The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 36: 36

"What happened to Zhao Yifan?! That's great. It's not a day or two for this woman to target Lao Chen. If something happens, it's God's eye! "

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Some of the roommates were gloating.

Yang Hui scratched his head: "but, just after, in addition to Xiaonan, there are Xu Xia and them!"

"What can I do, old Chen?"

Li Bin looked at Chen Ge and asked.

Since Ma Xiaonan is calling, Chen Ge can't help but go.

What's more, there was an accident in his own emperor KTV.

"Let's go and have a look. After all, it comes out together."

Chen Ge really didn't want to take care of Zhao Yifan, but he was helpless.

They took two cars and went to the emperor KTV.

At this time, in a box.

In front of Zhao Yifan, there are several bottles of red wine broken on the ground.

And Zhao Yifan, also crazy to his mouth filled with wine.

"Why? Why is Zhuang Qiang such a person? I always thought that he was a gentleman who came back from overseas. He had a very good temperament and was very stable. I always thought he was the best and most loyal to me

"But why? Why is he so abnormal and disgusting

Gulu Gulu

Zhao Yifan raised his head and poured a few mouthfuls of red wine, then he fell on the ground suddenly!

"Yifan, don't fall off again. These are expensive red wine you ordered. We don't have enough money!"

Ma Xiaonan has already moved the remaining unsealed red wine with Xu Xia and them to one side.

Today's events have had a great impact on Zhao Yifan. In particular, Zhao Yifan can't stand his dignity when it is broadcast in public.

A person ran to the emperor KTV to get drunk. She started to fall in love with Zhuang Qiang from here. She thought, forget it from here.

Then he ordered the most expensive box of red wine.

Take a few drinks and fall!

"Ha ha, this is my boyfriend Zhao Yifan's territory, my boyfriend's words, can let the emperor's boss bow to us, I throw a few bottles of wine is nothing, I have to smash it!"

Zhao Yifan didn't believe that his first boyfriend was like this.

She can't believe it!

I feel something and want to smash the song stage.

"I think so, Xiaonan. If you don't call Zhuang Qiang, I've seen more than 20000 bottles of wine. Now we've broken four bottles. We don't have enough money to bring!" Said Lin Jiao.

"Yes, call my boyfriend. How good my boyfriend is

Zhao Yifan called out with self mockery.

Just then, the door of the box opened.

Chen Ge and Yang Hui come in.

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Seeing the wine all over the place, Chen Ge was slightly stunned.

This woman is really crazy when she is sad.

"Chen Ge, you are here!"

Ma Xiaonan is busy. She was so worried that she had no backbone for a while.

"Ha ha, you come to see my joke?"

Chen Ge did not speak, this time sitting on the sofa Zhao Yifan cold staring at Chen Ge.

"Yes, it must be. Chen Ge, you must hate that I have been aiming at you. Now, I have such a thing. The happiest person must be you, right?"

"Yifan, you misunderstand Chen Ge too deeply. I just called and said that as soon as you had an accident, he came immediately!"

Ma Xiaonan explained in a hurry.

"He was in a hurry to see my joke!"

If Ma Xiaonan was not here, Chen Ge really wanted to leave, regardless of her.

And it was just then.

The door of the box was pushed open.

A bodyguard heard the noise inside and came in.

"What is your situation?"

The bodyguard asked coldly.

By coincidence, this bodyguard was the one who was in the last accident of the emperor.

Zhao Yifan also recognized, "what's the matter with you? Get out of here and ask your boss to come over!"

Zhao Yifan went straight into a rage.

"Ha ha, call our boss?" The bodyguard looked at the red wine bottle on the ground and said with a sneer: "call our boss, you guys, you should tie the single knot first. I think the floor has been worn a few pieces! In our emperor's way of playing, there is really not much... "

The bodyguard subconsciously thought, did this group of people deliberately make trouble?

"You'd better not let her go, if you don't know? She's Zhuang Qiang's boyfriend, Jinling banker. Don't I remind you? "

Lin Jiao is also afraid of losing money.

Also have no time to take into account Zhao Yifan's feelings, directly zhuangqiang this scum moved out.

However, I don't want to do business with the emperor? He doesn't ask for the name of brother FeihongLin Jiao didn't expect that it would be useless for others to move out.

"Last time, Zhuang Qiang called Li Feihong to apologize. I remember you were there at that time."

Lin Jiao suddenly felt something bad.

"What? Miss, I think you are mistaken. Did you say that the last call was made by the banker? The banker is in our place. He is a fart. He can make brother Feihong kowtow to him? "

After such a reminder, the bodyguard finally remembered that this group of people was the one who smashed the Fengshui fish tank last time.

At the moment, the tone is a little more relaxed.

Listen to this paragraph, Zhao Yifan's wine already sober up half a minute.

The meaning of this bodyguard is very obvious. The banker is nothing in the eyes of this bodyguard.

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Not to mention in front of Li Feihong.

Although the banker is strong, he can't cover Li Feihong.

How can Li Feihong kowtow?

"Some beauties, I think you are mistaken. To tell you the truth, the phone call was made by a mysterious big man to our general manager Li, not a banker at all, ha ha..."

"Mysterious man?"

Zhao Yifan took a breath.

It seems that she has always been wrong, even this time, because she was moved to become Zhuang Qiang's girlfriend?

