The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 50: 50

"We are going to visit Mu Han at her house. If you want to go, follow her..."

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Jiang Weiwei said a word, then hung up the phone.

Chen GE's financial resources are beginning to show, and now Jiang Weiwei can't figure out how much money Chen Ge got in the end.

Therefore, speaking, but also did not have that kind of despotic feeling before.

But disdain is contemptuous, even if Chen Ge won more lottery tickets, even if it is two million.

He is just a nouveau riche. Can he be compared with Wang Yang, a real rich second generation?

In the end, Wang Weiyang said that he didn't choose to go to ManJiang.

Jiang Weiwei just gave Chen Ge an address.

Chen Ge bought some fruit and so on, then took a taxi to go.

As a matter of fact, Su Muhan has known each other for more than a week now. Their relationship is quite good. They are almost the same as Ma Xiaonan. They are Chen GE's few and few female friends.

What's more, Chen GE has some ideas about Su Muhan.

Chen Ge naturally wanted to help her when something happened to her family.

The taxi stops outside Yungui community.

Chen Ge also learned that Su Muhan's family situation is very superior. Her parents run a company with high profits. Moreover, their su family is also a family, and family members also involve all walks of life.

When we get to the place.

Many people have come to Su Muhan's family. In addition to some of their elders, they are some of his classmates and friends.

"Chen Ge, here you are

Su Mu Han has red eyes and is sitting on the sofa. Jiang Weiwei is talking to her.

And Jiang Weiwei's parents are also some trouble entertaining Su Muhan's classmates.

After all, the company is going to close down because of the financial constraints.

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Even Su Muhan is not happy.

Su Muhan's parents, in particular, have seen what it means to be warm and cold these days.

Poor in downtown nobody asked, rich in the mountains have distant relatives!

In the past, their lively Su family, now in addition to these students of Muhan, who will come to visit?


Chen Ge also did not know how to persuade, put down the fruit.

He also said hello to Su Muhan's parents.

"Why did the goods come?"

Just then, a sarcastic voice rang out.

A handsome young boy, holding a beautiful girl's hand came over.

He looked at Chen Ge with a sneer, some disdain.

Naturally, this was also said to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge turns to see, this boy is Su Mu Han's cousin Su Qi.

This is a bit of a cocky guy.

Su Qi's family is also in business. Naturally, he also gave his uncle a large part of the money, but it was useless.

It's a drag on my home.

So Su Qi's anger is a little bit of a bad thing. Today, it seems that so many rich and young girls are cousins' classmates and friends.

This made Su Qi feel relieved.

Perhaps, the relationship of these people together, not only can the economic crisis of the cousin's house be relieved, but also the money that his family took in can be recovered.

When I was in a bad mood, when I saw that day, I just won a lottery, and I pretended to be Chen Ge everywhere. Naturally, I was in a bad mood.

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I don't want a lot of money for this product. I don't need any contacts. I'll make up for it?

"Su Qi, this is mu Han's friend. How do you talk?"

Su Muhan's mother couldn't help saying.

"Auntie, who do you think Chen Ge is? But my cousin is a very famous figure in Jinling University. He used to be a very poor man. Later, he won the lottery and started all kinds of waves! I also heard people say that after he was dumped by his ex girlfriend, he gave back condoms to her ex girlfriend. This man is simply a miracle. He is so close to his cousin, I really don't know what the purpose is! "

Su Qi said scornfully.

Many of Chen's classmates are ridiculous.

"I'll go, and there are still such poor people! Do you think winning the lottery is something? "

"That's right. At best, he's a nouveau riche. Everyone looks at his clothes and looks like a country bumpkin."

Inside, several girls covered their mouths and laughed.

"Suqi, shut up!"

Su Mu Han Qi took the pillow on the sofa and smashed it at Su Qi.

"What are you talking about? Chen Ge won the lottery. Why, are you still jealous?"

Su Muhan heard Su Qi say so many satirical words about Chen Ge, and even said that Chen Ge sent that kind of disgusting things to his ex girlfriend. This is not intentional slander of Chen Ge.

Su Muhan naturally takes Chen Ge as a good friend.

"What, cousin, you're talking nonsense about me?"

Su Qi said with a smile: "if you don't believe it, you can ask Wang Yang, vice president of Chen GE's student union. Even Wei Wei knows about it. He really sent condoms to his ex girlfriend just to earn 10 yuan!"Su Muhan frowned.

And Su Muhan's parents and classmates look at Chen GE's eyes have changed.

"This man looks very honest. I didn't expect to be so miserable for money!"

"I'll go. It's disgusting!"

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Many people whispered.

Chen Ge took a deep breath and looked at Wang Yang, who did not speak.

Of course, he knows that Wang Yang told Su Qi these things.

If you want to say that Wang Yang in the school is the most unpleasant person, I'm afraid he is now himself.

And look at Su Mu Han toward oneself cast to ask the vision.

Chen Ge nodded: "well, I did do it!"

At that time, Chen Ge had no money. He just earned some living expenses by running errands for people. Is this wrong?

Chen Ge thinks it's nothing to be ashamed of.

That night, because of Xu Dong's calculation, he really put the condom in front of Yang Xue.

This is the truth.

He didn't want to hide.

"Chen Ge, you..."

Su Muhan couldn't help but stare at her eyes in disbelief.

To be honest, Su Muhan has never experienced the plight of no money. She just subconsciously feels that even if a person is in lack of money, dignity is also important.

She never expected that Chen Ge would do such a thing

In addition, Su Muhan has been arguing for Chen Ge just now.

Now Chen Ge admits that Su Muhan is really surprised.

At the same time, Su Muhan's parents are also a little ugly, especially Su Qi just said, this boy actually has ideas for his daughter.

It's not disturbing!

At present, Su Muhan's mother's face, looking at Chen Ge, has some impatient meaning.

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Dong Dong!

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and then another young man came in.

And see this young man, Chen Ge originally indifferent face, can not help but appear a sneer.

"Zhuang Shao!"

"Oh! Here comes Zhuang Qiang

Su Qi was surprised.

Then there are su Muhan's parents. When they see Zhuang Qiang, they are just like fish seeing water, and their eyes are full of talent.

"Well? It's him. He's not the The one who is obsessed with his stepmother

"Yes, this man is dirty, but he is so rich. Now he is from Jinling commercial street! The Ming emperor restaurant has been contracted by their family

"Hum, so what? Who hasn't done anything dirty? It's said that Zhuang Shao has changed his ways since that time, and it's hard to buy a lot of money."

Su Muhan's many female students, Qi Qi looks at Zhuang Qiang.

The brilliance of the young and the great obviously covered his once dirty affairs.

So many beautiful women are favored.

Zhuang Qiang came in with a bag of things. His face was full of humiliation.

However, when he passed by a person, he suddenly backed back.

Looking at this person unexpectedly:

"Chen Ge, why are you here

Zhuang Qiang's face suddenly turned white. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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