The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 4: 4

But after the door opened, it was not Chen Ge who came in.

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"Xu Dong! What are you doing here? "

Ma Xiaonan's face changed as soon as he saw Xu Dong.

Although he was a classmate, Ma Xiaonan had called Xu Dong before.

But early this morning, Ma Xiaonan knew about Xu Dong playing Chen Ge, so Ma Xiaonan scolded Xu Dong.

I didn't expect that this guy should be so thick skinned. He came!

"Xiaonan, are you still angry? Yesterday, I just joked with Chen Ge. Who would have thought that he would really send him off! "

Xu Dong smiles happily.

Some of his roommates also came, and they bought presents.

Speaking of it, Ma Xiaonan's family is actually quite rich. She has tried to help Chen Ge for countless times, but Chen Ge is not willing to.

And Xu Dong is Ma Xiaonan's high school classmate.

"Xiaonan, is Chen ge you want to introduce me to? What happened? "

Zhao Yifan's beautiful eyes wrinkled slightly and asked lightly.

When Xu Dongyi sees Zhao Yifan, his eyes will shine. In fact, he has long wanted to contact Zhao Yifan. She is the flower of the school's Broadcasting and hosting department.

This time, he had the cheek to apologize to Ma Xiaonan. To be frank, he knew Ma Xiaonan's birthday and Zhao Yifan would come.

On hearing this, Xu Dongli said: "Aoao, Yifan beauty, Chen Ge is from our class, very poor, yesterday Ha ha ha

At the thought of Chen Ge sending Durex to his ex girlfriend yesterday, Xu Dong was about to die of laughter. Now he said things in three words and five words.

"Shut up Ma Xiaonan is directly angry and glares at Xu Dong.

And Zhao Yifan and her beautiful roommates face, is to become different.

How could there be such a poor and embarrassed person?

Chen GE's roommate is also ugly, Xu Dong, the dog's mouth can not spit ivory.

"Good, good I won't say it! "

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Xu Dong laughed and said, "Xiaonan, have a look at what gift I bought you..."

Just then, the door of the box knocked gently.

Then the door opened, this time, Chen Gecai came in with a red plastic bag!

"Chen Ge, here you are

Ma Xiaonan immediately stood up with a smile.

Chen Ge nodded, of course, he saw a sneer at his own Xu Dong.

If it was in the past, I would feel humble when I met this rich second generation, but now ha-ha.

Is he Chen Ge?

Zhao Yifan also looked up at Chen Ge.

In fact, Zhao Yifan really wants to find a boyfriend. This person may not have to have too much money in his family. It doesn't matter if he is ordinary. However, he should have good looks and attractive qualities.

At present, although Chen Ge looks more elegant, her clothes from head to toe will never exceed 150 yuan.

Ordinary to the extreme!

Especially when I think of what Xu Dong said about Chen GE's deeds, my impression of Chen GE has reached its lowest point.

Zhao Yifan's face is full of disappointment.

"Chen Ge, this is Yifan, this is Yifan's roommate, you know it!"

Ma Xiaonan introduces with a smile.

Chen Ge nodded, "my name is Chen Ge, and I will take care of Yifan students."

Chen Ge held out his hand politely.

Zhao Yifan, on the other hand, didn't look at it and drank a cup of juice over his head.

Chen GE's hand was hanging in the air and had to take it back.

Ma Xiaonan knows that her best friend's character has always been like this. If she looks on her eyes, she will talk about it more. If she looks down on her eyes, she will be miserable. She will even ignore her.

Chen Ge didn't say much about it.

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Just about to sit down.

At this time, Xu Dong's eyes moved to Chen singer's red plastic bag.

Suddenly sneer: "Oh, Chen Ge, Xiaonan's birthday, what gift did you buy? Let's open our eyes

Chen GE's house chief couldn't look down: "Xudong, what are you always doing against Chen Ge?"

Xu Dong laughs and ridicules others, which always makes him have a sense of existence.

At the moment, he glanced at Chen Ge coldly and took out his present first.

It's also a black brand bag.

"Xiaonan, this is from me, Hermes!"

Xu Dong took out this bag, immediately attracted Zhao Yifan and her many beautiful roommates.

"Hermes zero thinking? Is the market price of this bag 8999? "

Those beauties looked at Xu Dong and their eyes changed.

This man is too generous.

Even Zhao Yifan, the goddess who has always been cold, can't help but take a look at Xu Dong.

