The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 38: 38

Willie may have been too keen on the young couple's business.

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It's a little bit too strong.

Chen Ge didn't expect Wei Li to be so rude, her head accidentally bumped into the car, which called a pain.

"If you don't go out again, I'll call security!"

Wei Li Ning eyebrow way.

Chen Ge comes out with his head covered, damn it.

He didn't expect that he looked well in the car and would be yanked out by this woman.

"I'm here to buy a car. Can't I look at it?"

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge is now choking with anger.

"Buy a car? What car can you afford in our store? Come in and let you gain insight, even if you still don't know how to do it

In order to please the young men and women behind her, Wei Li's tone is quite moderate.

It attracted many people from the 4S store.

But the young man and woman were extremely helpful.

"Husband, he's sitting in the family Rambo. I don't want to buy Rambo anymore Oh, what a disappointment

The woman added fuel to the side.

This RAVENTON is definitely not affordable for ordinary people.

It would be nice for them to buy galado.

However, this famous luxury car, do not get on the car experience, that is too bad.

Everyone has vanity. No matter the poor or the rich, it seems that if you don't belittle others, you can't show how powerful she is.

Wei Li bowed slightly to the man and woman: "sorry, I'll take care of it right away."

She was so sorry that she let the poor force in.

But Wei Li turned around and found that Chen Ge left directly.

Not towards the door.

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It's going straight to the manager's office.

"That's the manager's office. What are you doing? Come back to me

Wei Li stamped her feet.

You think so.

First of all, I was forced to make trouble here for a while. At least it caused a series of influences. The main responsibility is myself.

Secondly, he must want to report himself to the manager's office.

Under the double pressure, the manager must blame himself for causing so much trouble.

Besides, if this business can't be done today, it will be too miserable.

And by the time she chased her, it was already late, and Chen Ge had gone in.

"Don't worry, Miss Wei Li. We have bought the galado today. Even if we report to you, I have a way to let your manager not punish you!"

The man was laughing.

"Thank you, sir."

Wei Li bowed her thanks.

However, Chen Ge rubbed his painful head and came to the manager's office.

In the office, there is a middle-aged man watching the sales report of this year.

Seeing Chen Ge come in, he was stunned.

Then he stood up.

The young man didn't look well dressed, but as a manager of a shop, he was absolutely extraordinary.

In particular, he looked at the young man with a sharp look in his eyes.

I dare not take it lightly.

What can I do for you, sir

"Oh, I want to buy a car. The receptionist in your house not only refuses to let me see it, but also does it to me. This is the service attitude of your store?"

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Chen Ge said directly.

To tell you the truth, today one after another, I was almost pulled out by a female receptionist. At the same time, Chen Ge got angry.

Mainly, he has to finish the car business today.

"Yes? Which car do you like, sir

The middle-aged manager is an old oilseed. You can see at a glance that this person doesn't seem to be able to afford Rambo, so it's normal to be despised by some female receptionists.

He came to report it just to save face.

Therefore, the middle-aged manager first asked which car he liked.

"RAVENTON, the 18 million top sports car!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"Ha ha, this gentleman, that car..."


The middle-aged manager did not finish, Chen Ge directly took his black gold card on the table.

After taking it up and looking at it carefully, the middle-aged manager's face changed again and again.

It's obvious that Hei Jin Ka TA naturally knows.

There are very few people in the world who can have it.

"There is a basic amount of 20 million left in the card. Is it more than enough to buy a car?"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"That's more than enough of nature!"

Although he said it, the middle-aged manager was still suspicious.

Because in my opinion, this person doesn't look like a black gold card holder.

Can't it be picked up?Now, after smiling at Chen GE's apology.

He immediately turned on a device and brushed the card.

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In an instant, a string of information appeared on his computer.

"What's your name, please?"

The middle-aged manager asked respectfully.

"Chen Ge!"

"Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry for the audacity just now!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged manager walked directly from the table to Chen Ge and bowed down:

"my name is Wang Qiang, and I will serve Chen Shao wholeheartedly!"

After the information was confirmed, Wang Qiang was already sweating.

The young man in plain clothes was the holder of the black gold card.

It must have come from a big family.

Even if they can afford a car of 18 million yuan.

Damn it! Which receptionist did a good job and didn't have eyes?

"That RAVENTON, I'm going to pick it up today! Trouble manager Wang

Chen Ge saw Wang Qiang's attitude was not bad, but also said politely.

Then he turned straight out.

"Yes, Chen Shao!"

Wang Qiang wiped the sweat on his forehead, turned around, took out the black gold card, and immediately began to contact the financial manager.

After Chen Ge came out.

Weilly, they're just testing in RAVENTON.

Although she knew that the young men and women didn't buy it, Wei Li naturally had to meet all the requirements of the customers as a heavy customer.

I'm explaining it to them.

"Wow, honey! This car is so handsome. It is worthy of being a luxury car of 18 million yuan. When can we buy this one, husband

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The woman went in and sat down and fell in love with this sports car.

Not only the appearance is cool, but the interior is even more spectacular. Fully intelligent, fully automatic, top luxury configuration.

A woman can't stop it!

"Then I have to wait for me to inherit the property of the father of my family..." The man gave a bitter smile.

"I don't care, my husband. In any case, I will be on this sports car in my lifetime! Yeah? My husband, look, the poor man is coming again. He is still beating at the front of the car

The woman said.

But at a glance, I saw the old songs that had gone back and forth.

Chen Ge is looking at the headlight in the car.

And the man and Wei Li at this time attention is also in the car, a see Chen Ge.

Wei Li was anxious at first: "ha ha, what are you doing here? Why don't you go? Do you think I'm afraid of you when you report me? "

"It's just that people's vanity is so strong now. I don't want to see where this is..."

The man raised his watch and said.

Chen Ge coldly looked at Wei Li: "this young lady, what you do is not only the sales industry, but also the service industry. If one day you find that the person you drive away is your biggest customer, won't you feel ashamed then?"

"Ha ha, you're funny. It's up to you? Well, well, I'll wait for that day to come. Now, can you go out? "

Wei Li looks at Chen Ge as if she is mentally retarded. Her disdain is self-evident.

Chen Ge nods and smiles helplessly: "do not have to wait for that day, can now!"

"Mr. Chen, I have called all the relevant personnel who need to leave the procedure to ensure that you can complete your car collection task today!"

At this time, the middle-aged manager led a group of people, carrying large and small instruments, and ran directly to Chen Ge.

And Willie's eyes widened.

The young men and women on the side of the scene are even more incredible , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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