The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 440: 440

Yang Ye was caught by people's hair, several big mouth son directly called on.

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Immediately saw a man directly take out a knife.

Yang Ye just sobered up a bit.

"Don't do it, don't do it! If you have something to say, long Shao

Yang Ye was afraid.

Long shaolei gave a cold smile: "Yang Shao, it's a waste of time. In fact, I came to you today for your own good. Ha ha, nobody thought that Yang Xiaobei had such a backstage as Chen's sister and brother. Now, Yang Xiaobei has become the leader of Yanjing. Not only my dragon family's interests are damaged, but I'm afraid the biggest loss should be you, Yang Shao? Tut Tut, it is the future successor of the Yang family. Now, there is nothing left! "

Yang Ye fiercely clenched his fist.

"Long Shao, what do you want to say

"I've heard that old lady Yang has already heard that Yang Xiaobei will be the successor of the Yang family in the future. Pity Yang Shao. You can't get anything in the end. Yang Xiaobei should not let go of your family, right?"

Seeing that Yang Ye's face became more and more gloomy, long shaolei said, "now, Yang Shao, you have no choice but to cooperate with our dragon family. We have to make a final struggle! At that time, our dragon family will not lose its vitality, and you, Yang Shao, will also control the Yang family, or even become the master of the family ahead of time. "

"You Do you have a way? "

And after a little bit of Yang Yesi, he finally got a little excited.

"Come on, let's talk about it."

Long shaolei nods with a sneer.


Three days later.

A mysterious motorcade left Yang's house in the early morning.

"Xiaoge, your family is famous. It's no surprise that you can know about the Mo family in Yanjing. However, grandma and the Mo family had something to do with the Mo family in the early years. The Mo family also promised that Grandma could do something for her!"

"But after so many years, grandma is not sure that they still ignore the people of our aristocratic family!"

On the bus, the old lady took Chen GE's hand and said.

Through these days together, the old lady is very fond of this gentle grandson.

After learning that Chen Jindong's second brother, Chen GE's girlfriend, was missing.

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The old lady happily agreed to come forward for Chen Ge and ask for Mo's business.

And the old lady is also boring, on the road with Chen Ge briefly told some of the Mo family met.

It's a coincidence.

At that time, a son of the Mo family was secretly pursued and killed when he was on a mission.

At that time, he fled into the back garden of the Yang family.

The old lady was in her forties.

It's not to the point of being old-fashioned in the back.

When he saw the seriously injured child, he was 15 or 16 years old. With compassion, he was taken in and rescued.

Originally, I thought it was nothing.

Until one day later.

When the old lady was in charge of the Yang family, she took her daughter and sons out to a party.

He was caught in the middle of the commercial enemy's plot.

In the end, my grandmother is in danger.

I learned that it was the boy who saved him back to repay his kindness.

He told the old lady that he was willing to help and left an address for the old lady.

Having said that, I didn't get in touch.

This flash, even nearly 20 years later, the old lady is not sure, the child at that time still remember!

That's how it started.

The car went all the way.

Finally, I came to a mountainous area of Yanjing.

The whole mountain seems to be filled with miasma, and the mountain forest covers a large area.

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"Such a big mountain, without even human beings, would it be like this?"

Chen Ge got out of the car and looked at it. He was a little blinded.

Asked grandma, holding her.

"This child won't cheat me. He said that if you have something to do, you can come here to find him. The place is certainly right."

The old lady said firmly.

Chen Ge looks around.

It was discovered that there was a wooden house 100 meters above sea level on the mountain.

It looks like it's occupied.

"Grandma, wait for a moment. I'll go up and see if there is anyone. I'll ask for it."

Chen Ge was disappointed.

Is there a big family hidden in this kind of place?

At present, Chen Ge went up.

Just saw inside the wooden house, an old man in his sixties came out.

The old man was dressed as a villager, but he was clean.

Seeing Chen Ge, he was stunned and then said with a smile:

"what's the matter, brother?"

"Hello, old man. I want to ask if there are other people living on this mountain?"Chen Ge asked.

"Other people? Ha ha, little brother, you see, this is a hundred Li, all mountains and forests. I am a forest watcher. Apart from me, where are other people living? "

The old man said with a smile.

"But when a friend said that he could be found here, how could there be no other family here?"

The old lady came up and asked.

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The old man's eyes fixed slightly.

He looked the old lady up and down with Chen Ge and then said, "friend? What kind of friend? I wonder if I have given you any keepsake? "

The old man asked casually.

The old lady had a door.

He said, "yes, yes, it's a small token!"

Now, the old lady took it out.

As soon as the old man looked, his eyebrows were raised:

"what's the relationship between you and the Yang family in Yanjing?"

The old lady said, "I am the owner of the Yang family. At that time, I had some connections with the token owner."

"Well, I see. In that case, you can come with me, but only the two of you can go there, and the rest of you will wait in the same place."

Said the old man.

Chen Ge didn't expect that the man who looked at the woods was disguised. It seems that Mo's family is really here!

Now, under the guidance of the old man.

Chen Ge helped her grandmother into an old man's ox cart.

Follow the path between the mountains and forests to drive inside

At the same time.

Yang family.

"Miss Xiaobei, these are all the foreign loans of our Yang family in recent years. I have made a summary here! Please have a look at it

"Thank you, uncle Sheng!"

Yang Xiaobei said with a smile.

When the old lady set out with master Chen Ge three days ago, she had already given a special account. After she left, Yang Xiaobei was responsible for all the affairs of the Yang family, and the meaning of it needs no description.

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And this is the time.

Yang Ye rushed in.

"Sheng Bo, Sheng Bo, no, no, no, something's wrong!"

Yang Ye said.

"What's the matter, young master?"

A Sheng asked.

"It's my parents. My parents didn't like long shaolei's calculation, so when they handed it over to them, my mother had a conflict with them. Long shaolei had my parents arrested!"

Yang Ye said.

"And such things? Long shaolei really ate the courage of bear heart leopard. Miss Chen Xiao warned him again and again before she left. Unexpectedly, as soon as Miss Chen Xiao left, he would be excited! "

A Sheng hate hate way.

"But young master, Miss Xiaobei is in charge of the Yang family. What should we do? You'd better ask Miss Xiaobei."

A Sheng said again.

Yang Ye's eyelids jumped slightly, and then he said apologetically, "sister, although my mother is impulsive, it's not good to give my parents to the dragon family. They are also your big uncles and aunts. Xiaobei, help your brother and uncle!"

Yang Xiaobei took a deep breath.

No words.

"Sister, if you don't go, my parents will have an accident. Long shaolei wants to send all his anger to my parents!"

"Well, uncle Sheng, you arrange some people. I'll go over and see what's going on first."

Yang Xiaobei is really cruel.

Is to follow Yang Ye to leave , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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