The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 429: 429

"Dad, it's useless for me. When I see my mother being bullied by them, I can't speak up. I'm not striving for success!"

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Xiaobei cried.

"My mother's most beloved bracelet, originally wanted me to take it out, hoping my grandmother would be happy and let me go further, but it was dropped by Yang Ye! He fell on purpose, and everyone present saw it! "

"But Dad, grandma said that mom was too excited. Isn't it just a jade pendant? Is anything worth less than Yang Ye in grandma's eyes?"

Yang Xiaobei is really depressed today.

Before, they satirized themselves and their mothers.

They are also tolerant.

But this time, I didn't even have the minimum fairness.

Yang Xiaobei couldn't bear it and ran back wrongly.

"You know, Guo Ru hates you, even my mother and I hate you! She wants me and my mother to get out of the Yang family. OK, Yang family, I'll never go again! "

Yang Xiaobei said. With that, he lay down on the bed and cried.

Chen Ge stood behind Xiaobei and patted her on the shoulder.

Yes, although Xiaobei is usually honest and kind-hearted, she also has self-respect. No one will endure repeated taunts from others, and can not get any fairness.

I'm afraid no one knows better than himself.

Speaking of all, if the Xiaobei family didn't help their mother, why would they have done so.

Since mother left it to herself.

I will give a new explanation to Xiaobei and Uncle Wu!

"Cousin, I'm sorry to let you worry. You didn't finish the birthday party of grandma!"

And Xiaobei, crying for a while, wiped his tears, looked at Chen Ge and said.

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"It's OK! Xiaobei, don't be too pessimistic. You'll get better and better in the future

Chen Ge holds Xiaobei by the hand.


Xiaobei nods.

At this time, Xiaobei's mobile phone suddenly rings.

A look, it is the housekeeper a Sheng to call.

"The family has an emergency meeting, everyone is coming!"

Then, a Sheng hung up.

"Go wash your face, go on!"

Chen Ge said.

"I won't go. I don't want to go into that house any more. I finally know that my aunt was so excellent that she didn't want to stay in this impersonal home. My real cousin would torture people crazy sometimes."

Xiaobei bet on the airway.

"If you don't go, you have to think about it more for your aunt, so that you don't have to talk about it again. At least you have to go now!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

Xiaobei thought about it and nodded this time.

Then I went to listen to Chen Ge.

The meeting didn't finish until two in the afternoon.

Chen Ge didn't go with Xiaobei this time. Instead, he stayed at home and gave Uncle Wu some wrist exercises.

Xiaobei came back with his fifth aunt.

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But as soon as I came back, I heard my fifth aunt swearing.

"Guo Ru, I'm not finished with you. Is there such a bully! I'm not finished with you

Guo Caifeng cursed.

"What's the matter, aunt five?"

Chen Ge came out and asked.

Guo Caifeng also did not answer, eyes wet red directly into the room.

Becky is obviously in a bad mood.

But he still said:

"cousin, something has happened to the Yang family, which has become a mess!"

"What happened?"

At the moment, Xiaobei told the story.

It's just that this time, the Yang family was in a critical situation. Unexpectedly, the dragon family bravely tore open its face and stabbed the Yang family again.

Yang's main business now, but also the only one of the largest development projects, was secretly left by the dragon family.

Although the Yang family is also very rich in financial resources.

However, the industrial stalls of each family are very large, and the demand for funds is even greater.

In particular, this kind of business similar to the family leader is naturally the lifeblood of the Yang family.

Such a large project is missing.

Of course it hurts.

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While Guo Ru was scolded by her grandmother, she did not forget to throw the pot.

Pressure Yang Xiaobei to talk about new projects.

Grandma is also angry, said a sentence to let the people who do not act to get rid of.

He pointed to Xiaobei and his fifth aunt.

This is the mother and daughter to die.

"Well, that's what happened? That's easy

After listening to Chen Ge, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Cousin, this is the time. The family is in disorder. Don't make fun of Xiaobei! Well, my mother and I are also angry. It's the uncle who made the mess. Why blame us for it? "

Xiaobei has some small grievances."Cousin, how can you joke? In fact, grandma is not in a hurry for this project. After all, the Yang family does not lack the money, but the Yang family has no new projects. The main business of the Yang family is engineering development. If there are projects, it is just like a continuous stream of advertising promotion. If there is a virtuous circle, it will become worse and worse. If there is no project, it will become worse and worse, and the vicious circle will become worse and worse

Chen Ge said.

"You're right, cousin, but although I'm in the project department, I can't do this kind of work alone. It's all in the charge of Guo Ru. I understand that she just wants to take the opportunity to eradicate the family dissidents! Get me out of here with my mother

"Then you can talk about a few big projects for her to see, cousin help you!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Cousin, you're kidding me again!"

"No kidding, really!"

Chen Ge shook his head and then took out the phone.

After a few words.

He said to Xiaobei, "OK, in the afternoon, you go to the headquarters of Xinfeng group, where someone will hand over the project with you?"

"Cousin, do you know people from Xinfeng group?"

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In fact, Xiaobei always thinks his cousin is very mysterious.

"Oh, meet me, one of my classmates is there!"

Chen Ge made a careless eye.

After all, it's not the time to completely expose him. Although there is no secret about him, there are some things that are difficult to explain, isn't it.

"Don't worry. When did your cousin cheat you? After you go, find a man named Zhao Kang, who is in charge of the project!"

Chen Ge said seriously.

Xiaobei also saw that his cousin didn't seem to cheat himself, so he nodded.

In fact, Chen Ge, who now controls all the family businesses in China, is hard to find him.

At the moment, Beck did not neglect.

After cleaning up, she really went to Xinfeng group because she believed that her cousin would not make such a big joke on her.

Xinfeng group is a super large group in Yanjing, not a family business. However, it is regarded as the God of wealth of many business families.

We can imagine the strength.

"Miss, there are many customers today. Please wait in the VIP area!"

While waiting for Yang Xiaobei to go, a customer service personnel respectfully leads Yang Xiaobei to the VIP waiting area.

And I just went in.

Yang Xiaobei looked up and saw several acquaintances.

At the same time, these acquaintances all saw Yang Xiaobei.

"Whoa, isn't this Xiaobei? You're here? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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