The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 35: 35

"In disgrace, what can I do?"

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Chen Ge asked curiously.

Just now when Zhuang Qiang came here to look for Bai Xiaofei, Chen Ge also saw that although Zhuang Qiang was polite on the surface, it was obvious that the two people were not dealing with each other.

Just fear the strength of the white family.

"Hey hey, let's watch a video!"

With that, Bai Xiaofei took out his mobile phone and let Chen Ge watch a video they had recorded.

This is a big bed room in the box.

Zhuang Qiang came in with a comatose woman in her arms. She was about 30 years old and very beautiful.

As for the next thing, don't even think about what happened.

Unfortunately, the video is only three minutes long and Zhuang Qiang is finished.

Chen Ge looks at, is a little embarrassed.

"Can't it ruin him? Isn't that normal for you? "

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

Bai Xiaofei was embarrassed: "Chen Shao, we do often have girls, but Zhuang Qiang is different. Do you know who this woman is? It's his stepmother

"Damn it!"

Chen GE's eyes widened.

That would be too exciting.

"You hate him so much that you investigate him?" Chen Ge had no choice but to smile bitterly.

Bai Xiaofei said: "who let them play yin? Chen Shao. Originally, the Ming emperor restaurant was auctioned. Our Bai family had already won the first prize through the final price. Those who often participate in such large-scale auctions have a tacit understanding that they can't bid any more in the last three minutes. As a result, they steal the tower! what the hell! At the last minute, straight down! "

"If he is negative to our family, I will be negative to him!"

Chen Ge understood that they didn't dare to do this before, because they were afraid that Li Zhenguo would investigate this matter. After all, he was in charge of it. The shop was in conflict with each other, but it was a big taboo.

"So you want my acquiescence?"

"Yes! As long as you let Uncle Li not blame, the rest of the matter will be left to us! "

Chen Ge did not speak, but took a drink from his glass.

But Bai Xiaofei instantly understood that he tried to wink at a younger brother.

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The little brother took his mobile phone and said, "OK, you'll see later, ok..."

With that, he ran quietly towards the background of the ceremony.

Chen ge used to have no money. He was bullied and bullied. Now he has money, why is he bullied by others?

Therefore, Chen Ge is willing to strengthen the goods.

What's more, it's too special to be a stepmother!

But he said the ceremony had been going on.

To the final ribbon cutting ceremony.

As a young owner of the Ming emperor restaurant, Zhuang Qiang naturally wants to play.

"Yifan, you go up with me!"

Zhuang Qiang grabs Zhao Yifan's hand gently.

It was envied by many people present.

Yang Xue, in particular, wondered why her life was so bad. First she found a loser like Chen Ge, and then Lu Yang, an ordinary rich second generation.

If only we could find a boy friend of Zhuang Qiang's strength!

Zhao Yifan will not refuse.

In this way, Zhuang Qiang held hands, and they walked to the front stage together.

Passing Chen GE's table.

Zhao Yifan's line of sight can't help but glance at Chen Ge.

It means to tell him, see? No matter where you are, that's the gap.

And Zhuang Qiang is also proud to look at Chen Ge, under the attention of the public, he has a feeling of stepping on Chen Ge.

Only because he Zhuang Qiang grew up, his only self-esteem was injured. Actually, he came from a poor force, Chen Ge!

"In the days to come, I will step on your feet dead and dead, not so simple as to make you poor!"

Zhuang Qiang thought to himself.

Chen Ge is drinking wine here, and Bai Xiaofei's younger brother has come back. He nods to Chen Ge, indicating that the matter has been completed. He is waiting to see a good play.

Chen Ge is looking at Zhuang Qiang, who is in high spirits on the stage.

His parents and stepmother are all there, and it can be seen that when Zhuang Qiang holds Zhao Yifan's hand, a very abnormal look appears on his stepmother's face.

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"Everybody, I want to introduce to you, this is my girlfriend, Zhao Yifan!"

At this time, all the people in the stands are looking at Zhao Yifan, who is holding hands with him.

He introduced it to a group of people.

Zhao Yifan looks very beautiful. Even Chen Ge, who doesn't deal with her, admits in the bottom of her heart that Zhuang Qiang naturally feels proud.

"Hello, everyone

Zhuang Qiang's soft voice.

Zhao Yifan said nervously, "Hello, my name is Zhao Yifan."

