The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 478: 478

"Brother, there's a cave over there. Let's go and hide first. Anyway, we won't leave you alone?"

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Several younger brothers said in unison.

With that, he carried the wounded soldier and ran directly into the cave.

"Well? Why does it look like someone lives here? "

After a few people come in, can't help surprised way.

"Yes, but I don't care. I'll stay here and bandage my brother's wound."

One said.

"In this case, it is good to leave more blood. Once bandaged, the death will be faster."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded at the entrance of the cave.

They were shocked.

One after another, the young people raised their guns in front of them.

Chen Ge, however, just looked up at these black muzzle.

He was also carrying a rabbit that had just been roasted.

He sat on one side lightly.

But the big brother of this group of people, at the moment, is coldly looking at the young people.

In my heart, I felt that he was extraordinary.

After all, although he is seriously injured now, he is much more vigilant than ordinary people.

It doesn't make sense that a young man is nearby and he can't find out.

What's more, just now the brothers pointed * at him, but he didn't even lift his eyelids.

What is the quality that ordinary young people should have?

What's more, baking rabbits in the mountains is not a layman.

"Put it down!"

The first one waved his hand, and then he asked with a smile:

"little brother, this should be your place. I'm sorry, it was we who took the liberty to break in!"

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"Where do you live in caves? I'm just staying out of the rain. You can stay as long as you like

Chen Ge sneered.

"Hum elder brother, ask him what to do. It seems that he is just a donkey friend! And boy, it's better not to talk too much, otherwise don't blame the guy in our hands for not having eyes! "

One angry way.

Then he quickly bandaged the wound for the eldest.

He took out a short blade and cut a piece of gauze.

When Chen Ge saw the short blade, he decided.

This group of people, should be with that cold group?

You can tell from their similar short blades.

Yes, Leng Rushuang once said that her friends were murdered by Li Hu. It's uncertain whether they are alive or dead. She wants to revenge Li Hu.

Now look at this group of people in such a mess, it should be them.

Sure enough, at the moment, a man said angrily:

"Damn, Li Hu, if we go out alive this time, we will certainly not let them go. We want to get rid of us by others' hands. It's not so easy. This is not over!"

"Now, I don't know what's going on with Liu Mei. I'm afraid she'll be cheated by Li Hu!"

The boss coughed.

Chen Ge thought, it's not that he was caught in the treacherous scheme of others and almost died.

"What are we going to do next, brother? Li Hu's design has made us like a lost dog. We have no other place to go

Someone asked.

"Now, I can only take a step and see a step. If it's a big deal, I'll wander around! Anyway, if you can escape, don't die here for me. It's too cowardly to die like this

Next, nothing but the boss advised the rest of the brothers to go, the brothers must not go.

And it was also at this time that a rush of footsteps came after him.

There are more than a dozen people.

"Let's go!"

"Fight with them!"

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The crowd gritted their teeth and were ready to fight.

"Put it down!"

"All down *!"

The gang arrived at the man in the cave.

"Hum, you can run. We've been chasing the mountain road for so long! Shen Wanshan, you can do it! "

At the moment, a man with camouflage came in and sneered.

"If you want to kill a panther, you can scrape it. Don't talk nonsense!"

Shen Wanshan cheered.

"Have backbone, really have backbone!"

The Panther sneered.

"Leopard, there's another one here!"

There is a man at the moment.

"Well? Damn it, it's just a donkey friend. If you're smart, get out of here. Otherwise, I'll let you die here

The black leopard raised her hand and aimed at Chen GE's head.

Chen Ge looks at him.

"Stinky boy, what are you looking at?"

The black leopard was furious.

"I've been out for a while, but no one has ever dared to point this thing at my head!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Looking for death!"When the Panther talks, it pulls the trigger.


Just listen to a crackle.

The next moment, everyone was stunned.

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And the black leopard, full of cold sweat.

The atmosphere can't breathe.

Shen Wanshan and his colleagues, with their mouths wide open, looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Because just now, a ray of light flashed by.

A branch, at a very fast speed, went directly through the Panther's hand * and inserted it into the cave wall on the side of the cave with a full inch of depth.

And the cheetah's cheek, is drawn out a light bloodstain.

Oh, my God!

What kind of force and speed is it?

If you hit yourself in the throat or chest, you will be killed immediately!

People were shocked.

And just said Chen Ge is a donkey friend of that person, at the moment difficult swallow saliva, "good fierce!"

"I have to stay here for another night. You can either go out and fight, or you can stop here!"

Chen gedao.

He pulled the rabbit and put it in his mouth.

But the black leopard's eyes slightly coagulate, the eyes are full of fear.

"Let's go!"

The Panther said.

"Brother leopard!"


The Panther waved and took the people out.

"Brother leopard, why do we have to withdraw for more than a dozen of us?"

When he came out, he asked.

"Ha ha, more than ten people? I've got the exact information. A few days ago, Li Hu and dozens of people went out. All of them were killed overnight, and their bodies were thrown into the wilderness. There was no one left alive! "

The Panther said.

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"What? All killed? "

"Well, the way of death is the same. All of them are killed by one blow. Before they die, they all pull the trigger. As for the sharp weapon to kill them, it is It's the branch! This matter has been widely spread in the triangle area recently

The panther was sweating.

Speed up the pace.

What did this mean? All the men understood.

Li Kong was killed by No. 1.

And we have all seen the skill of that young man just now.

Is he the murderer who swept Li Hu?


Just now, it was a close call!

Talk about the hole.

Shen Wanshan got up difficultly: "I can't believe that there is a great power of seclusion in this world. I'd like to thank Mr. Shen Wanshan for saving his life."

Shen Wanshan is full of respect.

"Thank you for your help

The other five also said in succession.

"You're welcome. I didn't mean to save you. Just now, at best, it was self-defense."

Chen Ge shook his head.

"By the way, sir, just now you said that my wound can't be bandaged. I don't know why?"

Shen Wanshan asked.

Chen Ge glanced at him.

The reason why I saved them secretly just now is that I think these brothers are very affectionate.

If it's just a simple fight between the two sides, Chen Gecai is too lazy to meddle in this kind of business.

Then he said, "lie down on your side, I'll take out the son for you first, and then talk about it..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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