The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 48: 48

Just then, there was a sound in the shop.

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This middle grade gift shop is a little similar to Ginza.

And this clothing store is just one of them.

At this time, there is a beautiful young girl coming towards this side.

With her arrival, many waiters bowed to her deeply.

"I'll go. It's beautiful."

"It's just the level of immortals, and it's so beautiful!"

"Is she the owner of the shop? Why are people so polite to her? "

Many of the boys on the scene have been crazy.

But Chen Ge turns a head to see this girl, it is eyebrow tiny Yang.

"Lin Yiyi?"

Chen Ge is still a little surprised.

Chen Ge was very impressed with her. At the last meeting, the violent woman almost disfigured herself and finally hit her ass.

In particular, this woman's beautiful legs, let Chen Ge is completely remembered.

It's white and long.

It's beautiful.

Lin Yiyi came over at this time.

In fact, she has been here for a while, but as soon as she came up, she saw Chen Ge surrounded and pointed out.

I'm afraid Lin Yiyi will never forget the face of Chen Ge in his life.

After all, it was this dandy who was humiliated for the first time!

And his father ordered himself many times, must please Chen Shao, certainly!

"Hello, Chen Shao. Let's meet again!"

Lin Yiyi bowed slightly.

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The whole audience was stunned.

"I'll go. What's the beauty calling her? Chen Shao? What's the situation? "

"This boaster knows the goddess?"

Yang Xue blinked even more.

The girl who is 100 times stronger than herself is close to Chen Ge, which makes Yang Xue feel miserable to death.

Don't say this is more beautiful than yourself.

Even if Chen Ge is favored by an ugly girl, Yang Xue will feel uncomfortable.

"What do you call him? Do you know the wrong person? He is not a young master, but a loser! "

Yang Xue points to Chen Ge and says to Lin Yiyi.

Lu Yang is a burst of jealousy anger.

This girl is too punctual. How can she be so respectful to Chen Ge?

If you can do this to yourself, it's just amazing!

"Yes, Miss Lin, see you again! Well, I wanted to buy a dress, but my money was less than 200000 yuan, which was not enough to make up for it! "

Chen GE has no choice but to show his hands.

"What? Is this guy less than 200000 yuan enough to make up the amount? "

If not for the goddess respected by all the waiters standing here, they would not believe it.

Yang Xue's eyes widened: "Chen Ge, you're nonsense. You've won 200000 yuan in total. How can there be another 200000 yuan? Who are you cheating on here?"

"Who told you I only won 200000!"

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

Lin Yiyi's face has been wearing a smile, but when he saw that Chen Ge wanted to buy a girl's clothes, Lin Yiyi actually flashed some bitterness.

Yes, Lin Yiyi's eyes are really high.

Moreover, they have higher requirements for a person's character.

However, when a person is brilliant to a certain extent, all his shortcomings will be covered up.

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Others don't know, but Lin Yiyi is very clear.

He Chen Ge is the first successor of the oldest family with half the earth's wealth!

Therefore, it is impossible to say that Chen GE has no inner turmoil for such a valuable person.

"Chen Shao, since you like them, how about giving them to you?"

Lin Yiyi gently took a breath, a face indifferent way.

More than 100000 yuan, for Chen Ge, not even a drop in the bucket.

"Well, it's not convenient to withdraw money today. I'll take the clothes first and return the money to you later!"

At this time, more and more people gathered together.

Chen Ge was not polite.

He didn't want to be watched by so many eyes.

"Chen Shao, I'll send you down..."

Lin Yiyi finish saying, unexpectedly lightly took Chen GE's arm, two people in one people's astonished eyes, one goes downstairs.

"This, this, this..."

Yang Xue is in a hurry.

What did the woman call him?

Chen Shao?

What's more, Chen Ge just said that he can't spend money if he doesn't have 200000 yuan, which shows that Chen Ge still has money in his hand!

That's for sure.

Chen Ge is more than 200000, absolutely more than that!

Only those two clothes, more than 100000!

Yang Xue suddenly feels that Chen Ge is strange now.Lu Yang standing here is even more embarrassed and wants to pull Yang Xue away.

"Sir, the two clothes you ordered have been wrapped for you, a total of 36000. Would you like to pay by card or cash?"

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The waiter stood in front of Lu Yang.

In the present situation, it is impossible to buy them.

To tell you the truth, today Lu Yang is willing to lay such a large amount of blood, just to impress Yang Xue, and then two people to open a room.

But now, the atmosphere is not right!

Even if I bought it for 36000, I bought it in a disgraceful state.

But in front of so many people, you can't help buying.

Bite teeth, pay thirty-six thousand, just with Yang Xue gray left.

The gift shop is downstairs.

Yang Hui consciously went to the school gate to wait for Chen Ge.

And Lin Yiyi is still light arm Chen GE's arm, came to the roadside.

"Chen Shao, can I know that this dress you selected is for your girlfriend? Who is this beautiful woman who will have such a good fortune

Lin Yiyi was a little jealous.

Through the last opening of Ming Huang restaurant, Lin Yiyi observed Chen Ge.

She knew that Chen Ge was not the rich second generation in her imagination, but rather calm, simple and sincere to people.

This time, if Chen Ge decides on her girlfriend, it's hard to change it, just like other rich second generation.

Married to Chen Ge, that is the wife of the future Chen family.

"I'm going to give it to a friend of mine, not my girlfriend!"

Chen Ge smiles, today Lin Yiyi is to help himself out of the encirclement, to give his face.

At the same time, Chen Ge was also puzzled:

"it seems that this shop belongs to your Lin family?"

Lin Yiyi was glad to hear that Chen Ge had no girlfriend.

At the moment, he said with a smile: "yes, the Lin family has opened almost all around all the universities in Jiangnan province. This is only one of them. Today I have nothing to do, so I came to visit it!"

What Lin Yiyi didn't say is that even if you are shopping, you can focus on it. If it wasn't for you, Chen Ge and Chen Shao studying in Jinling University, who would be wandering here!

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Chen Ge thanks Lin Yiyi and wants to leave.

After all, it's so eye-catching to stand with this beautiful woman.

"Wait for Chen Shao!" But Lin Yiyi stopped Chen Ge, "there's a carnival party next week. Bai Xiaofei and they all go to play. Chen Shao, do you have time? If you have time, let's go out and play together?"

Lin Yiyi bit his lip and invited him.

Because she knows, 80% is no play, Chen Shao what identity!

But Chen Ge nodded: "OK, I'll go around next week if I have time, and then I'll have a piece of it."

It's not just Lin Yiyi who helped himself today.

The most important thing is that Chen Ge really wants to change himself.

We can't be so acquisitive, even some cowardly appearance, the only way is to see more people!

"That's settled." Lin Yiyi waved with Chen Ge excitedly.

Chen Ge went back to the dormitory with Yang Hui.

Naturally, Yang Hui returned with her beauty.

Chen Ge wanted to start chasing Su Muhan, but he couldn't find the direction.

After all, she has little contact with Su Muhan. If she speaks rashly, will she feel that she is not reliable?

At this time, Chen GE's mobile phone just rings.

See the caller ID, Chen Ge is slightly happy.

It was su Muhan who called.

"Chen Ge, are you busy? If you're not busy, do you want to practice subject two? "

"Not busy." Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Well, I'm in the second course. Come here and introduce a friend to you by the way." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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