The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 460: 460


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Wei Qingyin ran over in a hurry.

"Mr. Chen, please!"

Wei Fu came out with Chen Ge with a smile on his face.

Just an hour later, Wei Qingyin also found that his grandfather's complexion had changed too much.

"Qingyin, don't worry. Mr. Chen is sure to cure his grandfather's illness. After a period of time, according to what he said, he is hopeful of a complete recovery."

Wei Fu became more and more respectful.

"Well, I'd like to congratulate Old Wei in advance. However, if my master brother can help him, I don't know if he can help him, too?"

Zuo Zhongtao said.

"Oh? Mr. Chen, what can I do for you

"Well, it is said that there is a king of ginseng growing on the southern border of the Wei family. It is rare to see this thing in a hundred years. My elder martial brother has been looking for it for a long time. If Mr. Wei is willing to help find it, it would be better!"

Zuo Zhongtao said.

And Chen GE's eyes are also slightly Yang.

To tell you the truth, after making friends with the Wei family in Southwest China, Chen Ge plans to cure Wei Fu, and he does have the intention to ask the Wei family to help find the king Shen.

After all, I went to the southwest border for a period of time. I was weak on my own.

That's why I have this idea.

And that ginseng king, listen to Qin Bo said, once you have the opportunity to take it, it will greatly nourish the blood. At that time, Mo's family is not only in Qin Bo's eyes, but also in his own eyes.

Chen Ge doesn't have to be so forward-looking and afraid that the Mo family will do harm to the Chen family in Nanyang.

After all, although there is no problem with the current strength and self-protection, even if the Chen family is implicated, some of his own abilities are insufficient.

When Qin Bo said that, Zuo Zhongtao was also present.

What moved Chen Ge is that he still remembers it.

"It turns out that Mr. Chen is also looking for the ginseng king. I was seriously ill before, and I had the idea of this ginseng king. However, it has not been found for a long time. In addition, some people say that if ordinary people take it, it is easy to break their Qi and blood! It was only two years ago that I gave up the search! "

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Wei Fu Dao.

"But since you need it, it's not a help to Wei family. After I go back, I will immediately prepare people for you and look for them on behalf of you!"

"Thank you, old Wei!"

Chen Ge was grateful.

"Well, in that case, I'll take the prescription and go back to the southwest border first! Prepare for your husband. Since then, Qingshu has stayed with you for a while! "

"Xiaoge, shall we go back to Jinling together?"

After the event, Xiaonan with luggage, ready to check out in the hotel.

Because Chen Ge also said that he had to go back to solve the problem, so Ma Xiaonan asked.

"Yes, let's go back together."

Chen Ge said with a smile.

Not only Jinling, but Nanyang Chen Ge also plans to go back and have a look.

Because he inquired about some things, Mo Jian, the third youngest of Mo's family, who killed fei'er, has been wandering around Jinling recently.

Hanfil is trying to make it for herself.

Chen Ge couldn't sleep all night long because of this evil spirit.

"Well, then there will be a reference."

Ma Xiaonan happy way.

"By the way, don't take these luggage down and let Wei Qingshu hold them down!"

Chen Ge points to Wei Qingshu with his hands in his pockets.

"You want me to take it?"

Wei Qingshu didn't agree with his attitude.

"What? Disobedient? "

Chen GE's eyes congealed.

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Wei Qingshu, however, held his breath.

"Take it. What's so great about it?"

Wei Qingshu went down with his luggage in his arms.

Wei Qingshu's car is here.

Naturally, he was the driver for Chen Ge.

After several people get on the bus.

"Wait a minute!"

"What happened?"

Wei Qingshu said impatiently.

Chen Ge looks at one place.

You can see under the mountain.

A motorcade came, and from the top of the motorcade, two women came down.

Chen Ge was stunned.

"Ha ha, Mr. Chen, you are so grown-up that you haven't even seen a beautiful woman, have you? But I have to say, these two women are really beautiful

Wei Qingshu touched his chin and said with relish.

"Shut up!"

Chen GE's eyes were fixed.

These two beauties, naturally, are old friends with Chen Ge.

Chen Ge didn't expect to meet both of them in this county.

The two of them are not other people, but Fang Huanan and Fang Yi.

Since the last farewell in Southwest China, it has been more than half a year since we said goodbye.

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However, my father told me later about Fang Huanan, a beautiful woman.It turned out that she was a baby relative ordered by her grandfather.

Speaking of, this is really let Chen Ge helpless.

However, at that time, it was popular. It was a combination of strong and powerful.

Of course, Chen Ge asked Wei Qingshu to stop the car, not to see her sister, or to go to find Fang Huanan to say hello.

But Fang Yannan and Fang Yi seem to have been followed.

Chen Ge saw, not far away, there are two figures, are furtively staring at them.

This is what makes Chen Ge suspicious.

"Have you seen enough? Mr. Chen, everyone has gone up the mountain! "

Wei Qing's calligraphy.

"Just wait for them to go up the mountain. OK, wait for me here for a while!"

Chen Ge watched Fang Huanan and Fang Yi go up the mountain.

Then he opened the door and walked towards the two men who were furtive.

"Damn it, is he going after two beauties to chat up?"

Wei Qingshu has a sense of crisis.

"You wait! I'll see what he's going to do

Wei Qingshu also went out after Chen Ge.

And Chen Geyi saw Wei Qingshu coming.

He waved to him: "you came just in time. Did you see those two people? At first glance, you were practicing. You went to find fault with them, and then led them to the alley over there!"



Chen Ge pushed Wei Qingshu.

Wei Qingshu swears in the past.

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It's a friendship with Fang Yannan and Fang Yi.

However, Chen Ge is not the kind of person who likes to control things when he sees things, and it is not because he has any relationship with Fang Huanan, so Chen Ge gets involved.

The main reason is that her second aunt, rose, is a family with them after all.

For now, the Fang family is also related to the Chen family.

Therefore, Chen Ge is doubting whether it is the former opponent situ's family who is making mischief.

And Wei Qingshu is also a good hand at finding trouble.

Before long, the two people were teased by Wei Qingshu and chased him in the alley.

"Wait a minute, be careful to divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

When they got to the Hutong, they also noticed something was wrong.

I'm going to get out.

I just looked back.

I saw a dark shadow flash past.

There is no reaction.

The chest is eating pain.

Two people fell into the same Hutong!

"You Who are you? Do you know who we are? "

Two people cover the chest, climb do not climb up, busy warning way.

"I don't know who you are, but I know that if you don't answer me honestly, you'll become a dead man later!"

Chen Ge squatted down with one hand in his pocket and said coldly to them.

Let two people, at the same time, produced a sense of inexplicable coldness , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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