The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 5: 5

Chen Ge walks out of the box.

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Good friend she Chang Yang Hui and Ma Xiaonan chase out.

"What are you doing! I didn't say your gift was bad

Ma Xiaonan said anxiously.

Yang Hui also said: "Chen Ge, don't go, after eating here, you have to go, we are not interesting here!"

Chen Ge smiles: "you have fun here, Huige, Xiaonan, I'm really busy, but you believe me, I won't cheat!"

Chen Ge doesn't know if they believe in themselves.

It's all due to my sister's shopping card with a minimum consumption of 300000 yuan, which in disguise has made a hole in myself.

Although Yang Hui and Ma Xiaonan are advised, but finally Chen Ge left.

"Is this poverty forced away?"

When Ma Xiaonan and Yang Hui return to the box, Xu Dong smiles.

Yang Hui: "Xudong, you can change a person to bully, see Chen Ge good bully, right, you pit him is not miserable enough?"

Yang Hui couldn't bear it.

"Ha ha, shame is all self-made, who let him take a broken bag to deceive Xiaonan, return him the Hermes Collection Edition, this poor force really can choose!"

Zhao Yifan just shook his head with a bitter smile.

But after Chen Ge left, he walked in the street blankly.

Chen Ge always wanted to have money when he didn't have money, but now he has money, but he doesn't have any special feeling.

And now it can be good, spent more than 300000, not even drink water, but also despised a meal.

Chen Ge is thinking about whether to go to a place to deal with a bite.

The cell phone rings.

It's his sister Chen Xiao.

Chen Ge: "elder sister!"

"Song, what are you busy with?"

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"I'm not busy..."

"Then you can do me a favor,

Chen Ge:

"Well, you should know Jinling commercial street? It was invested and developed by my sister when I came back to see you four years ago. Now, because I need to sign a renewal contract with the local government, my sister can't go back! "

"At that time, the names of the development investors were our brothers and sisters. It's the same for you to sign. Go and renew the contract!"

"Hello, hello Little song, did you hear what my sister said

Of course, Chen Ge can hear it.

But at this time, he has been completely ignorant.

Jinling commercial street?

That's one of the characteristics of Jinling City.

Lin Luo, a shop in the commercial street, is very popular.

At the top of the commercial street, there is a place called hot spring mountain entertainment club. It is built on the mountain. It is a place where the rich people of Jinling City often go.

Listen to elder sister's meaning, whole business street, is own home?

"Are you, sister? Is the business street owned by our family? "

"Shit! After talking about it for a long time, you think I was joking with you. I did it myself, because I couldn't open so many industries at one breath, so I used your ID card. It's half of you! "

"Later, you will go to the hot spring villa to find a manager named Li Zhenguo. I have agreed with him. It is the same for the second boss to sign his name!"


"OK, OK, that's it. I have something on my side. I'll hang up first."

Dudu Dudu

Chen Ge took the phone, stupefied for a long time.

What a place hot spring villa is. Before, he didn't dare to think about it.

But now, Chen Ge took a deep breath and took a taxi to Jinling commercial street.

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Hot spring villa integrates catering, entertainment and accommodation.

It's a mountain manor. Below is the commercial street built on the mountain.

Chen Ge raised his spirits and went in

"This gentleman, please stop!"

I didn't expect that as soon as I went in, Chen Ge was stopped by several beautiful waitresses.

"Have you made a reservation at the villa, sir?"

A waitress looks at Chen Ge and asks.

They are specially responsible for the reception work in the front hall, and they are used to seeing many big people come.

Now I see a suit of miscellaneous clothes.

Although a few female reception tone on the polite, but in the eye's contempt flavor already very thick.

"I don't have a reservation. I'm here to find someone!"

Chen Ge said.

At the same time, he looked at several waitresses and was surprised. Otherwise, Jinling hot spring mountain entertainment club is the fairyland of Jinling City.

These five or six receptionists, it seems, are just graduated college students, very temperament.

Just like a model, you have to look like a model and have a figure.

