The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 385: 385


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Chen Ge pointed to himself.

"Young man, I think you are very smart. Can you do some work for me?"

The woman is also in time to restrain their emotions.

"Good aunt, let Chen Ge stay to help you do it!"

Fang Yi Road.

Chen Ge is really regarded as her servant.

Can't help, Chen Ge also can't refuse, had no choice but to agree.

And when they're all gone.

The woman suddenly grasped Chen GE's hands.

Chen Ge was shocked.

"Auntie, what's the matter?"

Chen Ge is busy.

"Little brother, although I don't know who you are, I think you have a good face. Can you tell me where you got this jade pendant?"

As she spoke, she picked up the jade pendant she had just picked up.

Yes, it is the jade pendant engraved with dream by rose.

Chen Ge is a little frightened by the woman's mood.

But still said: "this is my sister's, what's wrong, Auntie?"

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The woman said, "that is to say, she is your sister. She is still alive, isn't she? Isn't it? "

The woman shook Chen GE's shoulder.

Chen Ge nodded: "sure!"

And the woman at the moment two lines of tears directly down.

No matter how stupid you are, you should see things now.

Because the woman's mood is really too excited.

And Chen Ge to now, also finally understand why the first to see a woman, she felt familiar, as if from where to see the appearance.

But now Chen GE has a thought in his mind.

Because he finally remembered that although the woman's face was completely destroyed, her looks and eyes looked like roses.

Is it difficult to

"Auntie, you should not be the cousin of aunt Xia?"

Chen Ge asked tentatively.

"I I am! "

The woman quickly wiped her tears.

Hide your emotions.

But how could it be hidden.

"The dream on the jade pendant is you? Are you Fang mengheng? "

Chen Ge asked directly.

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"Fang I don't know who Fang mengheng is! I've never heard of it. You've got the wrong person! "

The woman shook her head abruptly: "I am a rural woman, I have been living here since childhood. You have mistaken the person!"

"as like as two peas, you will not be mistaken, because you are two alike.

Chen Ge also has a touch of excitement in his heart.

To tell you the truth, what did you come to Sichuan for? Not just to find Fang mengheng.

But Chen Ge also knows that it is difficult to find Fang mengheng in the present form.

Because several groups of forces have emerged.

Even the only clue is in the hands of the Fang family.

Chen Gezheng has a headache. What can I do.

and now, as like as two peas, rose is almost the same woman.

What's more, I'm so excited to see the jade pendant. Can't you explain it!

"You mean her name is rose? Is she really as like as two peas? "

The woman said excitedly.

"Yes, this jade pendant was given to me by her. She always wanted to find her mother in her dreams. For so many years, she was alone. She could not eat well or wear well! Growing up in an orphanage

Chen gedao.

The woman's eyes were filled with tears.

And while crying, while sitting on the chair.

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"Don't you admit it? Are you Fang mengheng? "

Chen Ge asked.

And the woman finally covered her face and nodded, "I am!"

Then, she suddenly stood up, took Chen GE's arm: "I beg you, you let me see the rose, no matter which side you are, finally I promise to go with you, as long as you let me see the rose!"

Fang mengheng cried.

A big stone on Chen GE's chest finally landed.

Fang mengheng, he found it in this way.

"Aunt Fang, don't worry. I'll let you see rose. This time, I'll bring her to Shuchuan."

To be honest, Chen Ge is very happy now.

Their task has been completed, the most important thing is that rose's mother has found it!

"Rose is here too. Where is she?"

Fang mengheng said.

"In my villa, I told her to wait for my news." As soon as Chen Ge saw Fang mengheng, she also felt a little warm for no reason. At the moment, she said, "but aunt Fang, I know you used to be a famous beauty. Later, did something happen to you?"

Fang mengheng touched his cheek, "you mean my face?"Chen Ge nods.

"This is my own destruction, you know, there are many people looking for me, in order to better hide it, I can't help it!"

"So 20 years ago, I destroyed my face with my own hands, and then settled down in Qingshui village in Shuchuan. Sister Xia and I have always cooperated in this way. As long as someone finds sister Xia, she will use this method to get rid of her difficulties. Ha ha, no one would have thought that an extremely ugly rural woman was actually Fang Mengxuan in those years!"

"If I didn't see this jade pendant falling from you, you wouldn't have thought of it, would you?"

Fang mengheng said.

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"Yes, I didn't think of it!"

"Originally, when I saw the girl who came in with you, I couldn't control my mood. Is she called" Nan Nan "? It's my big brother's daughter, isn't it? It must be. When I was a child, I used to hold her. Just now, I almost couldn't hold back in front of her, because I didn't want to see anyone in the Fang family again Until I found this jade pendant that I left to my daughter, I lost control. My daughter, I miss her every day, I think she thinks hard

"God, my daughter has come to me many times, but it's so nice to me

Fang mengheng cried.

Chen Ge really understands this emotion.

"By the way, little brother, what's your name? I heard Fang Yi call you just now. Your name is Chen Ge? Are you from the Chen family in Nanyang? "

Fang asked.


Chen Ge did not expect Fang mengheng to be able to see so many things.

Now I hesitated and didn't speak.

"It must be. I know. You called those helicopters just now. Is this your Chen family's unique satellite guard? What generation are you from the Chen family? Do you know Chen Ping An

Fang mengheng asked a lot of questions in a series.

Chen Gezhen surrendered. It seems that she has no secret in front of her.

Then he said, "I don't know what generation I am of the Chen family. I have never heard of Chen Ping'an. I just know that someone in the Chen family wants to see you. Aunt Fang, I want you to reunite with rose. But after that, aunt Fang, you have to come with me! I have only one condition! "

"Ha ha, you are a member of the Chen family. I understand that, Chen Ge, when I see my daughter, I will go with you. Some gratitude and resentment started because of the two of us. Now it's time to end it, isn't it?"

Fang mengheng touched Chen GE's head, as if touching his own child.

Then he said, "Chen Ge, I also have one condition. I don't know what relationship you have with my niece Huanan, but I want you to promise me that my identity can never be disclosed to the public, especially the Fang family, OK?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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