The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 484: 484

But jindiao and others did not expect that this group of people from Tianlong Group was really rude.

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It seems that they are very confident.

If we don't give them a demoralization this time, it will be even more difficult to tame them in the future!

Soon, the civil and military Association began.

In the center, there is a big field.

And the forces of the five sides also sent all the strong men under their hands to fight.

Chen GE's side is Shen Wanshan and his brothers.

Chen Ge gave Shen Wanshan Special training.

Before the strength, I don't know how strong it is.

At the beginning of the fight, a hand, it is amazing.

The opposite side of the fight was scattered and had no strength to fight.


And five people, such as jindiao, have a fierce eyelid jump.

Originally, I just thought that Tianlong Group was similar to the boss of the herbal medicine factory before, belonging to the kind of big shelf and small strength.

At best, there are a few special forces men who have the appearance.

But now, it's not as simple as dressing up.

It's these people. They're powerful.

"It seems that brother Chen doesn't show that the mountain is watertight. He has such a strong staff. It seems that Mr. Chen is going to take the lead in the division of forces between the civil and military Association and the whole town of Tagou."

Gold carving skin smile meat do not smile.

After all, five people share the cake, which is different from six people sharing the cake.

Moreover, Chen GE's men have the momentum to crush everyone.

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That's not a good signal.

Chen Ge was silent.

But the five of them watched.

But more and more can't sit still.

Because after a fight, Shen Wanshan didn't make a move. All of their men were defeated.

On the whole banquet, there was a moment of silence, and the needle could be heard.

"Mr. king, thank you for your humility. This time, we are so polite to our five brothers. Thank you very much

Shen Wanshan said at the moment.

Jindiao embarrassed smile: "where where, just can't think of a few strength so strong, but it's us, master of the hatchet!"

"Mr. Jin's words are not right. It's not us who are really strong, but our husband. We are all trained with him."

Shen Wanshan shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"Oh? So, brother Chen, are you stronger? We're really out of sight

The Golden Eagle said with a smile.

At the moment, there is really some confusion in my mind.

After all, Chen Ge led people to sweep away their five forces, as everyone can see.

Originally, I wanted to eat Tianlong Group today, but I didn't expect to be eaten by Tianlong Group instead.

"Mr. Jin, I don't know what you said just now. The winner can divide his power. Is that still a matter of fact?"

Shen Wanshan asked again.

Jindiao coughed and said with a smile: "count, count naturally, OK, then we can discuss the division of forces after the banquet!"

At the moment, the golden carving did not dare to say anything more on the surface.

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You can't break your word.

"Somebody, take down the plaque that says Wufang Wenwu hall and replace it with Liufang Wenwu hall immediately."

At the moment, the Golden Eagle ordered his men to say.

And for these, none of the other four men spoke.

They have their own minds at the moment.

Some hold grudge against Tianlong Group, while others hold the mentality of watching the excitement.

After all, the weak forces, on the contrary, hope that someone can break the original balance. In this way, once there is chaos, there will be opportunities.

As he spoke, several of his men were carrying ladders to remove the plaque.

"Don't be so troublesome!"

Chen Ge sneered.

Pick up a chopstick, wrist jerk.


A sound, chopsticks fly directly out, severely through the center of the plaque.

Bang! With a sound, the plaque cracked and fell to the ground.


The five big men were shocked.

All the cigarettes in my hands fell directly to the ground.

"This man? Who is it? "

"This How is that possible? Just rely on manpower to break the plaque directly

Five people were frightened. Obviously, they have never seen such a method. If the chopsticks were not hit on the plaque, but on their heads, or at such a distance, what would happen?

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Shen Wanshan's brothers looked at each other.

Heart way, hum, sir, this is not to scare you a few silly.

Obviously, Chen GE's move is like this.

It's telling the five people that they are not in the mood to divide forces with the five of you. If you are not honest, it will be like the end of this plaque. All of you will be swept in one breath!Chen Ge sat down with a faint smile.

"Mr. Jin and Mr. Zhu, please sit down!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"OK, Chen Mr. Chen

At the moment, although jindiao tried to pretend to be calm, the sweat on his forehead betrayed him.

If Chen Ge wants to kill people, aren't the chopsticks on the table the most powerful weapon in his hands?

Now the appellation has changed.

"I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be so powerful. What I didn't say was that if Mr. Chen wanted to, all my original sites were owned by Mr. Chen. I would like to be a horse boy of Mr. Chen!"

Now, one of the five big guys.

After a little thought, he said at once.

And as soon as he spoke, someone immediately promised.

Chen Ge and Shen Wanshan look at each other, except for the golden carving.

Although the others were unconvinced, they were at least soft on face.

However, I believe that they should have known the five forces in Tagou town.

And that's what Chen Ge is going to do tonight.

The whole civil and military Association ended in a different mood.

After we go back.

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Shen Wanshan excitedly told Chen Ge that many rich businessmen in Tagou town came to take refuge in succession.

And a few big men, also after the meeting flatter, there are many people want to join the Tianlong Group.

Just for the gift money, I received a lot of money this night.

Chen Ge didn't have a mental state to deal with these things. He directly handed it to Shen Wanshan.

However, today, the Tianlong Group founded by itself is really based in Tagou town.

Tianlong Group has finally begun to have its own territory of influence.

When the next day, Chen GE's next thing is to save the dragon.

Tiancheng has various forces. No one can underestimate it.

This is Zhang Hu, which is what the land tiger told Chen Ge.

Because Zhang long and Zhang Hu, in order to go to the southwest to find themselves, used money to set up a force in Tiancheng, but soon they were defeated by Vincent, the local strong man.

And Tiancheng is bigger than Tagou town.

It is all encompassing and complicated.

I don't know how many big powers like Vincent.

But Chen Ge can't control so much now, because one more day, Zhang long will be more dangerous.

I can't wait for everything to be ready.

"Wanshan, tell us to go down. Today we will set out for Tiancheng."

Chen gedao.

"It's Mr. Chen! I'm going to get ready! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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