The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 49: 49

Chen Ge hung up the phone, also did not go back to the dormitory directly to subject two venue.

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Of course, Mu Han bought a new dress for Chen Han.

The packing is very exquisite.

Chen Ge wants to find a suitable excuse for Su Muhan later.

If you directly say that you like to be given something, people like Yang Xuezheng Qianqian are sure to have a good time.

But if Su Muhan, Chen Ge thought, forget it.

It's going to be self defeating.

What's more, Chen Ge also wants to meet Su Muhan. What kind of friend would you like to introduce to yourself?

Only when Chen Ge came outside the venue.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Chen Ge was stunned.

Su Muhan is really there. At the moment, he is still sitting in front of a director's desk outside the venue, with his back to Chen Ge.

Let Chen Ge Leng is, Su Muhan's side, next to her sitting a boy.

The two boys are holding hands.

Two people rely on each other, talk and laugh.


Chen Ge felt his mind blew a sullen thunder.

It's a very tight, very sudden kind.

The whole mind is about to be shaken!

"Does Su Muhan have a boyfriend?"

Chen GE's heart is cool.

He finally got up his courage, ready to go after a girl he likes, and is a very good girl.

Chen Ge even just on the road, are imagining that Su Muhan will be a surprise when he gives a gift, or does he refuse to accept his own meaning after he realizes his meaning?

If you really refuse yourself, what should I do?

However, Chen Ge thinks Su Muhan will accept 80% of the total.

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But Chen Ge never expected that there would be a scene in front of him.

"Hi! Chen Ge, we are here

In the blank file mouth in Chen GE's mind, Su Muhan waved to Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, why don't you say that when you come, what are you doing there?"

After Chen Ge walked by, Su Muhan still took the boy's hand and said to Chen Ge with a smile.

"No Nothing Chen Ge looks embarrassed.

Look at Su Muhan beside the boys, peers, dressed very sunny and handsome.

And it's white.

With this boy standing together, Chen Ge himself has some inferiority complex, because his clothes are indeed a little shabby.

Think about it, Su Muhan is such a beautiful girl, how can there be no boy chasing it.

"Chen Ge, let me introduce you to you. This is my cousin Su Qi, Su Qi. This is Chen Ge I told you!"

Su Muhan takes Su Qi's hand and walks off the stage.

Chen Ge was stunned again.

Damn it. Is it su Muhan's cousin?

Chen GE's mood now is like the feeling of life after robbery.

"O'ao, you are the Chen song that cousin said. I heard that you are very lucky and won a lottery!"

Su Qi smiles faintly.

However, how can't cover up the slightest contempt in his eyes.

You think so.

I came to discuss things with my cousin, but she said she would introduce a good friend to him.

Listen to the cousin said that this person is very good.

And won the lottery and so on.

Su Qi thought that there should be some money, so it doesn't matter if we get to know each other.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I saw Chen Ge dressed up, he would be enough.

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Damn it. Is this from the urban-rural fringe?

It doesn't look like a rich man.

Su Qi was very disappointed.

"My name is Chen Ge!"

Chen Ge nodded and reached out to shake Su Qi.

"OK, cousin, I've met your friend. I have to go back to school first. Next month, my grandmother's birthday. What kind of gift to prepare is decided in this way. I'm leaving!"

Su Qi ignored Chen Ge directly, and then put his hands in his pocket and said to Su Muhan lazily that he left.

He came today mainly to discuss with his cousin about the gift for his grandmother's birthday next month.

"Suqi, you stinky boy!"

Looking at the best relationship with his cousin since childhood, so rude to Chen Ge, Su Muhan is also slightly angry.

"Chen Ge, I'm sorry. This is my brother's virtue. I'll scold him later!"

Su Mu Han said apologetically.

Chen Ge angrily took back his hand: "it's OK!"

To tell you the truth, although she was ignored by Su Qi, Chen GE's heart was just a little stingy, and even ignored.


