The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 436: 436

"Thank you for the gift from Uncle Shen!"

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Yang Xiaobei took a present from another big man.

Meimei and Meimei are all silly and come to watch.

Envy and jealousy are dead!

"Miss Xiaobei, are these your good friends? It's really beautiful, but there aren't many gifts brought in this time. I'll send some presents to you later. I'll give you some presents to meet you girls! "

Mr. Zhang's wife said with a smile.

"Ah? I We have it, too? "

Meimei, they were surprised and ruined.

"Of course, ha ha!"

"Yes! Thank you, Mr. Zhang, Mrs. Zhang, and Thank you... "

In a word, when several ladies expressed their attitude to give them gifts, Meimei and her were excited to thank the whole family.

After all, it is extraordinary.

"Xiaobei, pour some water for the bosses

Meimei, they said excitedly.


"No, no, we'll do it ourselves."

Mr. Zhang said.

"Come on, uncle, give you a piece of cake!"

Chen Ge is smiling, beside tease a few years old girl.

"Hello, Susu!"

The little girl blinked her big eyes.

"How nice

Chen Ge was fed into the little girl's mouth.

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"Susu, we want it too!"

In addition, several children cried out one after another.

"Good, good, all right!"

Chen Ge smiles.

"I'll go! He's such a loser, isn't he? "

"Well, it's all for him

"Mom, isn't that a shame?"

Meimei, they said in a hurry.

At present, all of them have a fierce glance at Chen Ge.

So he took little Bella aside.

"Xiaobei, get rid of your cousin! Please, there are so many big guys here, we can accompany you

Meimei stomped her feet in a hurry.

"Why? Why take my cousin away? "

Xiaobei is not happy.

"Don't you think he's too cheap here?"

"Yeah, so many big guys, don't let others see our jokes!"

Her beauty is also urgent.

"No, my cousin can't go. Besides, I have something else to ask my cousin!"

Said Becky.

Then, came to Chen GE's side.

She whispered, "cousin, how can these bosses come to celebrate my birthday?"

In fact, to say the most likely, that is his cousin, after all, he knows too many people.

What's more, cousin is always mysterious!

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"Hmmm! This is the first gift from my cousin. Do you like it

Chen Ge chuckled softly.

Beck's eyes widened.

It's really a cousin!

"Cousin, why? How can you have so many big guys come to celebrate my birthday

Xiaobei is really excited.

Indeed, the surprise of this gift is a little big.

"Ha ha, I didn't ask them to come. They came spontaneously. Didn't you hear what they said? We should cooperate with you more in business in the future."

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

"Business? But I... "

"Why are you here, my dear? I'm looking for you everywhere. You don't answer your phone calls. Your grandmother is in a hurry in front of me. You are... "

At this time, Guo Caifeng ran over angrily.

At the sight of her daughter, she set up a table in the backyard.

"Xiaobei, can you fight for some anger?" she said in a fury:

"Xiaobei, if you want to celebrate your birthday this evening, you have to live now or stay in the backyard. You didn't mean to find a handle on Guo Ru's family!"

Guo Caifeng was very anxious.

I was about to come and take my daughter.

But when she saw the people on the table.


Guo Caifeng is shocked and covers her mouth directly.

Obviously, she knows all the big guys here.

"Is this miss Xiaobei's mother? Hello! We are here to celebrate Miss Xiaobei's birthday

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Several big men laughed.

Seeing a Sheng pouring tea on one side, Guo Caifeng reacts how it happened.

"To celebrate our daughter's birthday? This, this, this This, this, this... "

Guo Caifeng rubbed her hands back and forth excitedly. She didn't know what to say.

At the moment, his face suddenly coagulated.One grabbed Chen GE's ear: "get up for me. If you see me coming, don't give me your seat!"

Chen Ge was pulled aside.

"My God!"



And this scene, is to let all of you, are surprised.

In particular, Mr. Zhang and his several, the cup in his hand did not hold steady and fell directly on the ground.

They all stood up, too.

There was a little panic on his face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to frighten you. Don't even stand up and sit down

Guo Caifeng blushed nervously.

Chen Ge rubbed his ears and nodded to Mr. Zhang, who then dared to sit down.

Xiaobei, on the other hand, quickly pulled his mother's sleeve and whispered something in her ear.

"What do you say?"

Guo Caifeng was shocked again.

Looking back at Chen Ge, his expression changed again.

"What, little Little song, sit down

Guo Caifeng was shocked and gave Chen Ge a seat.

Chen Ge just sat down.

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At the same time, the lobby.

Old lady, someone has come to offer tea in turn.

And Yang Ye is with the old lady.

The old lady was very happy to see so many people giving face today.

Yang family, how many years have not had this kind of scene!

Waiting for a round of tea, the old lady's face sank.

"What's the matter? It's about to start? There is no sign of Xiaobei's girl. Isn't her mother calling her to go? Why didn't you come back? A Sheng! A Sheng

Cried the old lady subconsciously.

"Grandma, the housekeeper is not here!"

Yang Ye said.

"Well, there are no rules, one by one, they are too unruly!"

The old lady laid the teacup heavily on the table.

"Mom, I told you that Xiaobei is very lucky, but it can't be used for a long time. I say you don't believe it. I think I'm jealous of her achievements. But what's the matter now?"

"Yes, I brought some of her classmates to the door just now. Maybe I went to play somewhere and cared about the family affairs. Grandma, you see, there are so many distinguished guests coming today, that is, they won't care about it, but if we really want to spread it out, how can we be named as slow guests? We are not busy today?"

Yang Ye also said.

"But Xiaobei has done so many projects this time, which is the core of our Yang family. It's OK to be capricious. Maybe he will have to rely on Xiaobei in the future."

Yang Yan is also embellishing her way.

"Hum! Who said she was the core of the core? Who said that in the future, we should rely on Xiaobei? I'm not dead yet!!! This girl has no rules at all. Her mother is also virtuous. Hum, when the party is over, I won't let her be a project manager. I'll work in the company honestly! "

The old lady is angry.

And Guo Ru, looking at Yang Ye, saw each other with a smile , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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