The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 442: 442

Seven days passed.

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The disappearance of Yang Xiaobei also caused a great sensation in Yanjing.

A lot of Yanjing Jinmen's big men are disturbed.

They sent their men to look for it.

Especially in the absence of Chen Shao.

Although there are suspicious forces, but after the investigation, we can not find the slightest trace of the horse!

The whole person, as if the world evaporated.

Guo Caifeng also wanted to contact the Chen family in Nanyang.

However, the contact information is in Xiaobei's hand, the rest of the people have no way.

It's been seven days.

Xiao Bei's life and death are uncertain. Guo Caifeng is haggard for a moment.

Today, the people of the Yang family gathered together again to discuss the search for Xiaobei.

It was a more serious gathering.

Except for Guo Caifeng.

The rest of them, all with their heads down, did not speak.

Yang Ye, on the other hand, looks at Guo Ru in secret and smiles.

This plan is arranged perfectly, and with the help of the dragon family, even if some people doubt it, what can they do?

Can you check it? There's nothing to find out!

And at this time, the housekeeper rushed over.

"Madame five! The chairman is back with Chen Geda Shao! "

Said the servant excitedly.

"What? Is the little song back? "

Guo Caifeng stood up and rushed out towards the outside.

And the rest of them went out to meet them.

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"Mom, Chen Ge is back!"

Yang Ye swallowed his saliva, and his whole body began to tremble.

"Don't be afraid. What are you afraid of? What can you do when you come back?"

Guo Ru gently reminds a way.

This gave Yang Ye a firm belief.

Outside, Chen Ge helped grandma to get out of the car.

Grandma was old and spent eight days with her. She was really tired.

Now I saw a group of people come out to meet.

Chen Gegang is ready to say hello.

"Xiaoge, you are back. That's great. Xiaobei will be saved!"

Guo Caifeng stumbles out and grabs Chen GE's arm.

"Fifth aunt? Is Xiaobei saved? What's the matter? "

Chen Ge asked.

"Yes, fifth, slowly. What's the matter?"

Asked the old lady.

"Xiaobei, she She's been missing for seven days! We can't be found anywhere! "


Chen Ge was stunned.

I didn't expect to go out with grandma for eight days. Xiaobei had an accident with him!

"What's going on?"

Chen Ge is very strict.

The feelings for the Xiaobei family are different from others.

Chen Ge is very worried about it.

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So Guo Caifeng told the story!

"Do you think someone wants to kill Xiaobei? Xiaobei is such a good boy. He has never offended anyone. Who will harm Xiaobei in our family

Guo Caifeng said.

"Aunt Wu, don't be pessimistic. I'll send someone to check it immediately. Don't worry. No matter who dares to touch a hair of Xiaobei, I'll make his whole family regret coming to this world!"

After Chen Ge finished, she helped her grandmother into the Yang family.

"Mother! What to do? "

Yang's anxiety is not the same as that of Chen Hongge.

Yes, originally, Guo Ru and Yang ye thought that Chen Ge, although rich, is still a kind of woman. When Xiaobei had an accident, he was depressed and worried at most, and then sent someone to look for him.

But Guo Ru and Yang Ye never thought that Chen Ge had such a fierce side.

At present, Guo Ru is also a little afraid.

If Chen Ge finds out, he really wants to destroy his family?

But Guo Ru's determination is still good.

"Don't worry. Act according to circumstances. Although the dragon family is not as powerful as Chen Ge, it is also a family with hundreds of years of history. I'm afraid there is no such a simple family to investigate!"

The first thing Chen Ge did was to block the Yang family.

Unless he nodded, no one could go out at will.

"Chen Shao, I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say."

In the room, Hou Ping said to Chen Ge.

"Say it!"

Chen Ge nodded lightly.

"I have suspects. I feel that they are very suspicious! Because Yang Ye and they have a motive to do it! "

Hou Ping said.

Chen Ge nodded: "I also suspect them, also let people check, because today's meeting, their family is really too quiet, quiet to make people feel abnormal!""But I wish it wasn't them!"

Chen gedao.

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And this time.

A Sheng, the housekeeper, pushed the door in.

"Young master, you didn't have a rest today. You are too tired. I asked the servant to make a bowl of Ginseng Soup for you!"

"Please, uncle Sheng! How is my grandmother? "

Chen Ge asked.

"It's very sad. I've been crying just now. Now I'm resting!"

Said Sheng Bo.

Put the ginseng soup in front of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge took the ginseng soup and put it to his mouth.

But Sheng Bo opened his mouth, but still did not open his mouth.

"By the way, Sheng Bo, before I left, Xiaobei told me that she would help the Yang family to solve this loan problem. What about the loan from the dragon family? Did Becky have an accident before he could deal with it? "

Chen Ge put down the ginseng soup and suddenly asked.


"No If there is no master Chen Ge, there will be an accident before we have time! "

Said Sheng Bo.

"Well, I see. Go back and have a rest."

Chen Ge smiles.

"Good, master Chen Ge. You can drink the soup while it's hot."


Chen Ge watched Sheng Bo go out with a smile.

Hou Ping said coldly, "I'm going to check this old thing now!"

Chen Ge looked at the eye ginseng soup, then shook his head and said, "Sheng Bo has been loyal and honest all his life, diligent and diligent, and he can't lie any more. I think it's hard for him to do so!"

Chen Ge empties the ginseng soup into the garbage can.

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After so many things, Chen Ge is not the old Chen Ge who doesn't know anything.

I've seen his heart again.

No matter how dangerous things have been experienced.

It's just that he doesn't want to believe that anyone from the Yang family is involved.

Although I don't have much affection with Guo Ru's family.

But, after all, they are their own relatives and elders.

Chen Ge is not willing to take that step unless there is hard evidence.

Even now, Chen GE's thunder is small, which is to let some people know their mistakes and correct them.

But now, it is obvious that some people have been so crazy that they even hurt themselves.

Then this is forcing oneself to use strong means to solve this matter.

"Don't look it up. Force them to tell the truth!"

Because Chen Ge now knows that they are even harming themselves, and they are afraid that Xiaobei will be more dangerous.

After all, Chen Ge thought that they might just want to get some benefits, and would not do anything to Xiaobei.

How to say, are still a family, the total is not as fierce as death?

But obviously Chen Ge is wrong.

It's a life and death thing!


Hou Ping's eyes were fixed.

Then he looked into the dark part of the room.

A few cool faced men.

"Follow me!"

The party went straight out of the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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