No! How could that be.

She immediately took out her mobile phone and called Zhuang Qiang. After waiting for Zhuang Qiang to answer, there were still bursts of noise.

"Yifan, I was wrong, I did wrong, you forgive me..."

"Zhuang Qiang, I'd like to ask you a question. Did you ask your father to call Li Feihong to make amends to us and bow to us at the emperor KTV?"

Zhao Yifan asked coldly.

"Ah? Mr. Li? Bow and apologize? How is that possible? Li Feihong is a close friend of Mr. Li Zhenguo! We are the makers... "

"I see!"

Zhao Yifan directly hung up the phone.

This misunderstanding is too big. At the beginning, Zhao Yifan really believed it was Zhuang Qiang.

Therefore, in order not to let Zhuang Qiang feel that he was with him because he was grateful to him, he did not ask about this matter in detail except for the first time.

Now it's all clear.

This matter is not solved by Zhuang Qiang at all. Who will it be?

And it was just then.

The bodyguard's headset seems to have come to the phone, saw his face respectful, said three in a row!

And his face turned pale.

He bent down directly and bowed deeply to a group of girls: "ladies, I'm really sorry, just now, it's me. Tonight's consumption is free, you You can all leave! "

He bent over and did not dare to stand up.


Zhao Yifan, they as like as two peas, and the scene is just the same as Li Feihong did last time.

Who on earth is calling? Is there such energy?

Ma Xiaonan was also deeply surprised, "I think we'd better go back first, and then discuss this matter later..."

Finish saying worried look to Zhao Yifan.

"Well Let's go back first... "

Zhao Yifan is also in a mess now.

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What the hell is going on here?

Who is helping them?

Just as the crowd was about to go out.

"Why? What about Chen Ge? "

Ma Xiaonan wants to find Chen Ge, only to find that Chen Ge is not there at all.

"Yes, Lao Chen. Damn it. I was still behind me just now."

"Last time I heard about the toilet, he didn't dare to spend money, so we went out again."

Lin Jiao some disdain way.

"No! Chen Ge is definitely not such a person! "

Ma Xiaonan said that he would go and look for it.

Just at this time, Chen Ge pushed the door in.

At the same time, put the mobile phone in the pocket.

"Are you all right? If it's OK, let's go. There are three taxis waiting outside! "

Chen Ge said lightly.

Then he turned and left.

And the people in the box, all eyes widened.

Especially Zhao Yifan.

It's like a jerk in the heart.

Chen GE has already taken a taxi, which means that he has known for a long time that it is OK.

Just like last time, Chen Ge also secretly ran out.

And then we'll come back as soon as we can.

Is it a coincidence?

Or do you call people to help them out Chen Ge?

How could that be possible!

"Chen Ge, you stop, you speak clearly!"

Zhao Yifan directly chased out, outside the door, as expected, there are three taxis waiting.She ran straight to Chen Ge and asked.

"Say what?"

Chen Ge asked.

He has been disappointed with Zhao Yifan, two people, even friends can not do, why Chen Ge entangled with her so much?

"I asked you, was it you who called?"

Zhao Yifan asked nervously.

Because, put all the things together, from the initial 360000 bags, to later to the villa, just now, Chen Ge was invited by the Bai Shao of Jinling, and now the attitude of the emperor's bar!

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Almost everything has not left Chen GE's figure.

If Chen Gezhen saved Li Zhenguo's daughter, however, there will always be a time to pay off the human relationship, right?

Zhao Yifan is afraid, she is afraid that she dislikes and despises people, will be a hidden big man.

She didn't know how to face it.

"Is it you?" Zhao Yifan said in a hurry.

"You want to be, and hope not to be! Ha ha... " Chen Ge lightly said a sentence, directly turned to get on the bus.

And this scene was just heard by Lin Jiao and them.

I was shocked.

I'll go! Is it all because of Chen Ge?

He Isn't he poor?

Zhao Yifan is with tears, do not know what has been thinking in his mind.

Finally, they were pulled into the taxi by Lin Jiao and Xiaonan.

"Yifan, are you ok? Chen Ge is Chen Ge. Although he is poor, he is very good. Don't think too much about it!"

Ma Xiaonan helplessly advised.

"No! I didn't think too much... " Zhao Yifan suddenly raised his head, she looked at Ma Xiaonan and Lin Jiao.

"Do you remember, what I told you today is that there is a young boss in Jinling commercial street. 70% of the whole business street is under his name. However, the young boss is very low-key, and there is no information about him on the Internet..."

"Of course I remember. You just said that man's surname was Chen, and people called him Chen Shao Ah! Chen Shao? "

Lin Jiao seems to think of something like, directly shocked!

"Chen Shao, Chen Ge? This How can it be

Lin Jiao's faces were all white.

If Chen Ge is Chen Shao, some things really make sense.

However, if it is true, then she Lin Jiao simply go to die at once!

She can knock against the wall with regret!

These girls are not like this.

"Yifan, you really want more. If Chen Ge is Chen Shao, who earns a lot of money every month, how can he live on poverty subsidies all the time?"

Ma Xiaonan sees Zhao Yifan's face white and frightening.

Hurry to comfort.

"Uh huh..."

Zhao Yifan just nodded, but she has made up her mind. She must investigate this matter and find out the truth , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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