The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 358: 358

Chen Ge went out with Shen Junwen.

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"I'll go, Chen Ge. Aren't you playing in Shuchuan? What are you doing here?"

"I come to study, but it's you. What are you doing here?"

Chen Ge asked.

Shen Junwen doesn't like Chen Ge. Of course, Chen Ge doesn't like Shen Junwen either.

"That's exactly what I want to tell you. I'll tell you the truth. This time, not only me, but also Hui Min, as for what's going on, it must be confidential. I'll tell you, in the future, keep your mouth tight, don't tell others our identity, or don't blame me for not reminding you!"

After warning Chen Ge, Shen Junwen turns to leave.

Guess that's their mission, right?

Chen Ge is not curious about their specific tasks.

At the moment, she just shook her head with a bitter smile, and Chen Ge was ready to go back.

"This little brother, we are now collecting donations. Do you want to donate? It doesn't matter whether you donate more or less! We'll transfer it to the children who can't afford to read books in the mountain areas, so that everyone can read books! "

At this time, a little girl shyly pulled Chen Ge.

She should be a fundraiser.

See stopped, Chen Ge also embarrassed not to donate.

After all, this is also a very meaningful thing, just like the hope primary school built by ourselves.

Chen Ge nodded.

"How much do you want to donate, classmate?"

Several working girls all stand up and smile at Chen Ge.

"Fifty thousand!"

Chen Ge smiles.

"Ah? what? Fifty thousand? "

Several female students were all startled.

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After all, the campus fund-raising activities are common, almost every school has it, and the help is also those poor and poor mountain students.

So every time this kind of activity, the school donates a lot of students.

Most of them are more than ten yuan, and there are five or six yuan. Money is not much, but love.

But, 50000

They have been collecting money here for half a month, and for the first time they have seen such a generous student.

"Do you really want to donate 50000, sir?"

They all felt incredible.

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile, then took out the card, or swipe the card.

At present, Chen Ge pressed five zeros and donated them directly.

"Five hundred thousand yuan when it comes to the account!"

There was a mechanical metallic sound coming from the machine.

"Ah?" The staff all opened their mouths wide.

"Ah Chen Ge is also habitually scared.

Chen Ge was supposed to donate 500000 yuan. After all, he will participate in all kinds of charity activities, many of which are donated. But in school, he doesn't want to be so high-profile.

So I gave a little less.

I didn't expect to press an extra zero.

Half a million were donated.

Chen Ge had been thinking about Fang Huanan in her head just now, but she didn't think much about it.

"Sir, you've donated too much. I'll go through the formalities for you right now, and I'll push the surplus to you. Can you come with us to the headquarters this afternoon? You need to sign in the past to refund! "

The staff member is frightened, hurried way.

"It's so troublesome. Forget it. Half a million is half a million!"

Chen Ge shakes his head bitterly. After all, 500000 and 50000 are just a small number difference for him, and there is no other redundant significance.

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"Sir, leave your department, class and name!"

The staff have a bad cult.

Chen Ge wrote about the Department and class. He was about to write Wang Xiaohua's name. Suddenly, several men and women came together with cameras.

It should be a reporter from the love society.

It must be the first time I got the news that Chen Ge donated 500000 yuan and came here to interview.

Chen Ge threw his pen.

"No, no, I have only one request. Don't expose me!"

With that, Chen Ge ran away.

"Good little brother, but little brother, you leave your name!"

Yelled the staff.

Chen's hand is gone.

Several young female staff members are very sorry.

Although this is a job, they also want to know some rich people and so on.

But there is an opportunity in front of us. It's true that we don't even give them a chance.

Besides, Chen Ge is back now.

When I went back, I heard cheers from inside.

"The male elder sister is the male elder sister, this also is too formidable, donated so much! That's thirty thousand yuan

A lot of people yelled.

The reason is that when he came to school this morning, Lin Shengnan saw that the school had raised money, so he donated money.Originally, it was nothing, and she didn't want to say it, but just now when I was chatting with my friend, she accidentally said something.

The whole class exclaimed.

You know, college students, random hand 30000, has been very good.

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Xu Yangyang is also happy to smile, said that she only donated 1000 yuan.

Most of the rest of the students just donated a little and some didn't.

It's nothing.

"By the way, Feige said he came to class today. Why hasn't he arrived? He just came back from the Taekwondo competition and won the runner up

Xu Yang looked at the door.

"Oh, I can't wait for such a short time!"

Lin Shengnan joked.

"Well, of course, I'm looking forward to Feige's early return. Some people in the province think that they are very powerful."

Xu Yangyang glanced at Chen Ge.

And then a boy came in.


"Here comes Feige!"

Exclaimed the whole class excitedly.

"Brother Liang Fei, you just came here, almost late!"

Xu Yangyang stood up excitedly and said to Liang Fei.

"Yes, I was just downstairs. I was stopped by some small sisters who raised money, so I came up a little late."

Liang Fei shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

Then he glanced at Chen Ge in his seat and sat down at the table next to Xu Yangyang.

"Ah? Liang Fei, did you donate? "

Lin Shengnan said with a smile.

Liang Fei nodded.

Class is very handsome, the environment is very tall, Liang is very good.

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Plus sports ability and super strong, naturally is the star of the class.

"Feige, how much did you donate? It's said that a donation ceremony will be held in the afternoon. Those who donate more will show up on the stage. "

Xu Yangyang worshipped.

"I just donated some, but I don't want any ceremony or anything like that!"

Liang Fei shook his head in silence.

Why are you interested in all this?

"Ah? Feige, don't worry about us. What's the point? "

Many girls are very anxious to ask, the boy is also anxious to know.

"I gave a hundred thousand!"

Liang Fei finally had no choice but to speak out.


Then the whole class became dead silent.

Then there was an explosion.


My God!

"Feige, did you donate 100000? Ah

No girl can't help but shout.

Yes, it's a great impact on them to donate so much!

And Xu Yangyang is more excited, do not know what to say.

"Feige, I love you so much. You are so good!"

Xu Yangyang worshiped. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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