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for? "

Just listen to Chen GE's words, several beauties at the same time frown.At the moment, there is already some indifference.

"I'm looking for Li Zhenguo, the boss here!"

Chen Ge is also aware that they despise their eyes, but still tell the truth.

Several beauties looked at each other.

Mr. Li?

I'm afraid this poor boy doesn't know what Li always is, right?

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Is it something you can see if you want to?

And now they could almost conclude that the poor boy wanted to come in and see the world.

After all, the hot spring mountain entertainment club is so famous that many people can't afford to buy it.

Usually, there are people like him who want to come in and visit by looking for people.

It's just that it can't be put in.

They are beautiful college graduates. At the moment, although they are not ashamed of Chen GE's behavior, they also try to keep a gentle attitude:

"this gentleman, you always need to make an appointment in advance when you see us Li. If you don't have an appointment, please leave!"

Chen Ge can see that these waiters regard themselves as visitors!

I was thinking about calling my sister and informing Li Zhenguo.

"Little sister Zheng Yue, what are you doing? I just found out that everyone can come in the hot spring mountain villa

It was a young man with greased hair and gorgeous clothes. He was leading a gorgeous and gorgeous woman into the room.

Scornfully looked at Chen Ge, he is facing the female reception head to say with a smile.

"Shangtian, didn't you say that this is the most luxurious place in Jinling? How can there be such people here?"

Asked the coquettish.

Some people are like this. If they don't satirize others, they will not show their ability.

Zheng Yue, the first female receptionist, apologized to the young master and said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Li. We'll deal with it as soon as possible."

Li Shangtian sneered: "that's good. I'll invite a group of friends from other places here later. Our villa is the symbol of Jinling. Don't lower the grade without any reason. I'll say a few more words to Miss Zheng Yue. Don't be angry. My father and your boss Li always know each other and have eaten together!"

Speaking of Mr. Li, Li Shangtian was respectful.

The woman in his arms, hearing that Li Shangtian is so versatile, also knows Mr. Li, a great figure in Jinling! It's all over the place.

Even a group of beautiful waiters beside Zheng Yue are also looking at Li Shangtian dark, hoping to attract Li Shangtian's attention.

Zheng Yue nodded: "yes, Mr. Li!"

Finish saying facial expression grim look to Chen Ge.

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"Please leave, don't delay our business, or I'll call security!"

"Well! I'll go out and make a phone call first! "

Chen Ge took a breath and went out, taking out his mobile phone while walking.

"Shit! It's pretty good at pretending! It's like a mold

Li Shang said in a cold voice.

"Don't be surprised, Mr. Li. It happens occasionally in our hot spring mountain!"

Zheng Yue said with a smile.

Li Shangtian nodded, "Cheng, my friend is coming back. How about a few drinks for Zheng Yue's little sister?"

"Let's have a look! Li Shao. " Zheng Yue has a reserved smile.

Li Shang stares at Zheng Yue and nods. Then he takes his wallet to the front desk and opens the room first.

And a group of beautiful waiters are worshipping, looking at Zheng Yue, "sister Yue, do you know Li Shao?"

Of course, we don't know a lot of people who are rich in hairdressing. It's interesting to know a few people who graduated from college

"Have you seen that charming woman in his arms? It's a second-line star Li Shao's family is engaged in real estate, with a fortune of over 2 billion! "

"Wow! No wonder his father can get to know Mr. Li Zhenguo, the boss of Jinling commercial street. It turns out that he has such a high price

A group of waiters looked at Li Shangtian's back, all obsessed.

"Well, Mr. Li can't remember that the poor loser had to find Mr. Li just now. Mr. Li is talking business with the leaders of the city and the chairman of the chamber of Commerce in Jinling. It's funny to see this product... " Zheng Yue sneered.

She was smiling, ready to go over and chat up with Li Shangtian again. As a result, she looked up.

I saw the poor man who had been driven out come in again.

"Why are you back?"

Zheng Yue's face was stunned.

A group of waiters also despise looking at Chen ge , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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