The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 45: 45

"Mr. Chen, we will arrange a car to take you back immediately!"

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Lobby female manager said respectfully.

Before long, a million BMW 7 series was parked outside.

As for Wang Yang, they have long been stupid.

I thought Chen GE's 200000 yuan had been spent, but who knows, Chen Ge didn't win 200000 yuan at all.

It's more!

At the same time, we all can see that Chen Ge doesn't care much with 500000 yuan?

In other words, the amount of Chen Ge won has reached an unimaginable level.

"Mu Han, or go back together?"

Chen Ge gets on the car, falls down the window and laughs at Su Muhan.

To tell you the truth, Chen GE has always been very beautiful and kind-hearted Su Muhan.

It may be inaccurate to say that you are kind.

However, Su Muhan at least will not like Yang Xuejiang Weiwei, dislike the poor and love the rich, and has reached a very serious situation.


Su Muhan put his hands back and got on the car with a smile.

Jiang Weiwei's face is white.

The BMW 7 series is imported at a glance. She wants to sit in the car. However, Chen Ge, the son of a bitch, doesn't even look at her and lets the driver go.

Wang Yang in particular, green face, heart secretly hate.

On the way.

"Chen Ge, how much money did you win? Can you tell me? "

Su Mu Han and Chen Ge are both sitting in the back. She can't help asking curiously.

"There are some misunderstandings. In fact, I didn't win the lottery. Buying lottery tickets is the reason I made it up!"

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Although Chen Ge doesn't want to tell all his details, he doesn't want to cheat Su Muhan.

"What's the matter with that?"

Su Muhan thinks Chen Ge is more and more mysterious.

"I'll tell you later! Besides, can we be friends for two or three days? "

"Of course not!"

Su Muhan also saw that Chen Ge might not want to tell his secret.

This is also good, if you tell the whole story, there is no sense of mystery, but it will be a lot lighter.

Chen Ge sent Su Muhan to the gate of the girls' dormitory.

Then he got out of the car and let the driver go back. He walked back.

"Chen Ge!"

At this time, a girl jumped out of front of her eyes, which scared Chen Ge.

It was Zheng Qianqian.

"Why did you come back so soon?"

Chen Ge was surprised.

Compared with Jiang Weiwei, Zheng Qianqian is more extravagant in hating the poor and loving the rich.

Not only in front of these things, just say that Chen Ge heard about Zheng Qianqian before.

She is also very beautiful indeed, big chest, long legs, net red face.

The very sexy one.

It's just that she always likes to play with people who are good at it.

I've been a girlfriend to a lot of people.

His eyes are very high.

It is said that he had done with Wang Yang before.

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Therefore, Chen Ge is a little speechless to her.

"Well, you're really good. You didn't even invite me by car just now!"

Zheng Qianqian did not answer Chen GE's words, but stabbed Chen GE's chest with a sad face.

The change of attitude before and after this is too fast.

Chen Ge can't accept it.

"Zheng Qianqian, it's very late. Please go back to the dormitory."

Chen Ge is busy.

"Hum, I can't sleep when I go back to the dormitory. Why, do you hate me so much? I know you must be very upset. I used to treat you like that. Do you know why?"

Zheng Qianqian pinched his waist.


"I know you are very nice, but you are wearing clean clothes, but your taste is too poor. Look at your clothes, they are almost white! I hate people with bad taste

"I don't know how you talked to that Yang Xue before, so I think, hey hey, you may lack a girlfriend who knows how to dress you up!"

Zheng Qianqian's meaning is quite straightforward.

That's what she thinks. Chen Ge is rich now, and really rich!

If she had become Chen GE's girlfriend, most of the money would have to be spent on her.

Besides, Chen Ge, in addition to wearing a few shabby clothes, is actually very beautiful.

Now I'm rich again. I'm totally worthy of being my boyfriend.

As for the former Chen Ge, and now Chen Ge, do you want to face it?

Zheng Qianqian: ha ha, is it useful?

"Well Girlfriend, I haven't thought about it yet

Chen Ge thinks that if she wants a girlfriend, she doesn't dare to ask you.How many green hats do you have to wear.

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"I can't help thinking about it. Hum, Chen Ge, or I'll be your girlfriend and I don't want to go back to my dorm tonight!"

Then he blinked his eyes and came to Chen Ge.

To tell you the truth, Zheng Qianqian is very coquettish in addition to his bad morality.

Chen Ge is really moving. I dare not to let her be her girlfriend, but a one night stand is revenge.

But at this time, Chen GE's mobile phone suddenly rang.

It was Yang Hui, the chief of the house.

"She Chang, why?"

Chen Ge immediately calmed down and answered in a hurry.

"Mr. Chen, go back to the dormitory, come back! Boss has something to do! "

It was not Yang Hui who spoke, but Li Bin, a good friend.

Listen to the tone is very urgent.

Chen Ge also accepted the mind, directly toward the dormitory to run.

Zheng Qianqian could not help stamping his feet: "hum! Chen Ge, you can't escape, sooner or later I'll let you prostrate under my Zheng Qianqian's skirt! "

Chen Ge ran very fast because he was worried about Yang Hui. At the moment, he suddenly opened the door of the dormitory.

I didn't want to face you with a can of beer.

Spray Chen GE's face.

Then, there was the cheap laughter of the roommates.

"Shit, what's going on?" Chen Ge wiped the wine on his face.

A look at Yang Hui, Li Bin and several of them are there.

What's more, the table in the dormitory is full of beer and vegetables. It hasn't moved yet, obviously waiting for Chen Ge.

"Lao Chen, today is a good day. Our boss has taken off the bill!"

Li Bin laughs.

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But Chen Ge this just long vomit a breath, scared to death him, thought Yang Hui had what matter.

But when Yang Hui took off the list, Chen Ge was very happy.

"Who is sister-in-law?"

Chen Ge took over a bottle of beer thrown by Li Bin and took a few mouthfuls. It was so cool!

"Xu Xia! We had dinner together in the dining hall this evening. She has promised to stay with me

Yang Hui scratched his head and laughed like a fool.

Chen GE has also guessed that it is Xu Xia. Chen Ge knows that Xu Xia and Lin Jiaozhao Yifan have a good relationship, but they feel that they are not the same people.

It's a good person.

Think of Yang Hui is also true love Xu Xia, two people finally together, Chen Ge envy at the same time, really happy.

"Come on, take off the bill for the boss, let's have a toast!"


The six brothers were full of laughter.

At this time, I saw a video call request from Yang Hui's mobile phone wechat, which was called by Xu Xia.

"Yang Hui, what are you doing?"

Xu Xia's gentle voice came.

"How many brothers are drinking..."

"Roar, elder sister Yang Hui, when will you invite us to drink?"

Look at the video over there, Lin Jiao and their several have been all around.

"Well, we have to wait for the brothers in our dormitory to take off all the bills. You have to think of a way." Yang Hui is smiling, also aimed at Chen Ge Li Bin and their several.

Chen Ge sees Zhao Yifan, who has just washed her hair and is ready to take off her makeup.

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