The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 435: 435

Xiaobei is not happy to hear this.

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Yang ye did it on purpose.

After all, my classmates are calling to introduce them to their cousins, not those friends of Yang Ye.

"No, you don't have to hang out with them. I'll show you how to play!"

Xiaobei airway.

At the sight of Xiaobei's anger, several female students pouted and gave up.

Follow Xiaobei in, and everyone comes to the backyard.

Chen Ge knows what Xiaobei thinks.

I want to introduce myself to a girlfriend.

He he, Xiaobei's painstaking efforts understand Chen Ge.

However, Chen Ge is really not in the mood to make any more female friends.

After all, there were too many things caused by these things before.

Zhao Yifan is the best example.

Therefore, Chen Ge mostly takes the posture of big brother to get along with this group of little beauties.

But obviously, this group of little beauties don't look up to themselves and have no intention of chatting with themselves more.

Therefore, the atmosphere is somewhat dull.

"Hi, beauties, have you met again?"

A few of Yang Ye's friends are also here.

Said hello to the beauties.

"Yes, what a coincidence!"

The beauties laughed.

"This shows that it's our fate. How about adding a wechat? I'll introduce you to some interesting places in the future."

Several boys said with a smile.

Then he looked at Chen Ge contemptuously:

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"I said this cousin, right? You see, you can't buy a bigger one because you can't share the cake with the beauties? "

Several boys hit Chen gedao again.

On their side, they also added wechat to each other with beauties.

Seeing Yang Xiaobei hostile looking at them, they did not stay much, winked at the beauties and left.

"I'm sorry, I would have changed to a bigger one if I knew you were coming! Ha ha

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

And a few beautiful women, it is speechless to roll eyes, did not pay attention to Chen GE's words.

"Oh, Meimei, did you see that one of the boys seems to be Wang Kun's handsome guy from Wang's group?"

"Yes, I look like him, and there is another handsome, wearing glasses, like Zhang Lin of leap information technology company. Their company is going to be listed soon."

"I'll go, but if they can be together, they must not be ordinary people. They must have backgrounds at home."

"What's the matter? Which handsome guy do you have feelings for? "

Meimei, they talked about it.

Especially when it comes to their value, it is very hot.

Xiaobei took a deep breath, looked at his cousin and said:

"cousin, thank you for the cake you bought for me. This is my childhood. In addition to my mother, there is another person who really celebrated my birthday for me. Let's find a place to share them!"

Little Bella said, touching her cousin's hand.

"No problem!"

A Sheng, the housekeeper, was already in a state of great anxiety.

Indeed, when a family has a signal of rising, people who know and don't know will swarm up.

Now it is.

Think about the cold event of the 80th birthday party the day before yesterday. It's really sad.

Look at the time. It's almost half past ten.

When most of the guests arrived, Yang Ye returned to the front room to receive them.

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A Sheng stood at the door instead.

No one came. A Sheng is ready to go in.


At this moment, he suddenly saw a motorcade not far away.

"And VIP?"

A Sheng stood up straight.

When you get a close look at the team.

A Sheng was surprised.

It's a luxury car.

It's so cool!

I'm afraid that all the luxury cars for today's distinguished guests add up to 100, but they are not worth the price of ten cars in this fleet.

Dear guest!!!

A Sheng was shocked.

At this time, a family of four came down from the motorcade.

Is a middle-aged couple, still holding their children.

"Hello, thank you for coming to the Yang family's banquet. You Are you Mr. Zhang? "

As soon as a Sheng saw this man, he was shocked beyond measure!

"Hello, Zhang Bonian!"

"Yes! Yes, Mr. Zhang's name is like thunder. You are the first of the four richest people in Tianjin! "

A Sheng's excited hands are shaking.

Jinmen's richest man is here!You know, the Yang family and them, but if you want to curry favor with them, you can't make it.

Of course, I was surprised and pleased.

Then another line of motorcade came.

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This time, a middle-aged man in his fifties came with his family.

A Sheng's eyes are coming out.

"Yang? Is that you? "

My God, the general manager of Yanjing district! How could he have arrived? My god!!!

And then, there's a lot of people coming.

Rich people in Taidong province and famous rich people in northwest provinces are all here!

There were ten or twenty of them, all with their families.

If it wasn't for a Sheng who pinched his thigh fiercely, the bursts of pain told him that these were true, not dreams.

He felt like he was in a coma.

"Come on, please!"

A Sheng's waist has never been straight up from the beginning to the end.

"Don't be busy, housekeeper. We're not here for the Yangs party!"

At this time, Zhang Bonian coaxed his little daughter.

"Ah? How many bosses? "

A Sheng was surprised.

"Where is Miss Yang Xiaobei? We are here to celebrate her birthday!"

"Ah? For Miss Xiaobei's birthday? "

Ah Sheng was completely stunned.

When did miss Xiaobei get to know so many great men!!!

However, a Sheng did not dare to ask more questions, nor did he dare to neglect Fen Fen.

"Miss Xiaobei is in the backyard. I'll take you there."

A Sheng bowed and led them all the way to the backyard.

When Xiaobei saw so many big men, he was just like some of his classmates.

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"Hello, Miss Xiaobei. Happy birthday to you. We are here to celebrate your birthday!"

They all laughed.


Xiaobei was shocked.

And Meimei and their girls were all shocked.

"I'll go. What's wrong with Xiaobei? Isn't that Mr. Zhang of Jinmen? Isn't that the Yang family in Yanjing? I'll go. What's going on? "

Several girls don't talk about boys any more, so they are too scared to speak at the moment.

"Ha ha, Miss Xiaobei, we have come all the way to celebrate your birthday? Not even a seat for us? "

Zhang Bonian laughed heartily.

"Ah! Arrangements, Mr. Zhang, Yang * * and I'll arrange it now! "

Xiaobei is at a loss. He is eating the cake. He doesn't know where to arrange it.

His face was covered with sweat.

"Several bosses, you are today's biggest guests, how can you arrange for you in the backyard, please follow me to the front hall?"

Ah Sheng said excitedly.

"No, it's not very good in the backyard. Put some tables for us and serve some wine and vegetables. We'll have some as well. Ha ha ha!"

After that, Zhang Bonian took out a jade bracelet and said, "Miss Xiaobei, this is a birthday gift for you. I hope you can give more help in business in the future."

Jade bracelets are of great value.

Although a Sheng was excited, he still kept calm.

Seeing that the general manager was not willing to go to the front room, he immediately arranged for the servants, brought in the tables and chairs, followed the orders of several big men, and arranged a banquet nearby.

A Sheng is even more nervous. He doesn't know how to deal with it. He still has a little determination, so he helps Xiaobei carefully

Any one of them is a big existence that the Yang family can't afford! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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