The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 391: 391

Wang Wen also just remembered, just now, because his heart is very uncomfortable, plus a lot of people present at that time, so he got off the car in a hurry.

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The bag was put aside.

I forgot to take it.

"I'll go. Why are you so careless? You still have a lot of cash in your bag?"

Hou Xiaoxia said.

"Xiaoxia, what do you mean? I don't mean that. I'm afraid Chen Ge doesn't pay attention. In case my bag is lost, my mobile phone, ID card and bank card are all in it!"

Hou Xiaoxia said anxiously.

"Well, who are you? Why are you back? Is this where you park?"

Just then, there was a noise at the door.

It's a couple of security guards, blocking a young man out.

"My friend forgot to take the bag. I'll send it to her!"

And this young man is not a stranger, but Chen Ge.

"You don't have to look at this place. You can get in by yourself? Get out of the way

The security personnel pushed Chen Ge.

Just in time, Hou Xiaoxia and Wang Wen saw this scene because they were close to the door.

"Oh, Wen Wen, look at the goods. How humiliating! Take the bag and let him go!"

Hou Xiaoxia is in a hurry.

Because the rich and the young nearby all looked at the door jokingly.

After all, in front of their peers, whose vanity is not strong.

If you let others know that they know this kind of goods, I'm afraid they will laugh their teeth off.

Wang Wen ran over and said, "Chen Ge, I'm here. Give it to me."

Chen Ge then handed the bag to Wang Wen.

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And Wang Wen, in fact, has the intention to say some thanks to Chen Ge.

But how to say that.

Like in high school, I like Chen Ge, but for the sake of face, I never stepped into that step.

Now is the same, Wang Wen also did not say too much to Chen Ge.

With a simple greeting, Wang Wen was ready to go in.

"Chen Ge

All of a sudden, a high decibel female voice rang from the stage.

It was the Lin family's daughter from Jinling who was shouting.

Chen Ge is also very familiar with the sound. Looking back, it is not someone else, but Lin Yiyi, Lin Yiyi's father, and several bosses of his group.

"Chen Ge, is it really you? Just now, when I was driving over, I saw that my back was like you. But my father said it was impossible. I didn't expect that it was really you

The girl is not Lin Yiyi. At the moment, Lin Yiyi is excited.

And this time, all the people under the stage were shocked.

No one would have thought that Lin's daughter had a good friendship with a tricycle rider!

"Who is this boy? Do you think Miss Lin is very special to him

"Yes, I am! Is it not miss Lin's classmate? "

People were surprised.

And Hou Xiaoxia's breath was going to be very short.

Did Lin Xiaojin know Chen Ge?

Why does Chen Ge know so many people?

"Well? Yiyi, and Mr. Lin, are you all here? "

Chen Ge this just moved to the front of the stage, a look, but also a little surprised.

Especially after seeing Guo Xilin.

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Chen Ge suddenly realized that Guo Xilin had made a phone call to himself and said that he would invite himself to a party.

But he and Hou Xiaoxia are entangled, declined.

I didn't expect that Hou Xiaoxia and Wang Wen came to this party.

"Isn't this boy too loud? What do you mean and Mr. Lin, you are all here. Can you talk? "

"Mr. Lin, how many of you are really yellow haired boys, I don't know the height of heaven and earth!"

"That's it

"Xiaoxia Wenwen, isn't this person your classmate?"

At the moment, Li Liang shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

"No, we don't know him!"

Hou Xiaoxia said.

Wang Wen lowered her head at the moment and did not speak.

"Chen Chen Shao! You are here

Guo Xilin's excited lips were shaking.

Originally thought Chen Ge looked down on them, these ordinary rich people, would not come, and it's useless to flatter himself, but now, Chen Shao actually came to the scene.

"I've met Chen Shao!"

And Lin Zong and several of them also stepped forward and bowed slightly.


All of a sudden, the whole scene became very quiet.

Many people are surprised to open their mouths at the moment.

Because so many big guys are bowing to this tricycle rider?And general manager Guo, his voice was shaking.

As for Hou Xiaoxia, she was short of breath at the moment.

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It's like someone put a thunder in her ear, and her brain is blank.

If you open your mouth, you can put eggs in it.

"What? They call Chen Ge Chen Shao? How is that possible? How can it be

Wang Wen, however, was also in a state of panic. She didn't know what was going on.

"Is he Chen Shao in Jinling?"

After a brief silence, the crowd began to stir up.

They looked at each other and were shocked.

"Mr. Guo Zonglin, you are so polite. I didn't expect you to hold activities here!"

Chen Ge is a little embarrassed.

Now, people on both sides are looking at themselves in particular.

Chen Ge is a little embarrassed.

But Chen Ge is still generous towards the hotel side.

And Hou Xiaoxia looked at Chen Ge from her face to the front.

"Yes, Chen Shao!"

Mr. Guo gave up the middle seat to Chen Ge.

At the same time, he looked at the stunned public and said:

"ladies and gentlemen, this is Chen Dashao from Jinling. He is also the owner of Yunding villa


There was an immediate commotion.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly at this time, a similar to the madness of the female voice out of season.

For a moment, everyone looked at the girl.

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"Xiaoxia, what are you laughing at?"

Li Liang was also shocked by Hou Xiaoxia's laughter.

"What are you laughing at? Ha ha, I'm laughing at Chen Ge. How can I cheat everyone's eyes now! And people really think he is Chen Shao! Isn't that ridiculous? "

Hou Xiaoxia came out laughing.

All the rich businessmen on the stage frowned, especially president Guo, who twisted his eyebrows and looked at Hou Xiaoxia.

"What are you? Somebody, get her out of here

Guo Xilin roared.

"Mr. Guo, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean to offend you. I just hope that you won't be cheated by this guy. To be honest, I'm a high school classmate of this man! I know exactly what he used to do! And Wang Wen knows it too! He's a pauper, the kind who can't even afford to eat


When this was said, all the people present took a breath.

Chen Shao, can't it be a fake?

And see people seem to believe their words, Hou Xiaoxia is even more proud.

In this way, I can show myself in front of the rich merchants, hum.

Chen Shao in Jinling? Chen Ge? It can't be at all OK.

Then he looked at Chen Ge with a face of disdain: "ha ha, didn't Chen Ge think of it? I'm here today. You can't do it. Don't try to deceive Mr. Guo! "

Hou Xiaoxia will not accept this reality.

Chen Ge looked at Hou Xiaoxia and shook her head with a bitter smile.

"Hehe, it seems that you and Chen Shao have some misunderstanding..."

Guo Xilin gave a bitter smile.

"He is Chen Shao! The boss of Jinling dreamer group , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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