The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 44: 44

"We have been friends for a long time, but it's not convenient for me to say his identity. My brother told me to keep it secret! Ha ha

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Du Lei strangled the cigarette end.

A faint smile.

At this time, the people's eyes on him had changed.

Jiang Weiwei, in particular, has been impressed.

Zheng Qianqian is more eye dew spring water, if is true, oneself also has the opportunity to ride that makes numerous people crazy Rambo?

The boys are jealous of Du Lei.

"Du Lei, are you really or not? Don't use that trick that you used to bubble up little stars again. Are you bragging?"

Wang Yang can't believe it. After all, he knows Du Lei. His family is a very small rich second generation under ordinary economic conditions.

How can you know such a big guy?

And Du Lei has a habit of bragging.

"How can it be? Besides, can I boast with this 20 million luxury car? You really are! "

Du Lei gave a bitter smile.

"Du Lei, I believe you!"

Jiang Weiwei smiles at Du Lei.

She glanced at the luxury car in the photo from time to time, and she was almost drunk. If she could take a seat once, anything would be fine.

And this opportunity, through Du Lei, may realize that God Hao!

Chen Ge grinned bitterly.

The key is still in my pocket.

As a result, he became someone else's brother.

Chen GE's heart is not a taste.

These two little Keren are still being soaked by this bully.

Is it possible to get a girl better by driving in the car?

Can even Jiang Weiwei soak?

Chen Ge thought, can't I be too low-key? Good for you!


At this time, Chen Ge felt that he was hit in the face.

Looking up, it was Jiang Weiwei who threw herself with a small paper ball.

"Well, what are you listening to? Why, do you still want to sit in a Lamborghini? Please, go to sex change... "

Jiang Weiwei sneered.

"The transgender family who wants such a poor force!"

Li Nian laughed.

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In the blink of an eye, I watched the spearhead rush towards myself.

Fortunately, the waiter has already started serving.

Even Chen GE's noodles and shredded potatoes came up.

"Wow, the food is so rich, it's high-grade at first sight!"

"Of course, good food with good wine? Today I'll give you a taste of this bottle of red wine, more than 2000 bottles!"

Wang Yang said with a smile.

It immediately made people admire.

And the corner of the Chen Song, they are to ignore.

Chen Ge is drinking noodles and eating shredded potatoes. He is really hungry.

At this time, the box door was pushed open again.

I saw a line of waiters standing outside.

Is carrying a series of high-end atmosphere on the level of specialty dishes come in.

These specials have been changed into small versions because Chen Ge can't hold so many dishes on the table.

"This We have all the dishes, not our specialties? "

Wang Yang looked at it, and was stunned.

"Hello, sir. This is not for you, but for Mr. Chen!"

Chen Ge looks at this waiter's explanation, I depend on it, I don't seem to have ordered it.

"Wait a minute. I'll say it first. I'll just take care of our table. These dishes are ordered by Chen Ge, which has nothing to do with us."

Wang Yang was startled.

If you let him pay the bill, today's money is enough.

It's a specialty. He ordered two.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. It's because Mr. Chen ordered the dishes and we gave them away! Bang

With that, the waitress clapped her hands.

One after another specialty dishes, even some girls have not even seen dishes all come up.

There are twelve.

Set Chen GE's table slowly.

These dishes cost at least twenty or thirty thousand yuan.

"This, this, this He ordered a shredded potato, you give so many specials? "

Jiang Weiwei stands up in surprise.

She's almost lost.

She would like to taste the characteristics of home kitchen at one time, but how could it be that if she ordered two dishes at a time, she would have to eat one or twenty times.

Besides, who has the capital to invite her to eat ten or twenty times?

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How expensive are the specials!

But now, Chen Ge asked for a bowl of noodles, fried with shredded potatoes, and they served them twelve.

And the dishes are top-notch?

Not only Jiang Weiwei, Zheng Qianqian, they are all stunned, incredible looking at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge didn't expect that the lobby manager would come to work like this?He can't eat this special dish.

Now look to Su Mu Han: "Su Mu Han classmate, come over and eat?"

Su Muhan is not embarrassed.

Moreover, she really feels that Chen Ge is full of mystery now.

Why do people give him so much face?

At the moment, she came over with a smile.

Sitting opposite Chen Ge.

Don't mention the expression on Wang Yang's face.

"Hum! I see. Would you like to order shredded potatoes for special dishes? Do restaurants engage in activities? "

Zheng Qianqian couldn't believe his eyes.

She wanted to eat, but she was really embarrassed.

"Yes, yes, maybe the restaurant is engaged in activities!"

Wang Yang said in defiance.

Just as a waiter came in, Wang Yang directly asked, "by the way, would you like to order a plate of shredded potatoes and give you special dishes?"

The waiter asked me stupidly.

