The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 482: 482

"Sir, I still don't think this shirt is suitable for you. Otherwise, I'll stop at the front and I'll buy you another one?"

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On the way to the motorcade.

Yu'er sat beside Chen Ge and asked with a smile.

"No, I think it's a good fit!"

Chen Ge looked at it and said with a bitter smile.

However, Chen Ge glanced at the commercial building in front of him at the moment, and then suddenly looked up at it.

Because there is a young man, now into the mall.

"What's the matter, sir?"

Yu'er asked.

"I seem to see my classmate. It's really similar. Well, stop in front of me and let's go to the shopping mall."

Chen Ge said at the moment.

The car stopped right in the middle of the road.

Even if the road is blocked, the general forces in Tagou town can see that it is a motorcade, and they know that this is a big man's trip. No one dares to provoke them, and they drive around from both sides.

Brother Chen takes yu'er directly into the commercial building.


At the moment, a young man was choosing a suit, but he was slapped on the shoulder.

He was startled, and now he turned back.

First, a Zheng, then a joy.

"Lying trough!"!!! Old Chen? "

"Yang Hui, it's really you!"

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Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Lao Chen, you Are you ok? They say you're missing and something happened. So, you ran to Tiancheng district! I said, I can't find out your whereabouts

Yang Hui excitedly says.

She patted Chen Ge heavily on the shoulder: "it's great to see you here."

"By the way, Yang Hui, how did you get here?"

After a burst of greetings, Chen Ge couldn't help but wonder.

This area is very chaotic. Apart from the local aborigines, how can normal people develop here.

"Cough, don't mention it. I'm running business in a large enterprise in Huaxia. I can't help it. I came here on business. Alas! It's a mess here. Out of ten people walking on the street, nine of them have guys on their bodies! "

Yang Hui has no choice but to say.

Chen Ge smiles.

"And you, old Chen? You haven't heard from you for half a year. Have you been hanging around here? Let me see. You're not missing your arms or legs, are you? "

Yang Hui joked.

How to say, old brothers meet, all kinds of intimacy is not enough, it seems that you do not lose a few words, baiblind before friendship.

"No, I'm still a perfect person. Besides, I've just been here for half a year because of some things."

Chen Ge said.

"Well, I didn't get away from the family for a year, but I didn't enjoy it any more."

Yang Hui patted Chen Ge on the shoulder again.

Old friends meet again, there are always endless words.

"Yang Hui, this is my contact information. When I finish these two days, let's get together!"

Chen Ge told Yang Hui the new telephone number.

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"Well, what about this one? Is that your girlfriend? "

Yang Hui wrote it down and then looked at yu'er and said with a smile.

Make her pretty face red.

"I'll explain it to you when I have a chance."

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

"OK, you go ahead, Lao Chen. I have to buy some clothes and see an important customer tomorrow."

They hugged and were about to separate.

"Well? Isn't this manager Yang? What a coincidence

Just then, there was a female voice.

Yang Hui looked sideways and said with a smile, "it turns out that Mr. Qin and Mr. Li are here. What a coincidence!"

Obviously, Yang Hui met his client.

Chen Ge also indicated that Yang Hui was busy first.

Ready to turn around and walk.

After seeing a man and a woman beside him, he was surprised.

It turns out that this man and a woman are not other people.

It was half a year ago, when Chen Ge was down and out, he worked at the construction site and humiliated his own Qin Nuan and Qin Nuan's boyfriend.

"I'll go, Chen Ge?"

Qin Nuan was still holding his shoulder. When he saw Chen Ge, he couldn't help laughing.

"What? Mr. Chen, you know Mr. Qin and Mr. Li. Ha ha, Mr. Li's uncle is the person in charge of a large enterprise here. I'm talking to them about the project! "

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Yang huidao.

Chen Ge nodded lightly: "know it!"

"Hehe, Chen Ge, what do you pretend to be? Do you still know me? Can you forget me? In other words, you are not a part-time job at the construction site, how can't you remember? I paid you back? Yes? Forget it? "

Qin Nuan then sneered.

Chen Ge just glanced at her.In fact, at the beginning, according to xiaopang's description, Qin Nuan was not like this, but I don't know when to start, this girl has completely changed her character.

"Hum, I guess I can't get along in China. I came here. I'll tell you, just like you, it's the same everywhere you run. Here, at best, I'll do a dogleg job for people!"

Qin Nuan said.

"Mr. Qin, this is my brother. Do you have any misunderstanding? My friend is very good! "

Yang Hui looks at Qin Nuan's unflinching sarcasm at Chen Ge.

Now he argues.

"Your friend? Ao, I'm sorry, manager Yang. I think the negotiation and cooperation between you and my husband's uncle should be terminated. This project will be cancelled. Do you agree, husband

Qin Nuan shook her boyfriend's arm.

"Of course

"Mr. Qin, you..."

Yang Hui was speechless for a moment.

I've been here for more than a week. If you say you want to cancel the negotiation, you can cancel the negotiation?

And it was just then.

A staff member from outside the shopping mall came in.

"Who's the car outside? Drive away quickly. Whose car is Shu? If it's late, I'll let someone drag it away! "

He yelled a few voices.

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Here, of course, there is no domestic etiquette to speak of.

It's the main style here to go ahead if you don't agree.

"Mine! My car is well parked. What's the matter

And Qin Nuan's boyfriend is cold at the moment.

"What's the matter? The road is blocked. Move it quickly, or it will be dragged to you directly! "

The staff are very rude.

And Qin Nuan's boyfriend, one is in front of Qin Nuan, in addition, is also in front of Chen Ge Yang Hui, do not want to lose face.

"Brother, my uncle's name is Wu Gang! The nickname is Wu Pang Tzu

"Go to your mother's fat and thin, and drive me away!"

The staff scolded.

And Qin Nuan's boyfriend is embarrassed at the moment.

"Well, I want to see who I'm blocking!"

Qin Nuan's boyfriend is not willing to be outdone.

He took Qin Nuan's hand and went out.

"That's right. I'll call my uncle now, but someone dare not sell his face!"

"Sir, I'll buy the shirt for you!"

At this time, yu'er ran over with her shirt.

"Yang Hui, it's OK. Don't worry. I'll contact you in a few days."

After Chen Ge said something to Yang Hui, he went out with yu'er , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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