The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 386: 386

Chen Ge naturally agreed.

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Now the fangs are also looking for Aunt Fang. Chen Ge will not be foolish enough to find trouble for himself.

At the same time, Chen Ge is very interested in finding out about Aunt Fang and her family.

What is the relationship between rose and itself.

See Chen Ge asked, Fang Mengpeng also know everything.

It turns out.

At that time, Chen Ping'an, the second son of the Chen family, was young and handsome, and also rose's father.

According to normal logic, Chen Ping'an should be the second uncle mentioned by his father when he was a child?

At that time, my father told himself that your second uncle worked outside all the year round, so he didn't come back!

No wonder when I see Su rose, there will be a kind of intimacy.

Rose is her cousin.

The gratitude and resentment between the Chen family and the Chen family are obviously not so simple.

Aunt Fang means that the Chen family was supposed to get something from the fangs, but over the years, they have had some grudges with the fangs.

So twenty years ago, the Chen family sent a second uncle to hide his identity. He tried to get close to the Fang family and get what he wanted.

Aunt Fang smiles sweetly when she says this.

At that time, aunt Fang was as beautiful as a flower. She was already the boss of a large listed group under the Fang family. She was an absolute strong woman.

Chen Ping'an, the second uncle, also made great efforts to get close to Fang mengheng.

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First, I entered the Sales Department of the company.

Then with his super ability, he gradually became the general manager of the company.

In two years, I have been very familiar with Fang mengheng.

But at that time, although Chen Ping'an was handsome and capable of working, Fang mengheng appreciated the second uncle.

But because of the strict family rules of the Fang family, occasionally, Fang mengheng was attracted to the second uncle, and soon gave up the idea.

Until later, something happened.

After an annual meeting of the company, Fang mengheng drove home alone.

On the way, he was attacked by commercial enemies. More than 20 people surrounded Fang mengheng's car and wanted to kidnap him.

Fortunately, the second Uncle Chen Ping'an rushed out when he was in danger. Chen Ping'an not only had high EQ, but also had excellent skills.

Uncle, the second one was defeated in the end.

Carrying Fang mengheng to escape.

This can be said to be a typical hero saving the United States, but it is a very real example.

From that moment on, Fang mengheng seems to have found a man who can trust him for life.

Later, the two people have a feeling and come together.

It is also because of this, for the future Su Qiang was abandoned, Fang Mengpeng was expelled from the Fang family, Chen Ping'an was not found, Chen Fang two families of gratitude and resentment to upgrade the foreshadowing!

After Fang mengheng was pregnant, he still wanted to hide it, but how could such a thing be concealed.

That day, or the paper can not stop the outbreak of fire.

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Chen Ping'an's identity was also exposed. The old master of the Fang family was furious and sent his family's subordinates to kill Chen Ping'an.

In order to save Chen Ping'an, Fang mengheng gave three high fives to the old master of the Fang family and left the Fang family with only her own maid.

Listen to Chen mengge.

In the heart also some is not a taste, feels oneself to do now, with originally second uncle similar.

It's a pity that the second uncle is a man of love and falls in love with his opponent's daughter.

It is doomed that this relationship will not go to the end.

"And then what happened? If it's just because of you and me The combination of Chen Ping'an in our family and the gratitude and resentment between Chen Fang and Chen Fang will not be so complicated? "

Chen Ge asked curiously.

Subconsciously, Chen Ge still can't disclose his identity as the young master of the Chen family.

"Yes, if it's just like this, it won't let Chen Jindong attack Fang family so madly!"

Fang mengheng said.

Chen Jindong is his father's name.

Chen GE's heart a cluttered, also did not speak, quietly listening.

"That's because later, another thing happened..."

"After that, Chen Jindong, the master of the Chen family, put Ping'an under house arrest. However, Ping'an still worried about our mother and daughter. One night, Ping'an said that she would elope with me. At that time, rose was already born. We were ready to hide in a place where no one could find us and live a good life!"

Chen mengheng preached

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That night, it was the night that Fang mengheng hurriedly took her servant Xia Jie out to look for the hotel.

Because although I have broken off with the Fang family.

But because of some things, the Fang family always sent people to supervise themselves.

So it rained heavily that night. Fang mengheng still held her daughter and went round with Chen Ping'an according to the agreed route.After all, we should avoid the Fang family.

Because he left in a hurry, Fang mengheng mortgaged his personal jade pendant at that time.

And the next day to send money, in fact, is Chen Ping An sent to the driver.

Originally, everything was ok, and they met in Qingshi City,

but unexpectedly, on the way, there was an accident.

There's something wrong with Ping An!

There has been no news of him since then.

The driver confirmed that Ping An did arrive in Qingshi, but could not be contacted.

It's like the world evaporated.

Chen Jindong thought that it was the Fang family who had harmed his younger brother, so he began a series of revenge against the Fang family. The gratitude and resentment between the two families escalated and plotted against each other.

At that time, I thought whether Chen Jindong deliberately captured Ping'an in order to overthrow the Fang family.

But then I rejected it.

Your master, Chen Jindong, is cunning, but he loves his brother Ping'an very much. He will never ignore Ping'an's opposition and forcibly target the Fang family.

So, that's Ping'an. Something really happened!

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"The two families made a lot of trouble at that time. Although the Chen family was powerful, our Fang family was once no less than the Chen family. The so-called lean camel was bigger than the horse, so we still managed to fight with you Chen family at that time."

"And it was at that time that my eldest brother and his wife left because of an accident!"

"Chen Ge, you are the children of the Chen family. I believe you should also know that the children of the Fang family do not go out of the house, and the children of the Chen family are not famous, and they are raised in poverty from generation to generation?"

"This has something to do with the gratitude and resentment between Chen and Fang for a long time, but in recent years, the contradiction has been intensified completely because of my relationship with Ping An."

Chen Ge nodded.

Now, he finally understood something.

No wonder his father told him to keep a low profile, otherwise he would bring himself back to his family.

It turns out that there are enemies in the Chen family.

However, it is not clear how the enmity between the two generations of Chen and Fang is caused.

Fang mengheng obviously did not go on.

It's just about her later affairs. In order not to let rose lead a vagrant life with herself, she asked Xia Jie to find a place to settle down. However, she took rose to an orphanage in Jinling and put Rose there.

I just came back to Sichuan.

"Chen Ge, can you take me to meet rose now? Just be aunt Fang, please

Fang mengheng obviously still remembers Su Qiang.

Chen Ge, of course, would do it. He nodded, "OK, aunt Fang, come with me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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