The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 459: 459

"Elder martial brother?"

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All the people present, hearing this, all opened their mouths.

Zuo Zhongtao, the great master, actually called this young man his senior brother?

The people of the Liu family were even more stunned on the spot.

Even Ma Xiaonan was a little surprised.

"Mm-hmm, today, there is no other meaning, just borrow your place to use!"

Chen Ge promise is not, do not promise is not, now with a bit of helpless way.

"Yes, yes, please, elder martial brother."

Zuo Zhongtao said respectfully.

The Wei family on one side looked at each other in amazement.

This young man is really not simple.

Half an hour later.

Outside a guest room.

Ma Xiaonan is anxiously pacing back and forth outside.

Sweat was streaming down his head.

And with Ma Xiaonan has been waiting for, there are four people from the Wei family.

"Hum, I just don't believe in evil. That little boy can cure a disease?"

Wei Qingshu wrapped his arm and said at the moment.

Yes, they are the same age. They were humiliated by Chen Ge. Now, Chen GE has other talents.

It has humiliated Wei Qingshu and seriously hurt his arrogant self-esteem.

"Shut up!"

The old master of the Wei family said in a cold voice at the moment.

The young man just now said that his illness could not be cured by master Zuo. Originally, Wei Fu, the old master of the Wei family, did not believe it and thought Chen Ge was rude.

However, even master Zuo called Chen Ge a senior brother, which really scared Wei Fu.

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At present, it is also respectfully waiting outside the door.

Just then the door opened.

"Little song, how's my mother?"

As soon as Chen Ge comes out, Ma Xiaonan rushes up to ask nervously.

"It's almost over. You can completely recover after taking the herbal medicine for three months."

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Ah! Xiaoge, when did you learn to see a doctor

Xiaonan was surprised and pleased.

At the same time, I feel that the current Chen Ge is really strange.

"It's a long story. I'll explain it to you when I have a chance. Go to see my aunt first."

Chen Ge said.

And Zuo Zhongtao at the moment with the needle bag, follow Chen Ge out of the back.

Obviously, this treatment is mainly Chen Ge, with Zuo Zhongtao as an assistant.

"Senior brother, please!"

Zuo Zhongtao said respectfully.

Chen Ge looked at him and was really helpless.

I didn't know Zuo Zhongtao before.

It was five months ago.

He followed Qin Bo to learn art. His medical skills and martial arts were all taught by Chen Ge.

He also gave Chen Ge a book to memorize.

Chen Ge is excellent at learning, so it is not difficult to master a book in a short time.

However, only a month later, although Chen Ge had memorized the contents of the medical dictionary, his basic skills were very poor.

At that time, Zuo Zhongtao came to ask Qin Bo.

It seems that Qin Bo had some connections with Zuo Zhongtao before, and had taught him some medical skills.

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This time, Zuo Zhongtao obviously wants to further study.

He also had perseverance. He knelt at the gate of Qin Bo's house for a day and a night.

Later, Qin Bo couldn't bear to, so he asked Chen Ge to teach him some contents of the medical classics.

At the same time, it is also to make Chen GE more proficient in some basic skills, so as to fully master the medical classics.

So he stayed with Zuo Zhongtao for nearly a month.

Qin Bo did not accept Zuo Zhongtao as his apprentice.

But Zuo Zhongtao has always called Chen Ge the elder martial brother.

So Chen Ge is helpless.

"Mr. Chen, master Zuo, you have worked hard!"

Wei Fu said with a salute at the moment.

"Ha ha, Mr. Wei, you know what the elder martial brother said just now. I also showed you your illness. I really can't do anything about it!"

Zuo Zhongtao said with shame.

"Yes, yes, I understand. However, since Mr. Chen can see the old man's illness at a glance, I think Mr. Chen must have a way out!"

Wei Fu said with a smile.

"I'm not a doctor. How can I treat people indiscriminately?"

Chen Ge does not want to be too high-profile because the external dangers are not completely exposed.

What's more, Wei Fu has been chasing himself here.

"Hello, Hello, I'll call you for your face. Mr. Chen, when did my grandfather ask for help? What kind of virtue do you think you are? Take a piss and take care of yourself!"

Wei Qingshu said coldly.

Chen Ge frowned and looked at him.

"Green book, don't be rude!"Wei Fu reprimanded him.

"Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry. If my grandson offended you today, I'd like to apologize to you!"

Wei Fu said that he was going to bend down.

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Gaoleng beauty and Wei Qingshu didn't expect her grandfather to be like this.

However, it was stopped by Chen Ge.

"Forget it, Mr. Wei. Since you know each other, it's fate. I can try your illness!"

Chen Ge said.

It's not convenient to find the Chen family now.

In the future, I want to further develop, but I can't do without these big families.

I might as well take this opportunity to make friends with some valuable people.

Reserve some strength for the future against Mojia.

"Mr. Chen! Thank you very much

Wei Fu said happily.

"But I have two conditions!"

Chen Ge said.

"Mr. Chen, it's all right to say so. I'll do it one by one."

Wei Fu insisted.

"It's not too difficult. First, it's my identity. It's not convenient to make it public now. You have to help me keep my secret!"

"Sure, sure!"

"As for the second one, I'll go to Jinling in a few days to find a capable person to wait by my side."

Chen gedao.

"Hum, I just want to find a dog leg to serve you. We Wei family still need this As long as you can take care of my grandfather's illness, I'll send you a set of luxurious house and give you fifty servant girls to give you orders! "

Wei Qingshu sneers.

"I don't want a luxury house or dozens of servants. I think this young man is very good and smart, but I don't know if Mr. Wei Fu can agree?"

Chen Wei's eyes smile.

"What? You want me to serve you? What's your problem? Who am I? I am the eldest son of the Wei family

Wei Qingshu laughingly looks at Chen Ge.

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"That would be great. Although my grandson is reckless, he must be more shrewd. I am also interested in that."

Wei Fu laughed.

"What? Grandfather? Sister

Wei Qingshu was depressed.

"Qingshu, since then, you will stay with Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen wants you to go east, but you can't go west. You can do whatever you want! Even if it's a cow or a horse

Wei Fu Dao.


"What? Do you dare not listen to my grandfather

Wei Fu was angry.

Wei Qingshu bit his teeth and said, "OK, I'll listen to it, grandfather!"

With that, Chen Ge nodded and took Wei Fu to another room.

"Master Zuo, can this young man really cure my grandfather?"

And Gao Leng asked at the moment.

I always feel that this man is too young.

"Ha ha, Miss Qingyin has been worried a lot. My master brother said that he could cure, but he certainly could, but he didn't look at it. To tell the truth, I was a local ruffian at the beginning, but I was completely reborn after only one month with my master. At last, I learned a whole set of medical skills, which were just some external medical skills taught by the master That's it

"What the master learned is all the essence of the master, the inner door of the inner door, and the elder brother followed the master for more than half a year! It is taught by the master himself every day! "

Zuo Zhongtao sighed, and his eyes showed strong admiration.

"Who is your master?"

As soon as Wei Qingyin came down, he thought.

"Don't tell me!"

Zuo Zhongtao shook his head and said.

And two hours later.

The door of the room, opened , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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