The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 427: 427

"My jade bracelet?"

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The jade bracelet is broken.

Guo Caifeng's eyes widened.

Yang Xiaobei was also surprised.

This jade bracelet is the most precious thing in my family.

My grandmother gave it to her mother, and then she gave it to herself.

The reason why she first offered it to Xiaobei's grandmother was that Guo Caifeng thought very simply.

My man is lying in bed with a vegetable now, and I have no hope.

I hope that my daughter will be able to compete in the future and get the important position of the family.

As long as you can please the old lady, you can make Xiaobei go further.

Otherwise, if Guo Ru takes power completely in the future, then everything will be really over.

But now, the jade bracelet is broken!

Obviously, it was this Yang Ye who did it on purpose.

"You pay for my jade bracelet, you pay for my jade bracelet!"

But Guo Caifeng is anxious red eye, went up to grasp Yang Ye's collar.

And it was this scene that all the people in the meeting hall were looking at this side.

"Stop it! Is there any rule?"

Mrs. Yang is most concerned about her face, and she is also angry at the moment.

"Mom, Yang ye did it on purpose. He broke the jade bracelet on purpose!"

Guo Caifeng is in a hurry.

"Whoa, whoa! I said five younger sister, is not a broken bracelet, don't say it may be fake, even if it is true, what can it do? "

"How old are you? How old are you? You have no rules at all

My second aunt added.

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"Today is my mother's birthday. It's really unruly of you to fight on mom's birthday!"

Yang Yuting is also a cold voice.

"Well, it's just a jade bracelet. If it's broken, it's broken. Anyway, I'm too old to wear it! What Guo Ru said is not bad. Can you be so knowledgeable with Yang Ye? "

Said Mrs. Yang.

Guo Caifeng's aggrieved eyes are full of tears.

Chen Ge also can see that grandma is not generally partial to Yang Ye. She has bought Longyun jade. Naturally, the jade bracelet is true.

To put it bluntly, Yang Ye is afraid that Xiaobei will be spoiled.

After that, everyone looked at Chen Ge again.

"Chen Ge, I see you are empty handed, so you come here?"

Guo Ru eyes a cold way.

Yes, in the family, Guo Ru hates the fifth family most, followed by the fourth family.

And now, the most hated nature also includes Chen Ge.

Especially after what happened yesterday.

"Well, sister-in-law, maybe you're right. You can't afford a gift, hem!"

The second aunt also said.

And the old lady looked at Chen Geguo and started in a vacuum.

My heart is really not happy.

"Forget it, I will not hesitate to ask for his gift!"

The old lady said faintly.

Chen Ge was silent and did not speak.

"I said," my God, you have to talk more about Xiaobei. I don't care about my work all day long. I guess I'll just wait for you to share your industry. That's not good! "

Guo Ru said again.

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Guo Caifeng said in a hurry: "Guo Ru, what do you mean, when Xiaobei doesn't work hard?"

"Don't quarrel with you. I don't dare you to say it's true or false. However, the Yang family never gives any resources to people who get something for nothing. Xiaobei, I will investigate afterwards. If you really have no achievements, don't blame grandma for being cruel!"

Said Mrs. Yang.

"Ha ha, grandma, you don't have to worry about Xiaobei. What the big aunt says is what you say! Grandma, I don't feel well, so I'll stop eating. Let's go first

Xiaobei said with eyes wet and red.

Then he stood up and left.


Guo Caifeng chased out.

Chen Ge frowned, Guo Ru mother and son, it seems that bullying the fifth uncle is not a day or two.

Worried about Xiaobei's mood, Chen Ge also went out.

"Mom, did you see that Yang Xiaobei is just like this in front of you and even more in front of me in the company!"

Guo Rudao.

"Well, let's go. Let's go. It's out of my mind."

Mrs. Yang said coldly.

I turned to the birthday party.

"What's the matter? Even last year, at this time point, a lot of distinguished guests came. How come there are so many guests this year? "

Mrs. Yang just found out.

Yang Yuting said, "yes, it's really wrong. Why are there so few distinguished guests? I have been invited in person

Mrs. Yang's face was even worse.

Then he called to the housekeeper a Sheng.What's the matter with him? The VIP hasn't come all the way?

A Sheng said:

"Mrs. Yang, I don't know what's going on today. Many invited guests and partners have called to say that they can't come because of something. Congratulations! Up to now, more than 30 managers have called me and said it! "

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The old lady was angry: "hum, I see. They all agreed. It seems that our Yang family is indeed in decline. Decades ago, the Yang family had many activities, but now, they can't invite anyone else!"

Yang Yuting and others did not speak.

"Yuting, did you catch the project I asked you to grasp? Or is there no project to do now? "

Asked the old lady.

"Now the capital turnover is also a problem, mom, I have been as soon as possible, today and tomorrow I will solve the problem of resource chain, and then I will fight for the project!"

Yang Yuting said.

"Alas, enterprises are not enterprises. Now they are not like home. If it is difficult to do so, they will lose to LongQin and Qinhuangdao?"

The old lady said dejectedly.

And it was just then.

I saw the housekeeper running in from the entrance of the manor.

"Chairman! Chairman ~! "

"Ah Sheng, what's up?"

Asked the old lady.

"You Come out and have a look. There's a team of motorcade outside. They're coming to send gifts

A Sheng is very nervous.


The old lady exclaimed.

If it is an ordinary VIP to send a birthday gift, naturally will not let a Sheng this kind of reaction.

Who could be here?

The old lady was surprised at the same time.

He stood up and went out with a Sheng.

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Yang Yuting and Guo Ru, their people, are also curious to get together.

On the outside, there are more than a dozen extended version of the phantom, each of which is 20 million drive away.

Teams of bodyguards in black stood.

Holding a box in each hand.

"Chen family, Chen Shao, send a gift to the old lady!"

Said one of the leading bodyguards in black.

And the old lady, they were shocked.

This team is absolutely luxurious and top class.

Now, the first bodyguard opened the box.

"A thousand year old ginseng!"

"What? Millennium ginseng

The crowd was stunned.

"A white marble tripod!"


The old lady was very moved.

Yang Yuting and Guo Ru swallow their saliva nervously.

"An authentic copy of Tang Bohu!"

The third box is open.

"The original work of Tang Bohu?"

All the people gathered around.

"Chen Jia Chen Shao? Who is it? Why is it so big? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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