The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 483: 483

Qin Nuan and the two of them came out.

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Originally, his car was leaning on the side of the road.

But now, in the middle of the road, there is a line of motorcade.

In this way, it is obvious that the vehicles that want to bypass the side of the motorcade will not be able to pass.

Their own car, just blocked the car behind.

"You see, it's not our car business at all. It's the motorcade blocking the road. Why should we move it?"

Qin Nuan is not satisfied with his way at the moment.

Just now I was humiliated by this staff member. I'm not angry.

"What kind of car can you compare with such a team? It's from outside. You don't know the rules. It's best to listen to my advice and move the car quickly. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it's not what you call fat and thin Wu who can afford it!"

The staff sneered.

"It is said that those who can use motorcade to travel are the forces based in Tagou town!"

Qin Nuan's boyfriend said.

"Just understand!"

The staff finished and left.

"Xiaonuan, let's move the car. If we offend the local powerful people, even our uncle will be choked by it!"

"All right."

Qin Nuan put out his tongue.

At the same time, look at the luxury fleet.

The heart begets envy.

In fact, it is not only Qin Nuan, but also the passers-by around him.

Yes, who doesn't want to be so beautiful, who doesn't want the streets to run wild.

Park a row of cars in the middle of the road, nobody cares.

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What a bully.

And Qin Nuan really saw it.

Just then, the door opened.

See a row of solemn and solemn black bodyguards, have stood down.

It was as solemn as if they were respectfully greeting the king in their hearts.

Great momentum.

"Is this the power of our Tagou town?"

"It doesn't look like that, Tagou Town, even if it is the power of Tiancheng, has not seen such a powerful team!"

"Is it the new force here?"

"It feels so strong!"

As soon as the bodyguards came out, people were amazed.

But the leading figures, with people, are coming towards the crowd.

Qin Nuan and her boyfriend are so scared that they dare not say a word or drive.

I can't help but swallow my saliva.

"Sir, please get in the car!"

The first few people came to a young man, and at the moment they all cried out.

And the door has been opened by several men.

"Sir? what? Is their boss here? "

"Yes, the boss of this group is so young

They all said in dismay.

And Qin Nuan was stunned.

Because what they are waiting for is not someone else, but Chen Ge?

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"Well, let's go."

Chen Ge nodded.

And passing Qin Nuan in front of them.

Chen GE has a light look at Qin Nuan.

Qin Nuan's expression of astonishment and astonishment is beyond the expression, and her boyfriend releases Qin Nuan's hand.

Because Qin Nuan has targeted Chen GE more than once.

And he is actually a powerful man in this area? With so many people?

However, Chen Ge didn't care about Qin Nuan. Now, Chen Ge doesn't care about a weak girl.

After getting on the car, the car started all the way and sped away.

Qin Nuan, who is in a complex mood and mixed with panic, is stunned in situ and at a loss!

At the same time.

The largest hotel estate in Tagou town.

Now it's another big rally.

The leaders of the five forces, together with their younger brothers, are nearly a thousand.

Fill up the manor.

There was a lot of noise.

On the manor, a high platform was built.

There are several seats on the high platform.

The leaders are all in their seats.

"Brother Jin is really resourceful. He wants to take advantage of this civil and military association to give the new Tianlong Group a powerful blow. Ha ha, kill two birds with one stone!"

"Yes, the herbal medicine factory itself is our main source of income. Now it has been purchased by Tianlong Group. It is said that Tianlong's boss is a little boy? By him? Still want to set up sticks in Tagou town? Look for death

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"But in my opinion, it's just a yellow haired boy. I thought he would not come this time. To tell the truth, if he didn't come, I would look up to him. Now it's just a bag of wine and rice!"

Several big boss laugh way.

The so-called brother Jin, named jindiao, is in his 40s. He has a pair of big gold teeth. In Tagou Town, he is a big man.He is the most powerful.

At the moment, he said: "but gentlemen, in addition to the small problem of Tianlong Group, there is another problem in this year's civil and military Congress, which is the re division of the five forces in Tagou town Once this is done, I don't want to repeat what happened four years ago! "

The so-called civil and military Congress is just a famous one. In fact, it is a conference in which several forces divide their territory.

And the division standard, that is more simple, who has the strength, who takes more territory.

Every four years.

And strength competition, that is, their five big men, each sent their own men to fight.

The winner is king.

After the meeting, the five companies will make an agreement.

Once you sign it, you can't go back on it.

Four years ago, some forces had been deprived of their own territory and started fighting.

You know, although Tagou town is called Town, it can reach several Pingan counties.

It is equivalent to a city in the north of China.

Just then.

"Mr. Chen Tianlong arrives..."

Outside the door, someone called.

The whole noisy meeting hall was quiet for a while.

Obviously, everyone wants to see what the new leader of Tianlong Group is?

Chen Ge came in with his bodyguard.

There are only 60 bodyguards.

But all of them are solemn and have a strong momentum.

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Let many of the scene younger brother, are feeling a little cold back.

Chen Ge came directly to Gaotai.

"How are you

Chen Ge smiles.

"Hello, Mr. Chen. Please have a seat."

The elders looked at each other.

Especially pay attention to the bodyguards behind Chen Ge.

It seems that the boy surnamed Chen has a long history.

After a simple greeting.

Jindiao's eyes narrowed slightly and said with a smile: "I believe that general manager Chen of Tagou town must have heard of it, and will start to compete soon. I see that all of Mr. Chen's subordinates have the power of tigers. I don't know if Mr. Chen is interested in joining in, so that we can have a look at it!"

The meaning of jindiao is very obvious. This Tianlong Group is no better than the boss of a herbal medicine group.

It's not easy just to show up.

Therefore, jindiao wants to try the depth of Tianlong.

"Forget it, my subordinates are not useful, how can they be the opponents of several managers?"

Chen Ge smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

"Mr. Chen, you are so modest! How do you know? "

The Golden Eagle laughed.

"Well, since several managers have this meaning, well, Wanshan, you will let some of the boss's subordinates teach you the rules later."

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, sir. My brothers are just trying to learn the rules."

Shen Wanshan moved his shoulders and said with a faint smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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