"Wow, beauty, how did you get to know Chuang so little? In other words, which time of looking back, has become your lifetime encounter? ""Yes, talk about it quickly, so that we can learn from Zhuang Shao's experience!"

Many of them can only kneel down and lick the second generation of Xiaoqiang.

Zhao Yifan cut his haircut and said in a soft voice, "I have known Zhuang Qiang for a long time. Uncle Zhuang and my father used to be comrades in arms. As for me and Zhuang Qiang's confirmation of love relationship, it is because Zhuang Qiang did something for me after returning home, which made me deeply moved!"

"Whoa, whoa!"

"It turns out that Zhuang Shao is really a good method. The best way to pursue a girl is to make him moved."

Listening to all the people talking in a soft voice, they are envious of Zhuang Qiang's winning a beautiful woman.

Chen Ge in the bottom of the heart is not a taste.

"After that, we'll show you the wedding ceremony on the screen

The host is very active. In order to save time, he grabs the topic immediately.

The light dimmed immediately.

Zhao Yifan also looked at the same smile Chen Ge.

But Chen GE's smile, she defined as bitter smile.

Envy and jealousy go, hum!

However, with the start of the screen.

In front of us, it is not the message from the big guys, but the scene of a hotel.


Everyone was watching.

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"This is Damn it

You can see Zhuang Qiang holding a woman into the room, and that woman is no other than his stepmother.


The whole scene exploded in a flash.

On the stage, the solemn face looked ugly, followed by a pale color.

Similarly, Zhao Yifan is also a face of muddle.

The most wonderful is Zhuang Qiang's father and his charming stepmother.

"This You! Beast! The beast

Zhuang Fu vomited blood.

"No! This is not me! Who played the video? "

Solemn words began to tremble.

Although he is still roaring, the scene continues.

It's ugly.

Zhao Yifan shook her head with disappointment on her face. Not only was she disappointed, but she was insulted today.

She has just introduced her on stage that she is Zhuang Qiang's girlfriend, but now, Zhuang Qiang is so abnormal and disgusting.

Besides, there are reporters from the local media.

She Zhao Yifan, thoroughly famous!

The pride that just emerged just now, where can you see half a point.

"You son of a bitch!"


Zhao Yifan slapped Zhuang Qiang in the face.

It's like hitting her in the sky and throwing her down on the ground.

Zhao Yifan covered his mouth and ran out crying.

"Yifan, Yifan!"

Ma Xiaonan didn't expect that the situation would develop like this. She knew that Yifan must have been seriously injured today. She was afraid of her accident, so she ran after her.

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On the stage, Zhuang's father had already beaten Zhuang Qiang with shame and anger.

All the people under the stage are watching.

"Ha ha..."

Bai Xiaofei laughed, "Chen Shao, do you want to relieve your anger? The boy dared to tease you in public just now. He deliberately embarrassed you. I didn't expect that we still have such a skill! "

Chen Ge just gave a bitter smile.

Looked at the eye stage to cover the face, dare not let the reporter take the solemn.

He said, "OK, there's no excitement to watch. It's time to withdraw."

Chen GE has never been such a person.

But think about it, Zhuang Qiang has two words: deserve it!

With Bai Xiaofei they said, Chen Ge returned to Yang Hui and their side.

There's no point in staying any longer. I just left the restaurant and prepared to take a taxi back.

At this time, Lu Yang happened to drive Yang Xue by the roadside, and deliberately slowed down the speed in front of Chen Ge:

"Oh, it's not easy to drive this evening, right?"

Lu Yang said coldly. He wanted to come here to pretend to be forced, but he didn't pretend to be anything.

He was almost beaten in the face by Chen Ge.

Because Chen Ge was invited by Bai Shao.

If Zhuang Qiang didn't explain later, Yang Xue and Lu Yang would not be able to sleep again tonight!

Finish saying, two people base Xi Xi to leave.

"What the hell is that?" Yang Hui angrily scolded.

"Well, I heard that Lu Yang was rich again. He had trouble raising 20000 yuan that day. I heard that he didn't know where the money came from today, and he bought this and that for Yang Xue!" Li Bin sighed helplessly.Yang Hui indicated that Li Bin realized that Lu Yang had robbed Chen's female ticket. That's not going on.

In fact, Chen Ge is also a little curious, but it doesn't matter to Chen Ge.

At this time, Chen GE's mobile phone suddenly rang, it was ma Xiaonan calling.

"Chen Ge, where are you? Come to Emperor KTV, Yifan has an accident here , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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