The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 439: 439

"And big gifts?"

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Even the guests present are looking forward to it.

Because Chen's brother and sister should not be too strong!

"The third one, I'm afraid your cousin has to give it to you!"

Later, Chen Xiaochao looked back.

That is to see, at the door, with a group of servants following.

In came a graceful woman.

Women's beautiful appearance, gentle temperament, seems to let the atmosphere of the whole air is solidified a bit.

What a beautiful woman!

All the people present were exclaimed.

"My cousin?"

Beck was also surprised.

Look at my cousin Chen Ge.

Naturally, it is Qin LAN and sister LAN.

Chen Ge lowered his head and didn't speak. He couldn't explain this matter for a while!

"Hello, grandma."

After Qin LAN came, she stood on the side of Chen GE's body and bowed to the old lady with a smile.

The old lady couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

Nodded one after another.

"Such an outstanding woman is my grandson's daughter-in-law. It's so good, so good!"

The old lady nodded again and again.

She has lived for most of her life, and this is the first time that the old lady has felt the supreme glory and pride brought to her by her family.

"Sister Xiaobei, this is a gift I gave you together with your cousin!"

LAN elder sister looks at Xiaobei and smiles.

I saw the entourage, just a contract.

Xiaobei blinked at it.

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"Xiaobei, from today on, you will be the chairman of Yanjing Xinfeng group, and at the same time, you will also be the general manager of the industries under the Chen family in the North!"

LAN elder sister smile.


Xiaobei was stunned.

The old lady is stupid, too.

"Xinfeng group is also Chen's? In the future, Xiaobei will be the chairman of Xinfeng group

You know, don't say what the entire Chen family's northern industry is, just a Xinfeng group, you can hang the three families!

And Xiaobei, will be the chairman of Xinfeng group?

All the people in the audience opened their mouths and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Guo Ru's heart is more like overturning the Schisandra bottle, not taste.

"Yes! Xiaobei

Meimei and Meimei shake Xiaobei's arm crazily.

It's no wonder why Mr. Zhang spontaneously came to celebrate Xiaobei's birthday and wanted him to take good care of him in business.

It's here.

Chen Da Shao has already made up his mind to send the group industry to Xiaobei!

The old lady was excited, too.

First of all, Chen Ge and Chen Xiao helped themselves to solve the siege of the dragon family.

Now, with so many gifts, the old lady was grateful and excited.

At the same time, there is a different mood in the heart.

And at this time, see the gift is finished.

Chen Xiaocai looks at long shaolei standing on one side and dare not move.

"I'm in a good mood today, so I won't torture you. Xiaolei, I wonder if you have forgotten the virtue you and your father had in Jinling?"

Chen Xiao said coldly.

"Sister Xiao, don't forget it!"

Long shaolei nodded one after another.

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At that time, it was long shaolei and his father who were kicked out of Jinling by Chen Xiao like a dog. They were the direct parties.

"Just don't forget. Remember, when you see the Yang family, hide a little. Otherwise, don't blame me for reminding you first! Go away

Chen Xiaodao.

"Yes, sister Xiao!"

Long shaolei is leaving.

Come back! I mean get out of here

Chen Xiao said again.

Long shaolei's face twitched.

This is to repeat what happened in those years.

However, long shaolei now, at least the atmosphere also dare not breathe.

Damn it, Yang Xiaobei of the Yang family has such a backstage.

Can't help, long shaolei had to lie on the ground, really roll out!

After the celebration dinner.

Guo Ru and her second aunt couldn't react for a long time.

They also wanted to please Chen Xiao just now.

What they just got was Chen Xiao's indifferent eyes, which made them not even say anything to please them.

Yang Xiaobei, however, has become a dragon and Phoenix among people!

At night.

The Yang family, the old lady's inner room.

"It turns out that Chen Jindong has such a huge power!"

After listening to some brief introduction of Chen Ge.

The old lady had a look of sadness on her face.

"Grandma, if the old grudges are over, let them pass. The main thing is that now we have a chance to reunite."Chen Ge said.

"In the past? Ha ha, when I was so kind to Yuping, Xiaobei's father became like that. Yuping had the deepest feelings with her fifth brother. Yuping must hate me and hate me as a mother

The old lady said in tears.

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"No, my mother has been thinking about you all these years. You may not know that my mother has come to visit you many times, every year!"

Chen Xiao said.

On hearing this, the old lady looked up.

I was really moved.

I also feel regret for my old-fashioned tradition when I was young.

If not, the family and harmony, that would be good, there will not be today's dragon home things.

"And my grandmother and my aunt have been thinking about my father all the time. I've found a lot of doctors for my father, and I've also subsidized Xiaobei's studies."

Beck also said.

"Subsidizing Xiaobei to study?"

When the old lady heard it, her tears came out again.

Yes, my granddaughter, Miss Yang, is so difficult that she can't finish reading books, but she doesn't know it!

Tiger poison does not eat children!

Looking back on her life, the old lady pursued fame and fortune, but she completely forgot the warmth and coldness of family affection!

"Mom, I'm sorry for Yuping and your father, Xiaobei for you, and Chen Ge and Chen Xiao sisters, alas!"

This night, the family chatted late.

At the same time, some people are happy and others are worried!


"Wine, give me wine!"

In the bar, a wine bottle broke in response to the sound.

A drunk young man, shouting.

"Young master Yang, you have drunk too much. You can't drink any more! Go home

A woman manager of the bar advised.


Yang Ye raised his hand and said, "Damn it, even you look down on me? Well, now everyone can look down on me. Give me wine

He roared.

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The female manager covered her face and glanced at Yang Ye.

Then he went out to get the wine.

When I came back with the wine.

Several people stopped her.

"You Are you long Shao? "

The female manager said unexpectedly.

"Give it to me. No one can come in without my orders."

Long Shao picked up the wine bottle.

Naturally, some of the employees took out a stack of money and threw it to the female manager.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The female manager nodded in a hurry.

"Young master Yang, your wine!"

Long Shaoyun goes in with wine.

Yang Ye is about to take it up.

Squinting at the moment, "how is it you?"

"Hehe, this situation is that I can come to see you! Look at you now, Yang Shao, who is so down and down! "

Long shaolei sneered.

"Well, how are you? You are in our Yang family, don't you climb out like a dog? Ha ha ha

Yang Ye laughs.

Long shaolei's eyes congealed, "Yang Shao, it seems that you need to sober up!"


The door was kicked open.

More than a dozen of his men directly rushed in , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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