The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 37: 37

After Chen Ge went back, she looked at the test questions of subject one all night in a quiet mood.

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In the morning of the next day, Chen Ge had planned to go to the venue of subject two.

At this time, I received a text message from my sister:

"Xiaoge, there are less than three days before the end of the month. I checked and found that the 20 million of black gold card only cost 360000. If you can't spend it at the end of the month, the 20 million will be invalid..."

Chen Ge was startled, only to react that it was the end of the month, his 20 million black gold card, except for the 360000 bought a bag, seems to have not moved.

If you don't move, according to the elder sister, the 20 million will be useless.

No, we have to spend the 20 million first.

Twenty million yuan can be expired.

And to buy things, Chen Ge naturally thought well, must be to buy his favorite car.

So Chen Ge got up early and came to Jinling Auto City.

I spent most of the day.

I can't help but be disappointed. There are too few luxury cars over 10 million! The main reason is that many luxury car shops do not have stock.

"How much is the most expensive car in your shop? It's better to get the car out at the end of the month, and all the procedures are completed! "

Chen GE's stop is BMW.

But unfortunately, only one of the most expensive BMW 7 Series in this BMW store can complete the transaction at the end of the month, and the top price is only 2.3 million. It's really too cheap. You have to buy at least seven or eight cars.

But why do you buy so many cars?

Chen Ge anxiously scratched his head.

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"Sir, this is the most expensive one in our shop, but I suggest you take a look at the domestic BMW 3 series. If this car is equipped with a minimum of 200000 yuan '

the receptionist of the 4S store has already made no secret of her contempt in her eyes.

It's just not shown in the language.

Look what you're wearing. It's the most expensive car. I came across such a product in the early morning.

The receptionist is very upset. Can you afford to recommend the cheapest one to you?

"Well, more than 200000 yuan. It's cheaper. Forget it. I'll go to other places to have a look..." Chen Ge sighed and left disappointed.

"Get the hell out of here! Neuropathy

The receptionist speechless to the door, looking at Chen GE's far away back, the professional smile on her face gradually converged, and then directly scolded Chen Ge without politeness.

Chen Ge didn't expect that he had been treated as a neuropathy, because he was full of heart to find a luxury car, and then spend the money.

Fortunately, Chen Ge finally found a 4S store with the right price, Lamborghini!

Lamborghini is definitely the leading brand in sports cars.

For the price of sports cars, the cheapest one has to start at a million.

Think about the car that I could only see in a magazine before. Now, I can buy it.

Chen Ge thinks this kind of feeling is good dream ~!

There is a super luxury sports car called RAVENTON in Lamborghini. The maximum matching cost is 18 million yuan. Moreover, the most important thing is that there is a spot car that can be directly traded.

Chen Ge did not pay attention to a female receptionist's disdainful eyes, so he sat in and experienced it.

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"Honey, it's RAVENTON. What a cool car! Can we sit in and feel it? "

At this time, a young couple, hand in hand, came in.

Their clothes were extraordinary and they were very valuable.

"I said I'd like to see galado. The RAVENTON is too expensive. The minimum match is 1500 million. Even if I see it, I can't afford it. More than three million galados can do it!"

The young man raised his watch in his hand and laughed bitterly.

"Don't buy it or not. People just want to feel RAVENTON This is the most expensive Lamborghini

The girl is coquettish.

The receptionist, who is preparing to drive Chen Ge away, has already cast her eyes on the couple.

Just looking at the clothes, everyone can't afford 30000 yuan, absolute local tyrant.

Besides, people are coming to buy galado, which definitely has this strength.

It's not like the poor boy sitting in the car. He wants to gain insight. He is also very thick skinned.

"Handsome boy and beautiful woman, your eyes are very good, my name is Wei Li, excuse me, can I help you?"

Wei Li asked respectfully.

"Ao, we wanted to test drive the Lamborghini galado, and we were ready to start, but my girlfriend wanted to try RAVENTON. Hehe, it doesn't matter. We can pay the test drive deposit..."

The man said with a smile.

"Of course, you can have a try. As for the test drive deposit, it will be a discount for you..."

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This is really like buying a car. She can see at a glance that the watch on the man's wrist can't go down to 100000 yuan.Then Wei Li said with a quick smile.

"Gee, but I think there are customers in the car..." The man smiles bitterly.

"Ah? Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. noble. He's not a customer. I'll let him out of the car right now

Which is more important is clear at a glance!

As long as these two customers are well served, not to mention the more than 3 million galados sold, even an ordinary Lamborghini!

But it's better than wasting time with this poor loser.

"Sir, if you don't buy it, please get out of the car at once!"

Wei Li's tone is a little cold. She opens the door and says to Chen Ge, who is still studying the interior.

It has been ordered to leave.

"I didn't say I didn't buy it, sister. I'll have a look again..." Chen Ge really likes this car. He can't put it down. He is busy now.

I don't care if you buy it or not?

Looking at Chen GE's clothes and stalls, Wei Li couldn't figure out how much vanity she was. She dared to come to Lamborghini to see the car.

Even if you have vanity, you can go to the BMW Benz.

But Chen Ge came. According to the regulations, Wei Li should not be too mean.

"Ah! How can I feel like a low-grade car like this

The woman in the man's arms immediately covered her mouth and said in surprise.

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The two of them had a good tone just now, because the people who could come to Lamborghini store were famous people in Jinling, just like them.

Even if you don't know each other, you can have a one-sided relationship and make friends.

But when Wei Li opened the door, she saw this kind of goods.

Let the two people suddenly disappointed.

Especially for women, the disdain on the face is not concealed.

"Yes, Miss Wei Li, is your 4S store funny? Such a person can let in and let him sit in the RAVENTON luxury car?"

The man was also shocked.

He didn't even bother to see Chen Ge. Because it's not a class at all.

Even, he was a little angry, feeling that this kind of thing sitting in the car, let him in front of his girlfriend some humiliation.

Think about it. Did you bring your girlfriend to a luxury car location?

And when she heard this, Wei Li couldn't be anxious.

Chen Ge also wants to touch the intelligent console.

"Get out of here!"

With a roar, Wei Li reached for Chen GE's collar and tried to pull Chen Ge out of it , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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