Immediately disdainful way: "you this person is sick? A dish of shredded potatoes for your special? Something's wrong

Finish saying that, the waiter throws face directly to leave.

Jiayuan kitchen is the power of Jinling commercial street. Ordinary guests can't dare to find the waiter's trouble.

Wang Yang was beaten in the face.

They were almost stunned. He could ask such questions.

"Chen Ge, how much can you eat by yourself?"

Jiang Weiwei angry way.

This Chen Song, so many delicious food, actually won't let you.

"Oh, come here if you want to eat!"


Jiang Weiwei is very angry. A meal is not delicious. She really wanted to try it.

"I see!"

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And Wang Yang, whose face was red, seemed to wake up suddenly.

"Hehe, Chen Ge, did you spend a lot last time? It's said that you spent more than 100000 yuan, so this time you came, the lobby manager made an exception to send you so many dishes, right? "

Wang Yang really did not dare to think about other possibilities.

Only this possibility can make him happy.

"Maybe..." Chen Ge smiles.

Eat it all.

"Then you can eat it. I'll see if you can eat it later." Wang Yang's face suddenly changed.

Stand up.

This time, Chen Ge hit everyone in the face.

Wang Yang, in particular, is embarrassed to order special dishes. As a result, they give you twelve Chen Ge dishes.

You Chen Ge Ming knows that he likes Su Muhan, so he calls Su Muhan to have dinner with you in public.

The face is almost swollen!

"Wang Yang, what do you mean?"

Jiang Weiwei doubts way.

"What do you mean? Weiwei, isn't Chen Song a winner of 200000 yuan? Lu Yang cheated him on his last treat and spent another 50000 yuan on a Ferrari test drive. Now he has no hair on him! "

"Other people's hotels are just looking at him for his money and spending power. If we tell the lobby manager that this guy is a real poor man, what would you say?"

Wang Yang sneers and stares at Chen Ge.

"Ha ha, this fool, the hotel gives him such a big face, just want to draw back customers. If people know that there is no hope, they will not let him go so easily!"

Li Nian sneered.

"This guy can ah, hit 200000, one-time all spent, really cow!"

Du Lei is also smiling.

And a group of beautiful women on the side, looking at Chen Ge, are slightly shaking their heads.

"No, brother Yang, if we finally say later, will the home kitchen think that we are with him and make trouble for us. After all, they are in the same box!"

Li nianyi pats the brain.

"That's right. I think we'll go down and talk now! To avoid being misunderstood! "


Wang Yang glared at Chen Ge and went downstairs with him.

Su Muhan was nervous: "Chen Ge, what they said is true. You really spent 150000 here, and then the manager sent you so many dishes?"

Chen Ge just laughed: "it's OK. Are you full? When we are full, let's go down and check out. Don't worry about me

Su Muhan nodded.

Then he followed Chen Ge downstairs.

Downstairs, Wang Yang and Jiang Weiwei have started their mouths.

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"Manager, look, this is the poor guy. You must not think that he is a local tyrant. He is so poor that he can't afford to buy pants now!"

Wang Yang pointed to Chen Ge.

"That's right. You gave this man so many dishes for nothing. If we didn't bring him here, he would never have the money to come here again!"

Li Nian sneered.

"Let this man work here. He ate more than 20000 dishes. What a waste! You know, he won 200000 yuan, and spent 150000 yuan here at one time. Plus doing something else, he has no money! "Zheng Qianqian is also a cold voice.

The manager in the lobby, however, just stood still. She didn't dare to answer anyone's words.

In this scene, the checkout hall on the first floor has been surrounded by many people.

"What's the matter?"

"It seems that the loser pretended to be a local tyrant, but he was found out!"

"Shit, there are all kinds of wonderful flowers!"

Chen Ge turned a deaf ear to this.

He walked down lightly.

Come to sister Jin.

"Sister Jin, how much money do I have in my account?" he said with a bitter smile

The so-called account is the money that was returned to Chen GE's account last time.

Because the final year of the money, but also to Chen Ge.

"Reply to Chen Two hundred thousand more, sir

"Hiss!" As soon as this sentence was uttered, everyone in the audience took a breath.

"Good, good, then round up again, I'll add another 300000 to the account!"

Speaking, Chen Ge directly took out his bank card and swiped the POS machine, showing that 300000 had arrived!


"Lying trough!"

"Three hundred thousand!"

Wang Yang widened his eyes and felt that the scene in front of him was so unreal.

And Jiang Weiwei's chest undulating arc has become larger.

The rest of them are even more open-minded.

How could it be? They all thought Chen Ge had spent the 200000 yuan and had no money.

But now, they already have 200000 yuan in their home kitchen account, and now they directly charge in another 300000 yuan.

That's half a million!

"Chen Ge! You, you, how much did you win? " Jiang Weiwei almost screamed out.

She had a hunch that Chen Ge might have won millions , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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