The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 461: 461

Chen Ge put something in their mouths without giving them any nonsense.

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"What do you feed us?"

They were shocked.

But then, an indescribable pain appeared in two faces, two people covered their abdomen, pain rolling on the ground.

One side of Wei Qingshu are a little scared silly.

"Gu Chong, now the insect is devouring your internal organs. In a short time, you will die miserably!"

Chen Ge sneered.

"Spare me Forgive me... "

They quickly knelt down to beg for mercy.

"After answering my question, you will not die!"

"I ask you, why do you follow the fangs? Who are you from? "

Originally, the two people were killed and would not talk about it.

I'd rather die than speak.

But now this kind of feeling, it is simply impossible to survive, not to die.

"Yes It's from our family! Rao Spare your life

They were lying on the ground on the road.

"I guess it's really good. It's really the situ family. Then I ask you, what kind of conspiracy is the situ family engaged in recently?"

Chen Ge asked.

"No I don't know! "

"OK, Qingshu, let's go!"

"Say it! Let's talk about it all

They were flustered: "we certainly don't know about the internal affairs of the situ family, but we just heard that the situ family has recently made a big move, conspiring to rebel against the fangs and want to take the fangs as their own."

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"I'm afraid the situ family and those vassal families don't have that ability?"

Chen Ge frowned.

"Yes, yes, I got the help of the dragon family in Yanjing. What's more, there are some people from the Mo family, especially the Mo family. How many people have come here! The Fang family will surely be knocked to the ground this time! "

They said everything they knew.

No wonder!

Chen Ge thought.

"What is the great action of the situ family?"

"Now the old master of the Fang family is seriously ill and his life is on the verge of death, so the situ family wants to be three days later..."

Ten minutes later.

"Mr. Chen, I have disposed of all the bodies. What should I do next?"

Wei Qingshu sent out his hand.

Just now he saw the dead faces of the two corpses, which was called a tragedy.

At the same time, also let Wei Qingshu's heart have a touch of fear.

To tell you the truth, although Chen GE has some skills, when you look at him, you will feel honest.

So Wei Qingshu's language is very unrestrained.

But just now, he finally understood why his grandfather treated Chen Ge so courteously.

Chen Ge gives Wei Qingshu a sense of fear.

The means are cruel!

"The fangs have some connections with our family. Since I have met this matter, I can't ignore it. Stay here for three days first. You are responsible for taking care of Xiaonan's mother and daughter! I have to sneak into Fang's house and see what's going on now

The dragon family is the Mo family's running dog, and now the situ family is obviously the Mo family's running dog.

If the Fang family were to be annexed again, then the Mo family would have two.

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You don't have to know that the assets of the Chen family in China will follow.

The Mo family's circuitous and cannibalism method is really ingenious.

Therefore, it is impossible to indulge in Chen's feelings.

It's not the right time to break in.

Looking at Mengshan, thinking of Zuo Zhongtao, Chen GE's heart suddenly rises a plan!

The next day.

At the gate of Fang's house in Southwest China.

"The fangs are different. With the family members, welcome to master Zuo!"

Fang diferent stood weak at the door, leaning on crutches, with all the people of the Fang family.

Looking at left Zhongtao who came out of the car, he said with a little respect.

In fact, Zuo Zhongtao and the fangs have had contact with each other for a long time. A few years ago, the fangs paid a lot of money to hire Zuo Zhongtao to become a full-time doctor of the Fang family, but they were all rejected by Zuo Zhongtao.

"Mr. Fang, you are welcome."

Zuo Zhongtao said with a smile.

But Fang diferent looks at a young man carrying a medicine box behind Zuo Zhongtao at the moment, but strangely, the young man with a mask on his face stands behind Zuo Zhongtao honestly.

"This is it?"

Fang dif ferent can't help laughing.

"Ah Ah

The mask youth pointed to his mouth, waved his hand, pointed to Zuo Zhongtao, and then put his hand in his heart.

"Hey, grandfather, ah San, he is the disciple of master Zuo. He is mute and can't speak."

Fang Yi, who came with Zuo Zhongtao, is very enthusiastic at the moment.

"Fang Yi, how can you talk?"Fang Huanan is helpless to look at Fang Yi, who is straight to the eye.

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"It's OK. Today in Mengshan mountain, I knew ah San. We were like old friends at first sight. Although ah San can't speak, we talked a lot! Are you right, Sam? "

Fang Yi said with a smile, as if she were friends with ah San.

"Ah, ah!"

Ah San nodded quickly.

"Ha ha, master Zuo, let's see. Although Xiaoyi is reckless, she has been loving and kind-hearted since childhood." Fang said.

"I can see that I burned my face when I was a child, so I have been wearing a mask since I was a child. However, after years of hard work, I have learned some real skills from me. I will take him when I go out now!"

"A famous teacher makes a good apprentice!"

Fang diferent said, holding the hand of master Zuo and walking towards the courtyard of Fang's house.

"Well, you hear me, my granddad praises me for my kindness!"

Fang Yi pouted.

"All right."

Fang Nan shakes her head and smiles bitterly.

However, the young man named ah San gave Fang Yi a dark look.

Kind hearted fart! You have never seen a sign language speaker. You are so kind to yourself because you are curious and want to learn sign language.

Yes, ah San. It's Chen Ge.

In order to make things convenient, Chen Ge had to take this bad strategy.

"Ah San, I'll help you with the medicine box!"

Fang Nan nods to A-San.


Chen Ge waved her hand in a hurry.

In contrast, Fang Huanan is more gentle and considerate, and Chen Ge can't help but look at her a few more times.

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As for Mr. Fang's illness, Chen Ge saw something when he looked at him just now.

With a few sets of medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion for several days, you can recover, but it is not troublesome.

Chen Ge also meant to Zuo Zhongtao that it would be better to stay at Fang's house for a few days.

Fang dif erent to listen to this, it is also desirable.

Chen Ge also took this opportunity to observe the activities of the Fang family and even the situ family.

What makes Chen Ge speechless is.

Fang Yi is a girl who is sick. She always comes to find herself when she has nothing to do. Chen Ge is bored to death.

"Ah San, what are you doing?"

At night, Chen Ge was standing in the backyard, thinking about the so-called big action of the situ family.

How many people were sent to help the situ family this time?

At this time, Fang Yi caught a glimpse of Chen Ge and walked towards Chen Ge with her hands on her back.

Chen Ge was speechless for a while.

"Ah, ah!"

Chen Ge pointed to the garden.

"O'ao, so you want to see the scenery. Haha, you stay on the mountain all day to learn medicine. I don't think you have seen such a good garden?"


Chen Ge nods.

"Well, you're OK anyway. Just talk with me here?"

With that, Fang Yi stopped Chen GE's hand directly.

Chen Ge was stunned , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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