The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 375: 375

"Who is this man? Why are you so impolite? There are no rules! "

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"Yes, Mr. Zhu's gate is what he can enter if he wants to? Don't you see we're all waiting to be summoned! "

For a while, many people were whispering.

Hu Huimin and Xu Yangyang are also watching his jokes.

Because Zhu Ming is no more powerful than other people in Sichuan, and he pays special attention to tradition. Once someone is more polite, wait and see.

And it was Chen GE's knock on the door.

The door of the living room was also opened by a housekeeper.

"This boy, wait for death!"

"So why should we take the lead? Ha ha

"When you are young, you love to make a fool of yourself, and you are doomed to make no great achievements!"

Everyone looked and laughed.

"Chen Chen Shao, it's you

But at this time, the housekeeper is a bit muddled to say.

He made a quick and gentle bow.

"Mm-hmm, I looked very busy, just waited outside for a while!"

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

"Yes, yes, yes, Chen Shao, please come in!"

The housekeeper couldn't help but invite Chen Ge in.

If Chen Ge is not a guest of honor, there will be no guest in the world.


And this scene, let the people outside the door are all surprised.

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"What kind of young master is this? Chen Shao? I haven't heard of it, but I've never seen housekeeper Mo like this before

"Yes, what is his identity?"

The crowd was stunned.

Even Hu Huimin opened his mouth in disbelief.

The heart pounded.

Even, let Hu Huimin have a kind of illusion and powerlessness.

Yes, Hu Huimin from high school, even now, despises Chen Ge in his bones.

Although Chen Ge studied hard in high school, Hu Huimin knew that there was no big future at all.

In life, we all know that Hu Huimin is a straightforward person, sometimes speaking straightforwardly can hurt people.

But to put it bluntly, Hu Huimin has always felt superior in her circle.

Just like in front of Shen Junwen and Wang Jian, Hu Huimin's words are so implicit.

Just look down on Chen Ge.

But now, she found that the people she despised had money, which was not the same as before. She had more money than herself.

For a while, Hu Huimin was really hard to accept.

With various reasons to convince himself, Chen Ge may have won the lottery, the money will be spent in a few years.

Moreover, even if Chen Ge is rich, it is useless, because he has no contacts. Ha ha, now this society needs contacts.

Therefore, Hu Huimin's psychology has found a certain balance in the past two days.

But now, he came to ask Mr. Zhu to do things himself, and Chen Ge could go in and out of Zhu's courtyard freely.

It's not easy for Chen Ge to have a relationship with Mr. Zhu.

"I didn't expect that Chen Ge even knew Mr. Zhu!"

Xu Yangyang was more anxious.

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But there is really no way out now.

There is no one to help himself, and the only vitality is in Mr. Zhu, and he is not sure to do it.

"Huimin, otherwise you call Chen Ge, if you have a good word from him, we will be able to handle this time!"

It was Shen Junwen who said this.

"Me?" Hu Huimin was as anxious as a slap in the face.

"Yes, Huimin, this boy has liked you before. You are all classmates. You speak much better than us! Otherwise, I think even if it's in the afternoon, it's hard enough to see Mr. Zhu! The situation will expand! "

Shen Junwen said anxiously.

"Yes, Huimin, go and ask Chen Ge. He will certainly help."

Xu Yangyang also admitted.

Hu Huimin struggled for a long time.

At the moment, he said, "I'm not good with him. Even if I ask him to help, he won't be willing. I'll try."

Hu Huimin said.

It is very difficult to take out the mobile phone to call Chen GE's number.

Heart of course tangled, ha ha, who to ask for a once looked down upon, and frankly hurt people, also do not have that face.

However, Chen Ge really has to help with this matter.

Chen Ge did not expect Hu Huimin, the proud peacock, to call himself.

Now a bitter smile.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Chen Ge, you Do you know Mr. Zhu? " Hu Huimin's voice is very low.

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"Yes, if you have something to say!" Chen Ge said lightly."If you do, you know that we have been in a lot of trouble. I hope you can introduce us to Mr. Zhu."

Hu Huimin said, her face began to burn.

"It's OK to mention it. The question is what benefits can I get? Why should I help you? "

Chen Ge said with a smile.


"Well, you and Xu Yangyang come in and talk. It's only you two!"

Chen gedao.


Then Chen Ge hung up.

Obviously, Xu Yangyang and they all heard the conversation.

"Ah? Sister Huimin, what do you think Chen Ge asked us two to go in alone? You know, I had a fight with him, and I don't know how many times. I'm really worried. After he let me in... "

Xu Yangyang seemed to think of some possibilities and turned his head to one side with a blush on his face.

"He dares I don't believe what he can do. I understand him. I'll talk to him when I get in. You'll follow me! "

Hu Huimin thought, you Chen GE has the ability, also does not believe, what can you do?

Then, under the guidance of a specially assigned person, Hu Huimin and Xu Yangyang walked in.

Mr. Zhu's villa is too big.

There are more than a dozen servants downstairs.

They were led to the second floor by a specially assigned person.

In a large conference hall.

"Chen Shao is in there!"

Said the servant respectfully.

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"Yes, thank you."

Hu Huimin said nervously.

When you push the door in, you can see that there are more people in the conference hall.

Most of them are middle-aged people and their secretaries.

Thirty or forty.

And these middle-aged people are all well-known business people in Sichuan.

Even Hu Huimin has read it in the newspaper and knows several of them.

Not to mention the local Xu Yangyang. These people are all big men.

So the atmosphere became tense.

What makes Hu Huimin and Xu Yangyang nervous is that Chen Ge sits at the top of the conference table.

Zhu Ming, however, is sitting on the side of Chen Ge.

"You go out first. I'll talk to them alone for a while. Mr. Zhu, you can come back later when you are busy!"

Chen Ge said.

"Yes, Chen Shao!"

The party stood up in unison and said in unison.

And this scene, let Hu Huimin and Xu Yangyang startled.

Hu Huimin and Xu Yangyang didn't come back to their senses until they all left.

Chen Ge looked at them with a smile, "you two sit down! What are you standing for? "

"Chen Ge, he Why do they call you Chen Shao

Hu Huimin swallowed her saliva and asked in disbelief. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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