The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 477: 477

Cold as frost, she slapped Chen Ge in the face.

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From childhood to adulthood, the environment she contacted made her particularly sensitive to the affairs of men and women.

We can't just say that we are sensitive. We should be extremely disgusted.

Men and women that matter, let her feel sick, disgusting.

And see the boy, also let cold frost feel disgusting.

So just now, she would say that we all die together.

And Chen Ge didn't expect that this cold girl was so big anyway.

"I'm saving you, beauty. You're not hurt. When we escape later, it must be a burden. Once we are caught by them, what will happen to you? Don't I say?"

Chen gedao.


As cold as frost, I was stunned.

Both hands are tightly clenched.

Obviously, I have to struggle again.

"Well, but you have to close your eyes, or I'll kill you!"

It's as cold as frost.

"It's like I don't know how to look at you!"

"Turn around first! Close your eyes

Cold as frost.

Chen Ge shakes his head and turns his back.

Behind him, there was also a rustle of clothes.

Although Chen Ge is wearing his back.

But this girl, though cold, is really amazing.

If there is no reaction at all, Chen Ge is definitely not a normal person.

But Chen Ge had no other ideas.

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"All right

Then, as cold as frost, whispered.

"Don't move, I know the place, I press your head..."


Five minutes later.

"Big brother, the water is coming!"

"I wipe, what's the situation, vicious beauty, why is your face so red?"

Asked little fat.

At first glance, the vicious beauty is not well dressed.

Xiaopang was even more surprised: "you You didn't? "

"Asshole, talk more, I'll cut your tongue!"

Cold as frost, he took out the blade.

Scared, xiaopang immediately covered his mouth.

This night, soon passed

"Hello, Hello, wake up, wake up, we should go!"

Chen Ge patted the face of lengrushuang and xiaopang.

They woke up with a start.

"Brother, it's still dark. It's probably early in the morning. Those people outside set up tents outside last night. Where are we going?"

Xiaopang rubbed his eyes and asked.

"But I just went out to have a look. There is no one out there. I guess they've all gone, or maybe they've been bitten to death by poisonous mosquitoes! Let's take the opportunity to leave

Chen gedao.

"Ah? No one? "

Xiaopang asked.

Cold as frost is also a little surprised to stand up.

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"Sure, let's go. It's too late if we don't go!"

Chen Ge carried his backpack.

Obviously, whether it's xiaopang, or arrogant as cold as frost, Chen song has become the core now.

At the moment, it's time to leave.

When I got out of the valley, it was as cold as frost, and I was surprised to find it.

Sure enough, there was no one around and the tent was empty.

And Li Hu's men, as if overnight, the mystery evaporated in general.

"Doesn't make sense? If there's been a fight, I'm sure I'll hear it! "

Cold as frost, I thought.

At the same time, he looks at Chen Ge in surprise.

At this time, Chen GE has been sitting in an SUV, he said: "two, this is the separation, I have something important to do! There are several cars beside you. You have to go. You can use them to walk instead of walking! "

"You Where are you going

Cold as frost, tangled for a while, opened his mouth to ask.

"I don't know. Anyway, go all the way to the southwest and end up at the ends of the earth."

Chen Ge smiles.

Naturally, Chen Ge killed Li Hu one by one when he came out at night. This place can't stay for a long time. Naturally, it can't be too delayed.

With that, Chen Ge started the car.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet? I'm cold as frost! "

Cold as frost, pretty face some red way.

After all, it was the first time that a boy had intimate contact with himself.

And he is also different from other boys, although he said, but there are not too many dirty ideas in his eyes, which can be seen as cold as frost.

"Well My name is ah San

Chen gedao.

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After that, he waved his hand and stepped on the gas pedal, and the car ran straight away."Ah San? Who has a name like that? "

It's as cold as frost.

I want to ask you again, but the man has been gone for a long time

Chen Ge galloped all the way through the southwest and arrived at the southwest border area.

According to the introduction before Wei Qingshu.

The southwest border bar, for many years, has been a triangle between several families.

That's where nobody's in charge.

In this area, there are many cities, villages and towns, also known as the Tiancheng triangle.

Because it doesn't belong to any country. It's as free as a city in heaven.

The absence of control also led to the despotic and lawless nature of life here. Therefore, it is the source area of various underground forces.

There are many forces.

The Wei family, however, is only a rich merchant here.

Chen Ge came here in addition to looking for Shen Wang.

There is another important reason.

That is, Huaxia can't go back for the time being.

On the contrary, it is difficult for the people of the Mo family to entangle themselves, so it is both a refuge and a foothold.

And with the Wei family, Chen Ge plans, will never be so open and aboveboard contact.

Because the Wei family now, after all, is their only chip.

It's not a long-term chip.

There are many mountains here.

After driving for a while, it can't be used again.

Chen Ge had to lose his car and cross the mountains on foot.

Thirsty, drink mountain spring, hungry, make a pheasant hare roast to eat.

In addition, there was a forest rain during the period, so Chen Ge had no place to go. He simply found a cave nearby and moved some tents into it as a temporary residence. When the mountain road was better, he would go on his way.

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This evening, Chen Ge stood in front of the stream outside the cave to wash his face..

There was a violent noise.

Not far away, it was obvious that two forces were on fire.

"It's really the Tiancheng triangle. You have to be careful wherever you go."

Chen Ge washed his face and couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

Sand and sand!

The sound of stepping on the grass came one after another.

Followed by the sound of shuttling footsteps.

Someone is running towards Chen Ge.

Chen Ge glanced at a line of five, dressed in camouflage and full of equipment.

Is running away in a mess.

"Big brother!"

Suddenly, a person was injured and fell to the ground, looking very weak.

The other four stopped and surrounded.

"I can't do it. Don't worry about me. Run away, run!"

"No! Big brother, we don't go. We brothers will die together if we want to die. We'll fight with them! "

One is humanity.

"Asshole, promise me that you will live well. I will stay here to stop them for you. Go away!"

The first man slapped one of the sobbing people on the mouth.

"Kill me, brother. I won't go if I die!"

"Yes, we are not going!"

The others cried, wiping their tears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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