The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 374: 374

This matter, Fang Huanan is really powerless.

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Although she wants to manage it, she can't use the identity of the Fang family to manage it.

Let's go back to Chen Ge.

At the moment, see another large group of people into the United classroom, Xu Yangyang has been afraid to die.

To be honest, even Shen Junwen is a bit upset now.

Obviously, this time, it was a bit too much.

"What to do? I don't think the Dean can stop them for long! "

Xu Yangyang cried in fear.

Finally, Shen Junwen looked at Hu Huimin, "Huimin, didn't Yang Yufei leave you contact information last time? If you really can't, you can find Yang Yufei. She said she can find her if she has something to do in the future. "

Hu Huimin said: "but I'm afraid that sister Yufei was just polite at the beginning. After all, what identity is she? How can she really care about us?"

Hu Huimin didn't think about Yang Yufei.

"Cough, don't worry about it now. At present, we only have Yang Yufei's chance!"

Shen Junwen said.

And Li Wentao and Xu Yangyang also put their hopes on Hu Huimin.

"Well, I'll try it!"

Hu Huimin nodded.

At the moment, she quickly dialled the contact information left by Yang Yufei.

To Hu Huimin's surprise, Yang Yufei answered the call soon.

Hu Huimin also did not have time to exchange greetings, on the matter said in a hurry.

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"Sister Yufei, thank you very much. It's best for you to ask for me!"

Obviously, Yang Yufei agreed, and Hu Huimin said excitedly.

Soon after, Yang Yufei also called back.

"Huimin, this matter is different from the last time. I asked Huang Shao for help. But what should I do this time? You have to see Mr. Zhu of Shuchuan. He has to understand all the situations before he can decide whether to come forward! Well, I can only help you here! "

Yang Yufei sighed.

Indeed, when he called Huang Shao just now, Huang Shao did agree and asked Mr. Zhu.

Huang Shao is Chen Shao's dry younger brother, Zhu Zong naturally dare not be careless.

Therefore, this matter has to go to Mr. Zhu personally, at least let him understand all the situation.

After hanging up.

Hu Huimin and they went in a hurry.

"It's good luck to have someone help them!"

Wang Xiaohua said indignantly.

Chen Ge shook his head with a bitter smile.

If you want to help them, you are helping them.

In fact, sometimes Chen Ge really wants to open his identity. In that case, at least he will have a lot less trouble.

But as my father once warned, once the identity is exposed, there will be no less trouble than now.

So some things, no way.

The next Meng Chuan couldn't find anyone, so he would not embarrass other students.

It's time for class.

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After four classes in the morning, I'll be fine in the afternoon.

Chen Ge is ready to go back.

It was at this time that Chen Ge received a phone call from Zhu Ming.

"Chen Shao, after all night investigation day and night, we finally have some clues about Fang mengheng's affairs."

As soon as Zhu Ming came up, he said excitedly.

"Oh? Well, I'm going to your place now

Chen Ge is also excited.

Listen to the phone. Zhu Ming seems to be very busy.

Chen Ge didn't say much, so he hung up.

At present, he drove directly to Zhu Ming's villa.

By the time Chen Ge arrived, many vehicles had already stopped outside Zhu Ming's villa.

Zhu Ming's interpersonal relationship is very complicated, and Chen Ge is not uncommon.

I had to pull the car aside.

After walking over, I saw that Zhu Ming was really busy here. All the people looking for him had to wait outside the door.

It's almost like Li Zhenguo.

There was a group of people standing at the door, which could be seen one by one.

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

And then he went inside.

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"Sister Huimin, when do we have to wait? There are so many people. My father is not back now. I'm worried about it! "

On one side, Xu Yangyang and they are still there.

At the moment, is anxiously waiting.

"Don't worry, since sister Yufei has said it, Zhu will see us to understand this matter and will certainly meet us!"

Hu Huimin said.

"Oh, really. I don't know what Zhu is busy with. I've been waiting for two hours!"

There are also people who are impatient.

At this time, Hu Huimin's eyes suddenly congealed and glanced at a young man who had just come in from outside.In fact, when the young people came in, many people looked at it.

After all, most of them come here to talk about the project with Mr. Zhu.

I'm afraid we'll meet our competitors at this time.

At the moment, it seems that the person is a hairy boy, and many people are contemptuous.

Can such a person come to Mr. Zhu? ha-ha.

And this youth, not Chen Ge, can be who.

Chen Ge naturally saw Hu Huimin and Xu Yangyang.

I just didn't expect that they were still waiting here for so long.

Chen Ge is not afraid of anything.

Then he walked over and said, "are you still waiting here?"

Chen Ge said.

"Well, what are you doing here?"

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When Hu Huimin saw Chen Ge, she thought about how many times Chen Ge hit her face. At the moment, she felt uncomfortable.

And Xu Yangyang, let alone look at Chen GE's face of anger.

If he hadn't robbed Liang Fei of the limelight and made him sad, he was also in a bad mood for several days. If he hadn't kicked himself yesterday, how could he have been angry at not having a good meal that night, and then he was out of control the next morning.

Frankly speaking, the culprit is Chen Ge.

At least Xu Yangyang thinks so.

"What else can he do? It must be our joke! I didn't expect Chen Ge to be such a person. It's disgusting. I'm so angry! "

Xu Yangyang said fiercely.

Hu Huimin is even more disgusted. Obviously, Hu Huimin also agrees with Xu Yangyang's saying: "Chen Ge, I know you have money now, but don't think you have anything. Run here to watch the fun. I tell you, I won't let people like you watch the excitement!"

Hu Huimin said in a hurry.

Ha ha Chen Ge shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

In fact, when Chen Ge saw them just now, he felt that he had seen enough of the fun before. Anyway, they found Xiao Huang and Zhu Zong.

In the past, Chen Ge didn't mind giving Hu Huimin a favor.

But now, Hu Huimin does not read the former friendship, as if no matter how she does, she is scornful of herself.

Therefore, Chen Ge gave a helpless smile:

"you are wrong. I am not in the mood and have no energy to pay attention to you every day. What's more, I don't feel like I'm full and I can't catch up with you all the time!"

Chen Ge takes a look at Hu Huimin.

Then, with one hand in his pocket, he went straight to the door of the villa , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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