The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 390: 390

"Xiaoxia, don't say that!"

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Wang Wen said.

Although she also felt embarrassed to take this car, but, since Chen Ge is not afraid of ugliness, what is she afraid of.

Hou Xiaoxia obviously couldn't stand it. "If you're drunk, you can sit down. I can't afford to lose this person. I'll wait for you outside the meeting hall. And Chen Ge, today's car crash, you don't want to end like this! "

With that, Hou Xiaoxia reached out and stopped a car and rushed to the party. After all, she has to rush to her boyfriend for the first time now.

"I don't think you should go either. It's just that my sister has finished cooking. Would you like to go back to dinner with me? I'll invite you! "

Chen Ge said.

After all, Chen Ge still has a classmate friendship with Wang Wen.

"No, Chen Ge, I'd better go with her. After all, she's in trouble now. I'm afraid she'll suffer a loss."

Wang Wen is always so kind.

But, really want to sit on the street in this small tricycle, Wang Wen heart is really embarrassed.

Although Wang Wen's character is very good, but the love of beauty of girls do not have.

But now, if I refuse Chen Ge.

It may hurt Chen GE's self-esteem.

So there's a little bit of a dilemma.

But no way, he said, "OK, Chen Ge, you can send me to the door!"

"Come on! The small three rounds are very exciting, and they will be there soon! "

Chen Ge said, has been on the small three rounds.

Drop to drop!

He also honked the horn to greet Wang Wen to get on the bus.

Wang Wen cut her haircut. Many people were watching the scene, which made her blush.

But in the end, Chen Ge sat in the small three rounds.

"Come on, Xiaoxia should have arrived already!"

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Wang Wen said softly, the head is very low.

And Chen Ge looked at Wang Wen, blushing with shame, and didn't say anything.

Chen Ge never thinks that driving four wheels is more noble than driving three wheels and riding two wheels.

Next gas door.

Towards the destination.

The venue was selected in a big hotel in Shudu.

At the moment, the interior of the hotel is covered with Changhong and full of salutes.

The red carpet is also placed at the entrance of the hotel's inner hall to the outer courtyard of the hotel.

There are many celebrities and rich businessmen who come and go.

And the organizers, they are all outside to meet, take pictures of what.

It seems that I want to hold a small ceremony outside the hotel.

So there's a lot of people out there.

"Wenwen, is that it?"

Chen Ge said.

A couple of rich men smoking outside in front of me.

I don't know how to get out of the way.

Chen Ge kept honking his horn.

As they said this, they all looked at each other with their eyes full of laughter.

"OK, Chen Ge, you can put me down here."

Wang Wen is also embarrassed.

She now has some regrets, let Chen Ge to see her off.

Especially by the peer's strange look at, more let Wang Wen uncomfortable.

"Well, come on

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Chen Ge stops at the door of the hotel with a brake.

Hou Xiaowen just came out.

Now see Wang Wen really ride Chen Ge electric car to come, Hou Xiaoxia's eyeballs almost fell down.

"Sleeping trough! Wenwen, are you crazy? You really let him deliver it in three rounds

Hou Xiaoxia's face was red.

"Xiaoxia, stop talking, Chen Ge, or you go back first. I'll treat you to dinner some other day."

Wang Wen see more and more people are looking at this side, Wang Wen said in a hurry.

"All right."

Chen Ge nods.

"Mr. Lin, their motorcade is coming!"

At this time, the security guard at the door suddenly called out to the rich merchants in the courtyard.

At present, many rich businessmen are very excited to come out to meet.

"Sleeping trough, why is there a three wheeled vehicle at the door? What are you doing? Get out of here!"

Security personnel came directly to push Chen Ge.


Hou Xiaoxia covers her eyes. She wants to die now.

"If you have something to say, push me to do what you want, just go away!"

Chen Ge turned the gas pedal and left.

After the motorcade stopped, a lot of middle-aged rich businessmen, as well as their rich and young people, were obviously the most distinguished guests here.

The managers lined up to welcome them and exchanged greetings one by one.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to come to this party for my honor. It's just a little pity that there is a big person today who we didn't invite, so we have to say it's a great pity!"Everyone stood by the red carpet, listening to the speech of the organizer.

At present, there is a lot of discussion: "who is it?"

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"What big man? Mr. Guo

Asked the crowd.

Hou Xiaoxia has taken Wang Wen into the hotel courtyard.

Now I look at Mr. Guo on the stage.

I don't know why, but suddenly she was surprised.

Some tensely pulled the arm of Li Liang, his boyfriend: "brother Liang, who is the big man he wants to invite?"

"How do I know? Don't you see everyone asking? "

Li Liang's attitude is not very good, after all, Hou Xiaoxia's trouble this time makes his father know.

Hou Xiaoxia was wronged and did not speak.

To tell you the truth, she was very excited to participate in such a big event today. She could meet a lot of rich people.

However, I feel insecure.

Because just now, Chen Ge seems to have received a phone call. It is also Mr. Guo who called him.

I don't know if it's the same person.

But when I think about it, I think it's impossible!

Chen Ge is what kind of person, at best, just rely on him to grow up small, get to know general manager Guo a little, don't he grow up small, he is a fart!

Such a thought, Hou Xiaoxia in the heart of a lot of solid.

"Ha ha, speaking of this great man, there is a lot to talk about. Mr. Lin, a distinguished guest from Jinling today, and Mr. Lin's daughter are very familiar with this great man!"

Guo said with a smile.

Lin always with a bit of proud smile.

But Lin's daughter, at the moment, is a little pale, a little excited and nervous.

"Oh, Mr. Guo, don't be so cynical. Who is this great man?"

Some people see that Mr. Guo said so mysterious, but also to curiosity.

"Well, I'll give you a wake-up call, and you will know who he is. He is the most luxurious villa in Jinling, the owner of Yunding villa, the great wealth in Jiangnan Province, and the boss of the strongest group in Jinling!"

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Guo always some excited way.


As soon as this was said, there was an uproar.

"Sleeping trough! I see. Is it Chen Dashao in Jinling? "

"How can it be that Chen Da Shao from Jinling has come to Sichuan?"

"Although Mr. Guo is powerful, there is no reason to invite Chen Dashao in Jinling?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Obviously, more rich businessmen thought Guo was always bragging.

I'm afraid Mr. Guo doesn't even have the contact information of others?

"Mr. Guo said this, but he wanted to support himself with Chen Shao's name by taking advantage of the Lin family in Jinling."

At this time, Li Liangren, a member of the audience, said the same.

"But I've heard that Mr. Guo has undertaken some projects of Chen Shao in Jinling. Is it really related to Chen Shao?"

Several rich young also came to Li Liang to discuss.

"Xiaoxia, Wenwen, aren't you two from Jinling? You should know a lot about Chen Shao in Jinling? "

Li Liang in front of outsiders, also did not face Hou Xiaoxia.

Hou Xiaoxia and Wang Wen both shook their heads and said, "we just heard from our classmates that he is very powerful. Everyone in Jinling knows Chen Shao in Jinling, but there is no further understanding."

"Wen Wen, otherwise you ask the former classmate, just now I was in a hurry, my mobile phone broke!"

Since rich and young people are interested in chatting, as a native of Jinling, it would be embarrassing if they could not talk about Chen Shao.

Wang Wen nodded.

When I went down to look for a mobile phone, I was suddenly surprised: "Oh, my bag was left in Chen GE's car..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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