The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 441: 441

"Where are the people at the construction site? You don't mean your aunt is like this

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When Yang Xiaobei came, he saw that the whole construction site was empty.

Yes, because some time ago, uncle's loan had a very serious problem, so the development of this site was stopped.

But today's handover ceremony is here.

I didn't expect to see a figure.

"Big aunt? Well, your great aunt is waiting for you in there

But just now also a face crying like poplar leaves, the face changed.

Looking at Yang Xiaobei coldly.

"Yang Ye, what do you mean?"

Yang Xiaobei also felt that something was wrong.

"It's no fun. Since you're here, come in with me."

Yang Ye suddenly locked the door.

Yang Xiaobei frowned and said, "well, since it's OK, I'll call Sheng Bo and tell him it's OK."

But just took out the mobile phone, was seized by Yang Ye.

At this time, from the abandoned building area, a team of people ran out and surrounded the whole car.

"Get out of the car, my good sister!"

Yang Ye sneered.

"Yang Ye, you deceive me to come here, unite with the eldest uncle and cheat me together? Yang Ye, do you know what you are doing

Said Yang Xiaobei.

"Up to now, I can't manage so much. The family property will never fall into the hands of a cheap woman, absolutely not!"

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Yang Ye roared.

"You know, from childhood to adulthood, I have been trying my best to please grandma. In order to please her, I racked my brains. I finally got everything I have today. According to the original trick, I will become the inheritor of the family, and the property of the family will be managed by me and my father."

"You know, this is the day I'm waiting for, and I'm going to be the youngest heir to the family! But you, Yang Xiaobei, have shattered all my efforts and illusions

"You know what

Yang Ye is hysterical.

After all, he knew in his heart how crazy he was now.

However, for his own future, he has no way.

He and his mother had no choice.

There is no hope for the Yang family to inherit.

They also offended the powerful Chen family and Yang Xiaobei.

We can imagine what the future of our family will be like.

"Yang Xiaobei, I won't give you any chance to retaliate against us. Don't even think about it!"

He roared again.

Yang Xiaobei is also anxious. His eyes are full of tears.

She's not afraid.

But did not expect that their most worried family fighting or happened, and this crazy.

"When did I say I wanted to revenge you?"

Yang Xiaobei said.

"Don't be so hypocritical, Yang Xiaobei. You have everything now. Our family has nothing! Isn't that revenge? "

"But now it's different. If we clean you up, we will take charge of the Yang family again. Only when we pull out the nail, can we be at ease. I can't help it!"

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At present, Yang Ye opened the door and took Yang xiaobeira out.

"Change a place and take good care of it!"

Yang Ye ordered.

"Yang Ye, don't be happy too early. Do you think you will inherit the family if you catch me? Grandma, my cousin hasn't come back yet. When they come back, you'll regret it. Moreover, Shengbo is on the way. You'd better think it out! "

Said Yang Xiaobei.

"I think too clearly, Sheng Bo? Hum, do you think he will come again? No, this old man, I have a way to shut him up

"If there's no accident, my mother has already talked with my uncle now. Hum, after all, the granddaughter that my uncle loves is studying in the kindergarten of our Yang family's building area."

"So, Yang Xiaobei, just give up!"

Yang Ye is ferocious.

Just then, one of the men's cell phones rang.

"Young master Yang, our long Shao's phone call!"

The way.

"Did you actually join the dragon family? Yang Ye, you are totally crazy! Uncle and aunt are crazy, too

Yang Xiaobei said in disbelief.

"Take her away from me!"

Yang Ye waved impatiently.

Then the phone was connected.

"Long Shao, I have arranged everything here. Don't forget your promise to me!"

"Don't worry, Yang Shao, I will!"

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The next Yang family seems to have returned to normal.

The people of the Yang family don't know what Miss Xiaobei is up to. They haven't seen her all day.

In particular, the second aunt's family, who wanted to invite Xiaobei and Guo Caifeng to dinner, couldn't find anyone.Her mother Guo Caifeng doesn't know.

Shengbo doesn't know where Xiaobei has gone.

"Well, I knew that I had been treating Xiaobei better before, but now I am. I have no way to ease the tension."

The second aunt came out of the office helplessly.

Shake your head and sigh.

Soon, the day passed.

The next day, the second aunt and his family came to wait early, but after waiting for most of the morning, they did not see Xiaobei.

"Mom, I don't think we should wait like this. Yang Xiaobei is not what he used to be. He is the leader of the northern district. How can he look up to us?"

Yang Yan said discontented.

Yang Xiaobei suddenly gets up. Yang Yan is also very uncomfortable. She can't even describe her jealousy.

You know, it's good to find a big family and get married.

What's more, he is the leader of a region.

This absolute elder sister!

But these things are also jealousy can not come, Yang Yan is now thinking, if you flatter Xiaobei, maybe you can mix up with a second sister, so happy.

"Be patient. After all, Xiaobei is not the same as before."

Said the second aunt.

At this time, see Guo Caifeng in a hurry.

"Oh, Wu Mei, good morning. Why didn't you see Xiaobei come with you?"

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Asked the second aunt.

Guo Caifeng was impatient and said, "I still want to ask you? Xiaobei didn't come to work? "

"We've been waiting for nearly three hours, and we haven't even seen a figure!"

Yang Yan said.

"That's strange. Since yesterday, I couldn't get in touch with Xiaobei. A Sheng hasn't seen her. Where do you think she can go? What's more, you can't always turn off the power, even if you go there? "

Guo Caifeng said.

The second aunt and Yang Yan look at each other.

Then he said, "there's nothing wrong with Xiaobei? Now it's off? "

Guo Caifeng had no idea and nodded anxiously: "yes, it has been turned off!"

"Oh, what shall I do?"

My second aunt can't help it.

However, he still comforted him: "five younger sister, don't worry, Xiaobei is so capable, it will be OK. Let's wait a little longer! If you can't, try again! "

Guo Caifeng looked worried, or nodded.

And the next day, it passed quickly.

The third day, the fourth day Until the seventh day!

"What did Fang say?"

At the family meeting of the Yang family, uncle Yang Yuting asked.

"Up to now, we haven't found any clues. What's wrong with Xiaobei?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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