"It's not so expensive. My dad is familiar with the district manager of Hermes. 7999 won it. They are all acquaintances!"Xu Dong laughs and enjoys the adoration that people look at him.

Although Ma Xiaonan hates Xu Dong very much now, he still takes over without smiling.

"Hermes zero thinking is a brand-new package launched by Hermes. It is very popular in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The price of the same model there is about 12000!"

Zhao Yifan took a look and said.

Xu Dong eyebrows a pick: "Yifan beauty, did not expect you to luxury so much research?"

Zhao Yifan looked at Xu Dong and finally revealed a faint smile: "I also wanted to start this one before, but the price is a little more expensive..."

Xu Dong said: "Yifan beauty, I'll give you eight or nine thousand yuan for your birthday. It's all small money, plus the Hermes store at the gate of our school, all acquaintances and friends!"

Zhao Yifan is silent, just smile.

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She did not know Ma Xiaonan's high school classmate Xu Dong before, but heard that he was a dandy.

I didn't expect to be so generous.

Zhao Yifan can't help but feel better about him.

Next, Chen GE's housekeeper and they sent gifts one after another.

Naturally, it's not as expensive as Xudong's luxury goods, but it's three or four hundred.

Chen Ge doesn't know how to say, and plans to give the Hermes to Ma Xiaonan after the completion.

At this time, Xu Dong looked at the big red plastic bag in Chen singer's and said with a bad smile:

"I said Chen Ge, just now I asked you to let us see your gift. Now, let's take it out for everyone to have a look. Look at the bag you take, how happy it is

"Xu Dong, shut up, Chen Ge, I'm very happy with what he gives me!"

Ma Xiaonan warned Xu Dong again.

But Ma Xiaonan still looks at Chen Ge with some hope.

Chen GE has some regrets.

At that time, in order to be in a hurry, I didn't wait for half an hour. I would have let the shopping guide pack this bag.

But who knows, originally thought it was a simple party, may East this son of a bitch also came!

"Xiaonan, I bought you a bag!"

Chen Ge stands up and takes his red plastic bag off the top.

Zhao Yifan's brow is tightly wrinkling, and her roommate is also wearing disdain.

This man is really a loser! What a bargain!


But when Chen Ge took it out, Xu Dong yelled: "Hermes, hahaha, what Chen Ge sent is Hermes! Luxury

"Chen Ge! Tell me, where did you buy this bag from? Is it expensive? "

Xu Dong's words made the girls laugh.

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Zhao Yifan shakes his head slightly.

She thought Chen Ge was poor, but people should be honest. To tell the truth, Chen Ge still has some qualifications to be an ordinary friend.

But now, Zhao Yifan has looked down on Chen Ge in his heart.

"This is the collection version of Hermes' 200th anniversary. There are only 200 pieces in the world, and one of them will cost at least 300000!"

Zhao Yifan took a look and recognized it.

"There are imitations on the Internet, and the price is about 150 yuan. But even if it's a loser with the greatest vanity, no one will buy it and take it to the street. It's a shame to carry out such a high-end luxury! "

Zhao Yifan is not polite, looking directly at Chen Ge, the person in front of her, makes her feel sick!

Ma Xiaonan thought Chen Ge would buy himself some gadgets, but he didn't expect to buy himself such a big fake.

However, Ma Xiaonan was very happy to say: "Chen Ge, anyway, thank you for the gift you bought for me, but you don't spend money in the future, more than 150 is also very expensive!"

Chen Ge wants to cry without tears. He really wants to say that it is true, but look at Zhao Yifan and her roommate's contemptuous eyes.

It is estimated that they don't believe it when they say it, and they will despise it even more!

When you don't know Zhao Xiaonan, why do you look at Ma Xiaonan

Looking at Chen Ge, Ma Xiaonan was unable to get off the stage immediately, and quickly changed the topic and said:

"OK, well, today is my birthday. We are all friends. Come here and hold a cup together!"

Zhao Yifan and her roommates are disgusted, looking at Chen Ge, there is no response.

Xu Dong and they sneer at each other.

Chen Ge is embarrassed to see Ma Xiaonan and her roommate sandwiched in the middle.

Then he got up and said, "Xiaonan, I wish you a happy birthday today, but I remember that I still have something to do in my dormitory, so I'll go back first. You have a good time!"

Chen Ge knew she was redundant.

Get up and leave.

"Chen Ge!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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