The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 47: 47

Yang Xue has been indignant about the last incident.

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Especially when Chen Ge bought a bag, she and Lu Yang were embarrassed to death!

At the moment, he pointed to Chen GE's nose and scolded him.

Just to stimulate him!

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, this is a public place. Please don't make any noise."

A waitress comes up and politely smiles at Yang Xue.

Yang Xue talks very loud, disturbing other customers shopping.

"What do you mean! You want to get rid of me? You don't have to open your eyes to see how many things I've bought. It's them you want to drive away! "

Yang Xue said: "you call your manager for me! Is it to drive away the expensive customers who buy things, or these people who have no money to hang around here and pretend to be forced! "

This time, the waiter was scared.

I found the manager, and it seems that the girl is too hard to be provoked. I really have to lose my job.

It's very difficult for a waitress at the moment.

Lu Yang is holding his shoulder and smiling at everything in front of him.

Especially by so many people looking at his face too much face.

Yang Hui originally picked out more than a thousand clothes, but when she heard Yang Xue sneer at Chen Ge, she put the clothes down again and pulled Chen Ge to say:

"Lao Chen, let's go and have a look elsewhere!"

He has already chosen, but if he wants to pay, Yang Xue will not ridicule himself, but will definitely make Chen Ge useless, so he simply won't buy it.

After all, Chen Ge bought clothes by himself.


Chen GE has a faint smile.

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"Why are we going? We're here to buy clothes!"

Chen Ge looks at Yang Xue and Lu Yang.

This Lu Yang always makes Chen Ge very strange. During this period, Chen GE has heard that Lu Yang is more generous than before, that is to say, he has money.

But although the conditions of his family are rich, they should not be so crazy to spend money.

Now the standard of Yang Xue has been raised to tens of thousands of clothes.

However, when she meets her ex girlfriend Yang Xue, she always inspires Chen GE's self-esteem.

Because Chen Xue is a girl who he loves deeply and is hurt deeply by her.

Then, he turned to look at the waiter: "by the way, take out the most expensive clothes in your shop and let us pick them out!"

"Ah?" The waiter was stunned for a moment, but since the customer said so, she had to do it.

"Hehe, Chen Ge, do you still have money? What are you going to buy when you've run out of 200, 000 lottery tickets? "

"That's it. Don't be disgraced here!"

Yang Xue said to Lu Yang Qiqi.

Yang Xue heart way, you still compare with me, can you compare with you?

Chen Ge shakes his head with a wry smile. Can he afford it?

All the clothes in this shop add up to be affordable.

Yang Xue, Yang Xue, if you don't break up with yourself, even if you let him buy something, Chen Ge is willing to buy it for you!

At this time, the waiter happened to come with some very precious clothes.

Seeing one of the signs, Yang Xue was stunned. It was just one piece. It was more than 80000.

I'll go!

And the reason why the waiter listened to Chen Ge took it out.

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In fact, I have my own small mind.

Obviously, looking at Chen GE's clothes, I can't afford the clothes here.

However, many people are in the store at the moment. Taking out these pieces of top-quality clothes, they can definitely play a good advertising effect.

There are five pieces in total, and each category is one. It will cost more than 200000 yuan.

Yang Xue once again looked at the 151 pieces of clothes in his hand, and instantly felt eclipsed.

Looking at Lu Yang eagerly.

Lu Yang felt hot on his face. Among the five clothes, the cheapest one cost more than 70000.

It's too expensive!

"Put one for me! Huige, you can choose one, and I'll give it to you! "

Chen Ge smiles.

Yang Hui was reluctant at the beginning. After all, the clothes were too expensive. He didn't dare to let Chen Ge spend so much money.

And Yang Hui guessed in his heart that the money in Chen Ge should have been spent almost.

But in the end, Yang Hui gave himself a certain look at Chen Ge, and knew that Chen Ge would not joke at this time.

That's what happened.

In a flash, Chen Ge and Yang Hui have already taken the most expensive two.

"Well, can you afford it?"

Yang Xue is not satisfied with her airway.

Then he looked at Lu Yang and said, "Yang Shao, I want it, I want it too!"

"This poor man can't afford it. Let's see how disgraceful he is! Snow, I don't have much money this month

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Lu Yang looked at the money he had managed to get, and spent almost all of it. He was in a hurry.Hurry to enlighten Yang Xue.

And the waiter also obviously did not expect Chen Gezhen to buy, after Chen Ge chose a good style, he took the bank card to pay.

Two clothes, more than 100000, are the most expensive!

"Oh, my gosh, I really buy it?"

"I thought it was the ex boyfriend who met the present boyfriend. The two people were angry. How could this boy afford it?"

"Ha ha, now my boyfriend is in a state of depression. It depends on whether this ex boyfriend can afford it!"

A crowd of onlookers are watching Lu Yang and Chen Ge.

Lu Yang lost face again.

But this time it was much calmer.

He didn't mean to leave. He wanted to stay and see how Chen Ge was disgraced today.

More than 100000 If he wants to be able to take it out, he just eats shit.

"Sir, do you really want to buy it?"

The waiter was holding the POS machine and had to remind him.

"Well, just these two..." Chen Ge said.

Then he swiped his bank card.

In full view of the public, I heard the sound of the poss.

The waiter's eyes were first surprised, and then, with the sound of the drop, she was instantly disappointed.

"Well! Sir, your card is not enough! "

Hehe, the waiter knows now that the goods are from the same place.

He just didn't expect that he would really take out such an expensive dress for him to buy.

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That's why I keep shouting about buying the most expensive one. As a result, there is no money at all.

Why is it that he is not a waste of time with such a rich man?

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Yang Xue laughed directly: "Chen Ge, you dream! I tell you, in the past, I just despised you for being poor and broke up with you. In fact, I still miss you a little bit. Now, I find you are a hypocritical guy to the extreme. It's my wise choice to break up with you! "

Lu Yang also shook his head with a bitter smile.

"This guy is a real cow!"

"I thought it was a local tyrant."

Many of the girls present were smiling and covering their mouths, looking at Chen GE's eyes, like looking at a fool.

Don't talk about others, Yang Hui's face is red.

Chen Ge scratched his head.

He remembered that his bank card limit was 200000 yuan.

He only knows his own black gold shopping card, and now he has more than one million yuan, and the minimum consumption is 300000 yuan.

However, he ignored the fact that his bank card was also fooled by his sister.

Today, Chen Ge really wants to be powerful in front of Yang Xue. Let her know that he Chen Ge is not cowardly.

But now, it's really embarrassing, very

At this time, a beautiful voice sounded:

"he must be able to afford it. How can Chen Shao not afford these things in our store..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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