The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 359: 359

The whole class is in a kind of inexplicable excitement.

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Obviously, the instructor also heard about it. This time, not to mention that Lin Shengnan earned honor for the class, but Liang Fei earned the honor, and the instructor was going to be famous.

And said that the whole class would go to the fund-raising ceremony held at 1:00 p.m!

Yes, but in schools, where you can show your face, in addition to the school's large-scale sports meet, it's such activities.

What's more, knowing clearly that the students in my class are going to be brilliant and not all of them are going to have a strong voice in this activity?

Soon, after lunch.

All the students of the Department walked towards the school hall.

But Chen Ge is heading for the class.

"Brother Chen, why don't you go?"

Wang Xiaohua asked.

"I won't go."

Chen Ge did not take part in this kind of occasion before. That's all. In fact, donating money is a kind of simple love activity. Chen GE has already given his love. He thinks that is enough.

I don't want to join in.

"No, brother Chen, look, it seems that the two goddesses have gone too!"

Wang Xiaohua suddenly points to the entrance of the auditorium.

Sure enough, Chen Ge saw Fang Huanan.

"Let's go. If we donate or not, let's go and have a look. After all, all the students in class three have gone. It's not good for us not to go either!"

Wang Xiaohua said.

"Mm-hmm, all right."

Chen Ge shook his head helplessly.

Indeed, it seems too different and not good. After all, I still have to get along with the students here for a period of time.

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So Chen Ge and Wang Xiaohua went in.

Fang Yannan and the two goddesses are very low-key, sitting in the back row.

But it was obvious that no one dared to get close to them in a row.

Because I would rather have someone standing than sit beside them.

"No place!"

Wang Xiaohua scratched his head.

"There is no such thing."

Chen Ge took a look at Fang's position and then walked over.

"Two beauties, is there no one next to you?"

Chen Ge asked with a smile.

As for Fang Yannan and Fang Yi, neither of them spoke, as if they had not heard Chen GE's words. Their faces were extremely cold and looked forward.

Wang Xiaohua pulled Chen GE's arm nervously.

Sign Chen Ge to stop sitting here. If you offend them, it's enough for you.

And Chen Ge doesn't care a smile, pulling Wang Xiaohua to sit down from the side.

Let's Fang Nan frowned.

And with the arrival of the personnel.

The conference has also begun.

At the beginning, the school leaders spoke, the student representatives spoke and so on.

At the end of the process, the list of outstanding donors will be announced.

Only those who donate more than 100 will be notified.

Random ranking, not according to the number of donations in the order.

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As you read out.

Once in a thousand, there will be some small uproar on the scene.

As for more than 3000 people, the scene will be surprised to hiss.

And Chen Ge below, also heard the names of Hu Huimin and Shen Junwen.

The two donated 6000 yuan each.

It did cause quite a stir.

"According to our statistics, there are exactly 12 people who donated more than 6000 yuan in the whole department. We have made a separate statistics. Next, please come to the stage and accept our commendation certificate."

The host read: "Shen Junwen, Hu Huimin, please come on the stage first!"

Then, there was a burst of warm applause, Shen Junwen and Hu Huimin walked on the stage.

"Wow, brother Junwen is so handsome, ha ha!"

Xu Yangyang couldn't help clapping.

Because he clapped beside Chen Ge and saw Xu Yangyang's virtue, Chen Ge rolled his eyes.

"Yangyang, how did you get to know Junwen? I remember he just transferred in? " A girl asked curiously.

"Ha ha, my brother Tao is the cousin of Wang Jian's aunt, and Shen Junwen is a good friend of Wang Jian. Of course I know him!"

"So it is!"

"Mm-hmm, the one next to Junwen brother is called Hu Huimin. She looks beautiful. She seems to like junwenge's very much. Two people transferred to school together!"

Xu Yangyang.

In the heart said, but Jun Wenge although the limelight, but, the most worth looking forward to, should be to wait for the show of Feige.

Now I listen more attentively.

Subsequently, the host read several names of people on stage one after another.

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"From Class 3 of the Department of economics and management, Lin Shengnan donated 30000 yuan. Please come to the stage!""Ah

There was no accident. The scene exploded.

Even the teachers sitting in the front row had a whispering discussion.

And the sound of the scene can not subside for a long time.

Excited Xu Yangyang jumped and jumped, because he was about to arrive at his flying brother.

Lin Shengnan is also walking towards the stage.

In the middle of the line.

"Next, class 3 of economics and management department, Liang Fei, donated 100000 yuan!!! Mr. Liang Fei, please come on the stage

This time, even the host's voice is obviously excited.

And the whole audience

100000 yuan???


Absolute super big bang!

The thunderous applause almost cracked the water cups in the auditorium.

The eardrum is going to stir.

One can imagine how much impact it has on the public.

"Who? So cruel? "

"Who else, Liang Fei of class 3, of course!"

"That's no wonder, Liang Fei is so rich, but the 100000 yuan is too cruel!"

Exclaimed the crowd.

And Xu Yangyang, excitedly shaking Liang Fei's arm, "Feige Feige, call your name! Call your name

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Liang Fei shook his head with a bitter smile.

Is not 100000 yuan, so many people are surprised to look at themselves, as for?

Ha ha!

At present, Liang Fei walked toward the stage with his hands in his pockets. Every time he passed, there were many girls shouting.

On the stage.

Next, the host burst out two figures.

They were 150000 yuan donated by two female students from class 4.

The atmosphere of the meeting hall was introduced into the G tide again.

As for the names of the two female students, the host did not say, nor did he invite them to come to the stage.

But the whole department looked at the two girls sitting in the last row.

Yes, the donors must be Fang Yannan and Fang Yi.

But the two of them donated 150000 yuan, but the sensation was not as big as Liang Fei.

Because Shuchuan University who does not know, they are very rich, and no less contribution.

But there were still warm applause.

But then, the last of the twelve, the host was in a bit of a dilemma.

He said: "the next one is the one who donated the most, but he only left the department class and didn't leave his name. I guess he didn't want to keep his name! But I hope that when we read out this class, we will give the most warm applause to this class! "

"Ah? Which class? How much did you donate? "

People were talking to each other.

Liang Feilin Sheng Nan, Hu Huimin and Shen Junwen all looked at each other.

There are some small expectations , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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