them. At the moment, Yang Xue, Lu Yang and Zhao Yifan are all stunned.

Obviously, the young people at that table, everyone they knew and heard of, had never met.

Very surprised, what did they invite Chen Ge to do?

And Chen Ge is also surprised that Bai Xiaofei and Lin Yiyi, who beat themselves up, have also come.

I didn't notice.

Now hear the invitation.

Chen Ge thought that if he went out in full view of the public, wouldn't it be more contemptuous for him to think that he was coming to beg for food!

It's better to sit together with Bai Xiaofei and others. At least, it can make some people shut up.

Then he nodded: "good!"

With that, Chen Ge walked to the front of the stage step by step under the gaze of a group of astonished eyes, and then sat down in the empty seat between Bai Xiaofei and Lin Yiyi.


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"I don't know what to do!"

"How dare he really sit down? What is his identity?"

"And, so close to Lydia!"There have been many young rich second generation envious hate.

Zhao Yifan, Lu Yang and Yang Xue all look at Zhuang Qiang and ask him what is going on?

Moreover, he felt indignant at Chen GE's sitting there. We should know that they are still sitting at the bottom of the table, and he Chen Ge, actually on the head of the seat.

"Are you invited to sit down without peeing?"

Zhuang Qiang is a little uncomfortable. Who's home today?

He went over and looked at Bai Xiaofei and them: "Bai Shao, what do you mean, this seat, how can this person do?"

"Can't you sit? If this friend can't sit here, we'll all go! "

Bai Xiaofei snorted coldly and stood up directly.

Some of the boss of Bai Xiaofei's family, including those off the stage, also stood up. When Bai Xiaofei left, they naturally had to go.


Strong looks ugly.

Today is the opening ceremony. He can't afford to offend the Bai family and Lin family.

Just doubt, always proud of Bai Xiaofei, how to be so polite to Chen Ge.

"Can sit, since Bai Shao has spoken, naturally can sit!"

Zhuang Qiang coldly stares at Chen Ge, and then turns back to the original seat.

"Zhuang Shao, what's the situation? Why did Bai Dashao invite Chen GE's loser? "

"I don't know, but I guess it's for the sake of fighting against our banker. Originally, the Ming emperor restaurant was to be taken by the white family. My father spent a lot of effort to get it. Then Bai Xiaofei held a grudge against him! However, today our family is open for business. It's not good if you don't invite us. After all, the Bai family is in Jinling, and it's also a big family! "

"I see!"

It was clear to all.

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Zhao Yifan is relieved, and Yang Xue is also slightly stable.

If Chen GE has a good relationship with Bai Da Shao, it will make Yang Xue feel very uncomfortable.

Lu Yang is not qualified to know people, how can he know Chen Ge.

On the other hand, Chen Gecai doesn't care what Yang Xue thinks.

After sitting down at the moment, it was interesting to look at the beauties whose faces were already blushing.

Especially Lin Yiyi.

"I didn't expect that we would meet so soon?"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, Chen Shao, this may be the fate in the legend!"

A group of beautiful women toward Chen Ge Nuo mouth, very cute.

Lin Yiyi's heart is very tangled, but when I think of this afternoon, his father told him very much.

Also learn from their appearance, nodding to Chen Ge.

"Chen Shao, you won't have a good relationship with Zhuang Qiang, will you?"

At this time, Bai Xiaofei squints at Zhuang Qiang and asks.

Although it can be seen that Zhuang Qiang has a bad relationship with Chen Shao, he must hear Chen GE's answer in person.

"Not good!"

Chen Ge said truthfully.

"That's great, Chen Shao. Today we have a way to make Zhuang Qiang lose face in public and damage their family's reputation. But we are afraid of Uncle Zhenguo, so we dare not use it. If you are willing to support us, Zhuang Qiang will be ruined today Hey, hey , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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