Because Chen Ge just took Su Qi as Su Muhan's boyfriend, he felt that everything was quiet, but then he knew it was not.The contrast of this kind of mood, already let Chen Ge not produce angry mood.

"Yes, Chen Ge!"

Su Mu Han's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Chen Ge with some interest and said, "just now, I saw that you look pretty bad. What's the matter?"

Just now, although Su Muhan has been quite generous in introducing Su Qi, her eyes are aware of Chen GE's emotional changes.

"It's OK. I thought your boyfriend was here just now." Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

"Pooh, what! You think my brother is my boyfriend! Ha ha

Su Muhan laughed.

"How can it be? In fact, I haven't been in love yet. It may be that I have some high standards for boyfriends."

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Su Muhan sat down on the platform.

This made Chen Ge interested.

"What standards do you have for your boyfriend?"

Chen Ge asked tentatively.

"To be my boyfriend, first of all, it must be temperament. He can have money or not have much money, but temperament here must be better! Secondly, he should not be too ugly. Thirdly, he should be loyal to his partner. Fourthly... "

"And a fourth?"

Chen Ge felt his head was a little big.

These three points alone account for 1.30.

Not too ugly, in addition, my heart Chen Song, self feeling is still very good.

As for the temperament.

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge thinks he is a loser.

Clearly now he is a top second generation rich, but not as confident as other rich second generation temperament.

This is a hard injury!

It seems that I really can't keep a low profile in the future!

Chen Ge thought in his heart.

At the same time, Chen Ge intended to give a gift, but he didn't give it after thinking about it.

Su Muhan's requirements sound casual, but they are also the requirements in her heart.

I haven't fully achieved it yet. If I chase her, I guess it's hard.

It's better to start slowly from friends. What's the rush?

So the next few days to practice subject two, Chen Ge did not have the kind of intention to be her girlfriend with Su Muhan.

It's all about being friends.

Very harmonious, Su Mu Han also began to talk about Chen Ge.

Even Chen Ge doubts that the standard Su Muhan proposed that day was not deliberately said to himself, let himself not chase her, it's very good for two people to be friends!

Is this a kind of refusal?

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Until that day, two people took part in the examination of subject two together, and something happened

Originally, two people agreed to go back to school after the exam.

However, after Chen Ge finished the examination, he could not wait for Su Muhan.

Chen Ge calls, but Su Muhan turns off the phone!

Two opportunities, even if Su Muhan really took the exam twice, it's time to come out.

At this time, Chen Ge happened to see a boy from a group of Su Muhan and walked out dejectedly.

He went over and asked.

"Ah! You said that beauty ah, she did not take the exam, as if about to test, she received a phone call, she left in a hurry

Su Muhan such a beauty, no matter where you go, will attract people's attention.

Chen Ge didn't feel strange when he was staring at him.

But Chen Ge thought, what's wrong with Su Muhan? Don't say to leave in a hurry, also shut down?

It's not going to happen, is it?

Chen Ge, who thinks about it, decides to call Jiang Weiwei to ask.

"Ah, Chen Ge, why do you care so much about Mu Han? Do you really think that if you win the lottery, you can go after it? I tell you, don't even think about it. The toad wants to eat swan meat! "

It is obvious that Jiang Weiwei still remembers her hatred of not giving her face one after another in the home kitchen.

As soon as he got through the phone, he came to Chen Ge.

"Do you know where she went? You tell me, in the future, I will repay you, pinvito's clothes, I will give you one! "

Chen Ge light said, last time Lin Yiyi sent that dress, did not dare to give Su Muhan, now, just give Jiang Weiwei.

The main reason is that Su Muhan left quietly. Chen Ge is really worried about her

It's not for chasing her, as long as Chen GE's friend, he won't even ask.

"Are you serious? Can you afford pinvito? There are tens of thousands of clothes there Jiang Weiwei was surprised.

"Mm-hmm, I'll send it to you later!"

"Well, for the sake of you finally know how to respect me, I'll tell you, alas I just learned that something happened to Muhan's family. Her family business failed and seemed to be going bankrupt. She needs to go back home! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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