The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 428: 428

The gift is more than that.

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It's so dazzling to the people of the Yang family, including the old lady.

Even, it's not too much to describe it as a rare treasure.

Every gift has a big beginning. It's priceless!

Mrs. Yang's face was excited.

She has lived her whole life, and she has never seen such a scene.

"Mrs. Yang, this is the gift list. Please have a look at it."

The first youth respectfully presented a gift list.

"Don't look, don't look. Thank you for Chen Shao's gift, but it's really valuable! By the way, I haven't met Chen Shao, and I haven't made acquaintance with Chen family. I don't know who your master is? "

Mrs. Yang said with a smile on her face.

The haze left by the cold was swept away.

"Old lady, if there's nothing else, we'll leave first."

Obviously, these people are reluctant to say more.

"Stay for a light bar?"

Said Mrs. Yang.

"Thank you, no more!"

When the youth finished, they all went back to the car and left directly.

"How rich

"Even the bodyguard's entourage is so calm and gentle. What kind of family is this Chen family?"

A crowd of Yang's family was stunned.

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"Mom? Chen Jia Chen Shao? We have never known each other. Why do we give us such valuable gifts? I have calculated roughly. These gifts add up to nearly one billion

Yang Yuting's excited hands were shaking.

"Yes, it's more than one billion yuan. Chen Shao of Chen family is really a big hand. However, we Yang family did not associate with the Chen family. I have lived so long, and I have never heard of Chen family. Is it the friends you have made friends with, not your classmates?"

Old lady Yang said with an unbelievable look.

A large number of younger generation looked at each other.

No matter how good the students are, they will not give birthday gifts worth more than one billion yuan. Obviously, this reason is too far fetched.

"Mom, no matter who sent it, since people want to give it, these are ours. If you take out one of them and sell them, you can solve the current economic crisis of our family!"

Guo Ru Eye Bead son a turn, suddenly say.

"Shut up, it's nonsense. It's a birthday gift from the Chen family. How dare you sell it? At least, before I know the identity of Chen Shao, nobody is allowed to touch these things. If anyone dares to make these birthday gifts, I will drive her out of the family!"

Said Mrs. Yang.

At the same time, I watched the motorcade leaving.

"What are you looking at, mom?"

Seeing that he could not make these birthday gifts, Yang Yuting came up again and said.

"I was looking at those people who just got out of the car, Yuting. Don't you see that the servants are all well-trained. Ordinary big families can't ask for servants like this. It can be said that behind them, they are probably a top family!"

"Therefore, we need to find out the identity of Chen Shao as soon as possible, get in touch with him, and strive for him to help us through this difficult time!"

Old lady Yang said with great foresight.

"Yes, Ma!"

"Hiss, there's another possibility!"

The second aunt suddenly said.

"Well? What is possible? "

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"Is it possible that Chen Shao has taken a fancy to one of our Yang family's girls? This is a gift given in advance for future marriage promotion?"

The second aunt said with a smile.

Among them, Yang Yan, the second aunt's daughter, is the most beautiful and outstanding.

What she said was to tell everyone whether Chen Shao had a crush on her daughter?

"Ha ha, second, you really can think about it!"

But Guo Ru was not happy to hear this.

After all, among the three generations of the Yang family, his son Yang Ye is the future core of the family.

Now, if you don't give it to the old lady.

Although they are usually in groups, there are inevitably some differences on the issue of vital interests.

"Well? However, what the second family said is not unreasonable. The real big family does things in large and small ways. It is never cumbersome or explicit. It is really possible that this young lady Chen has fallen in love with our young lady of the Yang family! "

"Yang Yan, you have studied abroad and returned to the company in recent years. You have met many people and participated in many occasions. Do you remember that there are so many outstanding students?"

Asked Mrs. Yang. She also knows that Yang Yan is the most beautiful, and Yang Xiaobei is outstanding. However, Yang Xiaobei has never seen any big scenes. Naturally, the old lady will not think of her.

Yang Yan pondered and said, "it seems that there are some grandmothers."

"Well, if this is the case, it will be the blessing of our Yang family. Yang Yan, please tell Grandma what you want or want in the future."Said Mrs. Yang.

"Thank you, grandma!"

Yang Yan excitedly says.

This indicates that he has already had the possibility of being superior.

Grandma took Yang Yan's hand and went inside.

At this time, Yang Yuting suddenly received a call.

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"What are you talking about? You tell me again? "

Yang Yuting's face suddenly changed.

Then he hung up.

The whole person's face, suddenly became some pale.


Yang Yuting came to Mrs. Yang in front of her.

"What's the matter?"

"Something happened to the enterprise! "

" what's up? "

The old lady's face changed.

Yang Yuting swallowed his saliva: "these days, the capital chain of the enterprise is tense. I didn't go through the bridge loan as usual. But I didn't expect that my staff just called me. There was a problem with the loan and the bank stopped lending for the time being."


The old lady didn't expect this.

"And what did you mortgage?"

Said the old lady.

"I mortgaged the existing land for the project of the Yang family. In the past, I was sure that they could not do so. Now, the bank said that they could not let it out, and the negotiation was useless."

"It's the dragon family. It must be the dragon family!"

Yang Yuting's face turned pale.

It turns out that Yang Yuting's third party is the dragon family.

Or a senior member of the dragon family, who came to talk with him personally.

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Unexpectedly, this is the dragon family deliberately dig a hole for themselves.

They want the land, too.

Yang Yuting's reaction came only after knowing and feeling later.

Old lady Yang was so angry that she slapped Yang Yuting in the face.

The long and Yang families are in competition. Yang Yuting is crazy to spend money. He dares to cooperate with the dragon family.

The dragon family is so powerful that it doesn't matter to put a bank in order.

"You, you, you really want to piss me off!"

Mrs. Yang walked with a stick.

"Mom, what can I do? We are halfway through the project. The dragon family wants to pick up ready-made ones? "

Yang Yuting said with a sad face.


"No use, don't ask me!"

Mrs. Yang is a mouthful again. At present, she is so angry that she can't even have her birthday. She leaves the scene directly!


"Xiaobei, are you ok?"

Yang Xiaobei came back crying.

Chen Ge came back with her.

Unexpectedly, Xiaobei went directly to the fifth uncle's room and took his uncle's hand. A girl cried wrongly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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